Sunday, March 25, 2012

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129765769047245415_11Deputy Director of the Economic Committee of the National Committee, former Minister of the Ministry of development of electric vehicles in a compressed column, to solve the problem of batteries, motors and electrical control. So far, progress which better batteries will Engage at will, low repetition development, no major breakthroughs. Now the main problem is the energy density of batteries is not enough, only 0.1 kWh per kg, a single charge, running 150 km, consuming 20-kilowatt, something like battery weight of 200 kilograms, a single charge is five or six hours. Some say half an hour to fully charge, but battery life is reduced. It is technology failing, so we should join hands, taking advantage of the industry. I hear that the Ministry is organizing work, wants the industry to achieve production, learning and research, joint, breakBattery problems. Only solution to this problem, to commercial, industrial and municipal. Therefore, subsidies for private purchases of new energy vehicles alone thousands of meta-policies is not a fundamental approach, fundamental solution is technical innovation. It is understood that overseas also does not address the battery problem, it definitely need electric we have gaps and abroad, but the gap is narrowing, the underlyingWell, organization is the key power industry technology innovation. , Member of the National Committee of the Chinese auto industry engineering company Deputy General Manager Liu Chongxi I am concerned about the topic of new energy, have been made for two years, today is 3 years. Review the development of new energy vehicles, first year of 2010 can be seen as a new energy vehicles. New energy vehicles in 2010 culminatingBeijing International Auto show, brand new energy vehicles have appeared, various projects have sprung up there, from Governments to businesses are very high profile. But in 2011, quickly diablo 3 gold, and new energy vehicles suddenly colder, many people avoid talking about new energy vehicles, there are some voices began to appear: immaturity, insecurity, industrialization in sight, it does not know what routes to go.From 1986, the "863" plan, and began research and development of new energy vehicles in China, in terms of human and financial resources invested are large, now but don't know where, it worth paying attention to. We have main fuel cell vehicle, which is the most advanced, but after more than 10 years of development, technology is still not mature. As a transitional product of hybrid electric vehicles, In the field of commercial vehicles is well done, just a few years achieved commercial operation, energy-saving emission reduction results, businesses and markets were accepted. Although not the final development for hybrid electric vehicles, but there is a good solution. For pure electric vehicles, there is a consensus of industry: the key bottleneck is the battery, including the energy density, long life, cost, size, weightHasn't solved the problem. Rely on State subsidies to develop pure electric vehicle, is unsustainable. However, pure electric vehicles remain the development direction, some of the problems can be achieved through innovation, technology innovation breakthrough. Problem of high such as a one-time purchase cost, can be resolved by promoting for power mode. Consumers will only buy a nude one, then lease the battery so that youFuel prices diablo 3 power leveling, vehicle acquisition costs will come down, and avoid later maintenance of consumer concern. It can be said that security, maintenance, convenience, economy and other issues have been resolved. Battery reliability problems, increase program is a solution for electric vehicles, with carry generators, in the case of long distance, through a generator to provide electricity, We can be resolved. I have a word: unwaveringly adheres to the technology of electric line, by model and technology innovation to promote the industrialization of new energy vehicles. Not doubt about that. Zhao Han, Vice President, Member of the National Committee of Hefei University of technology in the new energy vehicles promotion, is the longest operation miles of pure electric bus cycles of Hefei city (quote picture parameters)�� It can be said that promote pure electric bus, Hefei was the earliest, best. In 2005, we started to promote new energy buses of ankai production, and accumulated experience, more mature products, electric, circuits, such as small problems small. I believe that Hefei development model worth studying. Hefei pure electric bus is involved in promotion, including vehicle, battery factory, transitSecretary of State and Government diablo 3 gold, several closely, unlike some places simply sell cars, buy cars, once a problem, very troublesome. Bundled with several, such as battery problems, can be resolved quickly, and products can be constantly improved, this mode of operation is not found in other cities. I believe that this new energy vehicles 10 years progress slow, mainly due toPools technology breakthrough, does not adequately take into account market demand, relying on Government subsidies to sustain. Profit is the nature of the enterprise, you have to find corporate earnings model. Electric cars, I suggest that the development of lead-acid batteries, at the same time exploring new patterns of management, so that enterprises reasonable profit. Cost of lead-acid battery is low on the one hand, without State subsidies, corporate profitsPeople also benefit, while disadvantages may adopt various means to control it. Now many people concern about the pollution of lead-acid batteries have, in fact, can be addressed by raising barriers to. CPPCC National Committee member, power of science and technology, General Manager of Shanghai Hu Liqing brought me this year for promoting comprehensive development of fuel cell industry as a whole and theAccelerating energy technology co-operation and demonstration of application of two new proposals, continues to be of concern for fuel cell vehicles. In the recently issued by the Ministry of science and technology of the electric vehicle technology development "Twelve-Five" under the special program, still adhere to the "three vertical and three horizontal" industrial layout, three vertical is a pure electric, hybrid and fuel cell; three-cross is the battery, motor, and electric control. Fuel cells have aI place. Judging from the current technology development and maturation, on the pure electric model will go faster, fuel-cell cars due to involve more complex facilities, people also have concerns for hydrogen, so promoting slowly, model could be a bit late, it was normal. On the technical characteristics of pure electric vehicles and fuel-cell vehicles in completely different, pure electric is fullyEnergy, fuel cell is hydrogen, with refueling mode the same, therefore on the extension model will be different. For fuel cell vehicles, with a strategic vision to look at, it is different from traditional car full, cars, batteries, experts in the field agree that ultimate liberation of technology programmes in the next car is fuel-cell vehicles. United States had predicted that humans will end up towards the hydrogen economy, hydrogenEconomy is the hallmark of fuel-cell vehicles. Therefore, do not doubt the technical direction and vision to look far, not because the difficulty was encountered negative attitudes. I believe that development of domestic production of fuel cell vehicles based on the key materials, reduce dependence on foreign. A long time, all-vanadium redox flow batteries for energy storage and hydrogen fuel cells in the most mission-critical core material qualityExchange membrane is United States monopoly by the DuPont company, prices, seriously hampered China's advancing the industrialization process of the two technologies. ( Others:

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