Thursday, March 22, 2012

diablo 3 gold Webber column SI��wuwei - YWH

129764912214218750_115F1 Australia standing exercise 1: before the McLaren pair of males taking care of erweiteer 11th Yeah sporting March 16 report: 2012 F1 of the season arrived, first stop Australia end of the first free practice session of the Grand Prix, McLaren were outstanding, button and Hamilton take the top two, Schumacher third for Mercedes GP. 78700 F1 season the first free practice session for the first time in Beijing Friday 9:30 battleWhen Albert Park track maintenance after the doors opened, Red Bull weiergeni first second team debut, followed by team-mate Ricardo. As always, all riders came to the track running in a circle, and then back to the service area for recuperation. 20 minutes later diablo 3 power leveling, Red Bull team diablo 3 power leveling, Ricardo took the lead in the second run, 1 minute 47 seconds is not very fast speed,10 minutes later, the young riders in the arena of the war boosted performance, time, driver began to run out, but 1 hour later, only 12 drivers score. Sauber Kobayashi dream victory in 1 min 30 seconds a temporary lead, followed by the two Red Bull drivers Webber and Vetr. Williams small Seine in fourth place, followed byPerez, and N. Rosberg, Alonso in 1 minute 37 seconds in the seventh place, at this time, Schumacher and the two McLaren drivers still not run out, and away from the first free practice session end time there are less than 25 minutes. Constantly refresh the results of leading competitors, and at this point, wangshumahe play, 1 minute 29 seconds, he is more than the other ridersRushed to the front, but had only a 1-minute, another more than Schumacher Mercedes GP driver N. Rosberg, in the ensuing time, Schumacher again with his 1 minute 28 seconds to steal back the first. In the final 20 minutes, McLaren's Hamilton has finally showed up, he ran 1 minute 29 seconds, was killed in the top five, but then,Ferrari's Fernando Alonso ran 1 minute 29 seconds up to third place. Seems to have began with Red Bull, Australian Webber ran out of 1 minute 28 seconds, he was only 0.2 seconds slower than leading Schumacher. The last 15 minutes, Ferrari's Felipe Massa, 1 minute 34 seconds making Brazil only in 17th place, but this is not his true speed, withHe will continue to accelerate. In front of Hamilton, Webber and Alonso to refresh the results, but they still could not be more than Schumacher, Barton and Raikkonen still have no results. Hamilton at 1 min 28 sec-290 II, only 0.05 seconds behind Shu m. Barton finally scores, 1 minute 29 seconds he came in seventh place for the time being, at this point, the gameWill produce a yellow flag diablo 3 gold, Massa's racing in the second time there was a problem, bending and sliding off the track, racing in the 9th, Massa was to abandon the tests, he took a motorcycle back to the paddock. Schumacher's position was substituted, Barton ran out of the McLaren 1 min 27 sec run 650 in first. Alonso also rose to third place behind. The last 5 minutes, RaikkonenHas finally arrived on the track again. Finland scores of people for 1 minute 30 seconds, provisionally in 16th place. Hamilton at this time to 1 minute 28 seconds in third place. Practice for the final 90 minutes ended, Barton, Rob was the first of the McLaren, Hamilton ran out at the last minute 1 minute 27 seconds over Michael Schumacher second, Alonso, Webber column SI��wuwei,Defending champion Vetr is ranked 11th. This practice session ranking is as follows: Others:

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