Saturday, March 10, 2012

world of tanks power leveling NASDAQ market for more than 20 years was flat - ONY

129756542952343750_147Experienced gem "mania phase" of wild speculation and "pain" after the sharp fluctuations, in our view, both from the historical experience of the gem is also a share valuation techniques form the national policy environment, the gem may be or is about to usher in investment opportunities. From the perspective of historical experience, United States NASDAQ, for example, the gem, while the market opened from 1971 to 1992 Clinton into the White House, NASDAQ market for more than 20 years was flat, the index is lower than 1000 points within most of the time. But then, driven by the rise of industrialization and the Internet information superhighway. If the computed from the end of 1990, the peak in 2000, NASDAQ market for ten years in the whole super major bull market, the index grew by nearly 15 times in the last ten years world of tanks power leveling。 NASDAQ 20 years before poor performance is because the very loose during supervision, market maker system, overall poor quality of listed companies, and later supervision after the tight, their valuations are also gradually recognized in the market. Chinext market beginning the purpose of very strict monitoring system, the quality of listed companies generally better, which will significantly shorten its "mediocrity". Experience has begun"Fanaticism," the Middle "painful" post and is now in the "clean", is the best intervention time. Valuation from the gem, at present the sector as a whole still about 40 times, while junior high 20%, but because of its good growth, this is reasonable. Assuming their overall net profit growth per share of 35%, can last for five years, theDynamic price-earnings ratio less than 9 times, with high investment value. And, from the early gem opened more than 90 times earnings up to 128 times times market surplus, it is clear that current earnings show the risks of releasing more fully. According to huatai Joint Institute for statistics showed the end of 2010, 94% small companies listed in the stock price is lower than the opening price after one year, two years after 60%Share prices more than the opening price of the Division, company hit a high of 90% after more than three years, did not rule out the gem will be a similar situation. From the perspective of technical forms world of tanks power leveling, to fully-mechanized means, for example, the gem, sliding after the fever after a short rush in the early 1200 points, minimum per cent on January 19 this year, then gradually rise, forming a healthy upward path, combined with good price and trading volume. From self-So rule, its low of 613 points, happened to be the listing of datum points 1000 points "golden section" near 0.618 times times. Therefore, does not preclude 613 is the gem of historically important lows. From the perspective of national policies, policies towards the small micro-enterprises is an indisputable fact. The 12th five-year plan for national economic and social development has been the platform for a clearTransformation and upgrading, improving the core competitive power of industries, the gem is undoubtedly the pioneers of listed companies. Based on this, gem quality companies will gain a significant opportunity for development. From the perspective of a-share environment, United States the Dow has hit a four-year highs in the near future. Funds continued to pick up, shares itself to usher in a new round of rally great possibilities, are effective stimulus money concerns on GEM。 Based on the above analysis, I think, will usher in the investment opportunity is the probability of the event, the gem, painstaking research of excavated real gem "three high and six new", that is, new economic growing high technology content and high added value and new services and new agricultural company such as new materials, new energy and new business models, is the key to successfully grasp grasping this opportunity. Of course, in reality markets are usually notIn nature, so to allow it swings of about 20%. Gold-line statement: Gold-line reproduced above world of tanks power leveling, does not show confirmed its description for investor use only and does not constitute investment advice. Investors a basis for action, at your own risk.

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