Tuesday, March 13, 2012

wot power leveling suffer adjusting control effect - HZJ

What green city sells a project to save oneself is prelusive pull open eventually. 29 days, green city China (3900.HK) release announcement to say, the green city of wholy-owned subsidiary Hangzhou of this company indirect hold joins litre of investment limited company, sell ground king item with 1.04 billion yuan " outside plot of 8-1 of center of beach international banking " the share of 10% , give SOHO China (0410.HK) . Feng of long, Dong Bi asks for presiding finance affairs of green city China to told morning paper the reporter yesterday wot power leveling, "Outside beach 8-1 plot " 10% equity, it is first project of sell one's own things of this company near future. Feng Zheng discloses, green city China still requires withdrawal from circulation 5 billion yuan, flow with abundant ready money, predict to still can have a project " successful sell one's own things " . Green city China says in announcement yesterday, trade through this, this company will obtain 1.04 billion yuan, expect earnings 115 million yuan. To the utility of this capital, announcement says, will " use as fund of general run transport " , express " believe to be able to strengthen a company to cash flows and promote battalion transport fund " . Sheet talks this round " outside beach 8-1 plot " trade, green city can calculate a costar only. In April 2010 the last ten-day of a month, the answer land that Shanghai card did not return city when vogue below banner of big, answer star (group) Inc. (2337.HK) when reaching green city China to announce to hold water, the agreement at that time decides green city China endowment forehead is 858 million yuan, the equity of joint-stock company is hold 10% . This SOHO China is strong intervene, the green town with capital not small pressure is exited, it may be said arranges its nature. Up to on June 30, indebted rate is the net capital of green city China 163.2% , relatively December 31, 2010 132% rise somewhat. In last few months, with advocate financial and residence of battalion high end, indebted rate is high frequency of celebrated green city China shows hearsay of capital catenary crisis -- in November even by hearsay " go bankrupt " , songwei of this company president averages as a result book of the night that carry the lamp gives deny. To improve indebted standard, song Weiping is by September release " 3 paces go " countermeasure: Make a sale hard, be no good sell an item, or else falls the price after all all right world of tanks power leveling, the trade is quited after selling all houses. The personage inside course of study thinks, the cost of house property of carry out of green city place is higher, depreciate considerably hard, its the 2nd pace " move project " successful the likelihood is more crucial. Feng Zheng yesterday make known one's position, going up somehow, also confirm this. Of course, this also is the one part that green city improvement is in debt hard only. November, sale of green city implementation achieves 3 billion yuan (include 800 million agreement to sell) , relatively rose in October 43% , obtain nearly 5 months to come best achievement. With the month, china invests company of subordinate of finite liability company and green city to establish joint-stock company, register capital to will achieve 6 billion yuan stage by stage. December, green city obtains labour to go again 430 million yuan of loan. Feng Zheng says wot power leveling, suffer adjusting control effect, 50 billion yuan sale target will hit green city China this year reckon the actual amount after a discount shows, predict to be controlled in 35 billion yuan.

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