Thursday, March 22, 2012

diablo 3 power leveling but in any case - EWH

129764786887343750_282Reporter Wang Tao, Wang Shujuan loans to deposits, would like to pay to open an account, prepayment of interest pay sth Combination of these seemingly contradictory, are literally occurring in everyday life. Faced with a tremendous "bargaining power" of banks, only passive people more time to accept. For banks-the regulators has repeatedly introduced measures standard consolidation, BankOne ' s cricumstances or characters remain unchanged. 3·15 international consumer protection day approaching, let we comb the Bank happens to us all these years, "provisions of the King". Bundle "Save" "sales": want to save would like to save 1 million to 500,000 to borrow, loan fees, tying financial products sth These fanciful names head of consumers when applying for a loan from a bank is "got used"Several loans during the" unspoken rule ". Under financial analysis research network silver rates against the 2000 questionnaire made by the Bank of 3·15 sales standard survey, apply for a loan of customers were asked to deposit a certain amount of deposits to get the loan, the experienced consumers accounted for 21.22% of the total number of loans, another 13.04% userApply for loans is required at the time to buy financial products. "Can I have 95 percent lending rate of banks, but I would like to lend 1 million, to save $ 500,000 in their banks. "He no choice but to say, if there are so many who would loan the money, even have to pay for a down payment, how can we possibly save the banks," preferential interest rate for me, just come to naught. ”Every end of the month, quarter, Bank indicator assessments is the key point, which "would like to save" the endless stream of strange phenomena. Bundle savings, bundles of these heinous "acts of the King", everything is scarce credit resources from the banks. Shanghai white happened to miss more depressed. 2010 her when applying for a mortgage from a bank is required to buy 60,000Money financial products tera gold, "now lose the remaining 40,000." "King clause" zhixia, enterprises were not immune. "We was asked to deposit to the Bank when the Bank loan is a very common phenomenon, deposits, 50% even cent. "A financial leasing company official told reporters in Shanghai. Not only that, banks generally provide their own"Good customer" can enjoy more favourable lending rate, no queuing and more privileges diablo 3 power leveling, consumer is not without experience and put up with the Bank's "dominance". Charges: pretexts, pick the fat and choose the thin Bank shouted increasing small micro-enterprise lending, solutions for hazardous rescue of people at the same time, and does not intend to give in charge. A steel trade of small enterprises in ShanghaiMain out their grievances to reporters, "we just established by the company to the bank account, Bank asks us to go through the account opening package, pay the thousands of dollars. "Journalists visited a number of banks in Shanghai found that" account fee "into a lot of small businesses hard, some banks also set a minimum threshold of the registered capital of the company to open an account, deposit a day limit, and so on, and so on. Such as a State-ownedBank account opening package fee requires payment of $ 2,700, including online banking, account fees. Enterprise account at another bank the cheapest cost to 560 Yuan, including $ 200 account setup fee, and $ 360 account management fee, other SMS link, back to service additional charge, per month and require minimum account deposits for $ 10,000, or to charge $ 100 per month of small claims managementFee. Grounds for many of the Bank, such as limited resources, costs are too high, but in any case, the fact is: Bank of pretexts, for customer pick the fat and choose the thin. Similarly, personal business consumers fail to regard SB. as an outsider. Regular savers exclaim, "how less save more money in my account? "This is yizhuner I got caught in a micro-account management fee. Micro-accounts managementBank account for average daily balance falls below a certain amount monthly account management fee to receive a certain amount. According to bank rate network statistics, card micro-account management fee charged started in 2006, ICBC, agricultural Bank of China State-owned lines are first received, now part of the banks generally charge fees, although the charge was also once-controversial, now face BankStrong, consumers can only be "disappeared", accept the fact. Prepayment: "please God easily God" borrowing money difficult, Bank of repayment should be welcomed, however, are often surprising. Relative to the loan repayment seems to be even more difficult, bank loans are not quite what you think it is. Look at individual mortgages, banks is how to "hold"Consumers. Yellow Lady in a district of Shanghai 2009 loans to buy a House, commercial loan of $ 880,000, select is of equal interest. First of all, banks require prepayment is not allowed within a year, because the mortgage most profitable in the first year. Second is if the prepayment, be subject to 1% of the breach, it is in fact a disguised penalty interest. Again,Monthly on the structure, if the prepayment, months for part of the structure will be adjusted again, is part of the monthly income will rise again, for return of principal part of lowering. In addition to repayment, with the passage of time, only for interest should be gradually reduced. "Prepayment not so easy, after tossing the terms of, and noReduce costs. "Miss Wong said in the financial profession, especially after three years, Bank is not going to stop customers repay in advance tera gold, because most of the benefits have been achieved through compulsory terms in advance. Similarly, in the area of credit cards, consumers want to "finish return" is not easy. Journalist access to all bank credit card billing details of staging, it is not difficultFound that "provisions of the King" is not uncommon. Societe Generale Bank credit card Center, the cardholder to bills on-account transactions that have been assessed in advance stages of the settlement of outstanding balances, to be approved by the Bank, has been staging fees are not charged for refunds; Moreover, the extra money in the credit card was also seen as relief contributions, and cannot be used for repayment in advance stages of principal. In addition, theBank statements also staging charges take the form of a one-time charge, which was supposed to be payments made to take up Bank funding and not because consumers ' advance payments refunded. Credit card "provisions of the King" was far from the repayment. For example, deposits in bank credit card account without paying interest; consumers wish to extract the card to their relief contributions neededCash withdrawal fee paid; consumers not indistinct repayment Bank deduction of unexpired term deposits, and require consumers to give up after all the fruits into their checking account, and so on.   Faced with many many banks "dominance", consumers how long will you be patient? Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constituteInvestment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

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