Sunday, March 18, 2012

diablo 3 power leveling performance shares would not have exceeded expectations - KRF

129756355755781250_137View the latest position of the new Express (micro-blogging) comprehensive report on January 6, the Shanghai composite index hit a year low-after-2132.63, continued to rise, at the end of February, in Central Bank reduced reserve requirements of the message along with the Shanghai composite index would break half line, a "divider Bull and bear markets", standing on top of the 2,400-point.As of market close on March 5, January 6, the Shanghai composite index rebound has been super 15%. Some scholars and experts are starting to see more. Well-known financial commentators Hou Ning believes that it will be a secondary stock market, according to the present situation, impact of Shanghai stock index 2,800 points, 2,900 points no problem, if the progress is smooth, Shanghai composite index is likely to 5,000 points within three years.Vice President and Chief Economist of the people's livelihood security Teng Tai (micro-blog) recently said the rebound in the stockmarket is not, but a starting point for the long-term bull market over the next 3 years for the first 10 years of the stock market to fix prices. But some people to remain calm. Well-known public-fund manager Wang yawei said in an internal seminar, the 2012 market risk as a whole is unlikely, after last year fall,Risks fully released, systemic risk was lowered for this year is relatively optimistic, there is little risk, should initiate investments, actively dealing with. Wang yawei says, from the viewpoint of fundamentals and Government General, performance shares would not have exceeded expectations, now belongs to the seasonal rise from three aspects: 1 improvement in market sentiment, after killing fell, the original risk aversion be catharsis, this year of stabilityStock market better. 2, policy support, every year before the two associations, policy easing.����3, better liquidity, reflected in the short-term interest rates down. Effect of stockmarket is now making money for outside funding, part of the capital looking for investment. For example, financial products are now declining yields, existing financing products funds for new investment, then walk in the stock marketEffect of stable and appears certain to make money will have some capital inflows. This is just a ways from financial products, while the overall scale expanding, increments from the original deposit, loss of a portion of the original part of the pursuit of higher yields, decline in yields on short-term financing products, from the perspective of more long-term there is a deposit removal procedure marketization of interest rates, long-term perspective the market actually benefitRate of elevation at the bottom, for a stock market value of central pressures down. These factors go to analysis, liquidity improved relatively large impact on the stock market, in addition to financial products, usury, collectibles, and more funds in the field last year, itself has a high appetite for risk, natural looking for investment opportunities in the stock market. After rising stocks are now at stage of self-reinforcing,Is making money for stocks to rally effect, effect in turn attract new capital to make money, funds came in and further drive up the stock rally, now the process will continue. Long term fundamentals still needed support, however, these factors are of short duration. Ultimately, the long term, the stock market rise also need practical support for the fundamental, yet you do not see a clear letterNumber. In General, the seasonal market will continue for two months or so. Going after two months, if the credit or substantive changes in the fundamentals behind, or market will be even larger, but the exact point in time more difficult to grasp, investors need in accordance with its own actual conditions, according to the operation characteristic flexibility, such as large organizations to advanceAnd more flexible institutions tend to more accurately grasp the point. Credit does not actually relax now reduced liquidity in the long term, the real economy facing financial pressure, after the 2009 diablo 3 gold, 2010 crazy credit expansion on the one hand, also in the coming years will continue to pay for crazy huanzhang and before, this is the next big trend, the central policy for credit will notReal relaxation. The other hand, from the Bank's lending capacity, facing deposit hard constraints, felt to be a larger problem. Marketization of interest rates lead to loss of deposits, financial product formation of trends.����To reduce the trend of foreign exchange, January February Bank loans for lower-than-expected, Chinese new year is not sufficient to explain this phenomenon. Speeding up the reform of shares fromPolicy said that after the new President took office, to develop new ideas, to promote faster, completed the share-trading reform President, from President Guo diablo 3 gold, term of pushing two things: one is the new share distribution system reform and the second is promoting the long-term capital market. From the scale of China's stock market development up to now, has not with emerging market vision and ideas to look atGradually should use the rules of the game to operate in mature markets, there are many opportunities and uncertainties in the process. Feel the reform of shares system will both advance more quickly, so there is currently no IPO vacuum, smaller expansion pressure on equities, but if system after it became clear that stock market expansion pace, so loose to fund surface stresses will not diablo 3 power leveling, as at present. OtherTalk has long been an upward trend from supply on the one hand, demand said to attract long-term capital market involving multiple departments, specific rhythm and intensity there is an uncertainty, not have too high expectations. Select flexible variety overall, market space is limited this year, unable to rebound short term market trends, current tendencies are staged, have fallen up to reboundThe biggest, was repaired, better reflect all of the recent real estate unit is expected to be improved in the future, leading role of real estate and the range is wide enough, only real estate real, it is only on the economy is expected to have improved. Is now expected to be around on the real estate industry is expected to improve, also spread to expectations for economic improvement. Expected end of easing policy and see, policyEnd of added value at the end of the double bottom, select a flexible variety. Evolution of the real estate market continues to see how real estate sales, current sales rebound, short term housing prices to fall is unlikely, second-hand House transaction have improved in March pushed new seasonal factors increased, also continue to watch. Real estate credit policy in the future if there should be no noticeable change, real estate sales continuing to be tested������On the market this year is not pessimistic, active participation of short-term rally, retained a cautious. (According to Forbes Chinese Xiong Jianfeng) according to Wang yawei finishing his speech, without my review link supports the main argument 1 valuation significantly low return of the bull market. As of February 22, 2012, the index is trading at 13.91 times times, 20The historical value of 30.84 times times since 03, 2008 point to 14.47 times times 2.12 times times book value, historical value is 3.24 times since 2003, 2008 point 2.18 times times. 2 improving liquidity. Central Bank on February 24, lowered reserve 0.5%, which isSince the beginning of this year for the first time down.����2011 four-quarter monetary policy report, the Central Bank said monetary policy will be fine-tuning and adjustment. Bonus 3 System. Exit number system reform since he took office. Enhanced dividends, reforming the system of shares of listed companies, launched the growth enterprise market withdrawal system. On February 15, the SFC Chairman Mr Guo was made "blue chipDisplayed before the investment value of a rare ". 4 economic fundamentals improved. February manufacturing purchasing managers ' index (PMI) for 51%, picked up for the 3rd consecutive month, and reached a 5-month high. Markets expect inflation to drop, providing space for policy relaxed. Click here to enter [index] discuss Wang yawei: a-shares rising seasonal space is limitedWang yawei: limited market this year new President works to promote faster Wang yawei 2012: annual reports of listed companies markets belongs to the seasonal rise to space exposure Wang yawei medicine Wang yawei 2012 cangjiacang real estate: the stock market has appeared relatively optimistic about making money effect to Sina declared: this message is reprinted from Sina media partners, SINA posted this postTo pass more information purposes, does not mean to endorse their views or confirm the description. Article content is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk.

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