Tuesday, March 13, 2012

wot power leveling there remains dogs 20 - JBF

129756477832656250_180Yesterday, the Director of the crazy stone of Ning Hao robbery in new book, the rice with fried spare ribs "name and shame" trailer on the network crazy pass, from the 6th that evening at 10 o'clock to 7th network forward jumped all the way, friends for the warm comments there. Ning Hao himself for his new work: Hardcover first notice, welcomed the visit. The crazy stone, the crazy carAfter, lapse of 3 years of Ning Hao Huang Jinda robberies with him a strong return, by the majority of the audience "loved". Trailer came out, both inside and outside the industry have sought after, Zheng Xu Ning Hao's old partner actor was not seen in the film showed up, but see the trailer called "beef cattle", well-known writer Ning wealth issue five thumbs up. Points out Director one-white robberies in the Huang Jinda"Name and shame" trailer revealed by Ning Hao new three themes of "gold key words, three types: Comedy, continuation is not lost that is upgrade; youth: is the soul. "Chen Lizhi media people will then lifted," has the soul of youth, because the risks and get upgrades, without waiting for the fate of the arrangement, continuation of comedy in our life. "Director Qun Gao book,Jia Zhang-Ke's forward hold. In addition, accompanied in a trailer exposed stills, Ning Hao style of film still, even media of six stills produce "Ning Hao movie crooked". From most of the comments have shown a general audience members on the new Ning Hao Huang Jinda strongly look forward to the robbery, many viewers think Ning Hao new movie still humorous, Ning Hao's funny can noOne can, fans also saw the new Ning Hao still had the stones and the familiar faces in the race, while fan Wei, Tao Hong and other stars to join let people look forward to. Wonderful comments: Celebrity Mazer: Ning wealth in addition to forwarding are bursts of five thumbs up the ridge. Chen Lizhi: with the soul of youth, because the taking of risks and the benefits, without waiting for the fate of the arrangementContinuation of comedy in our life. A white gold key words, three types: Comedy, continuation is not lost that is upgrade; youth: is the soul. Qun Gao: nice! Zheng Xu: bovine cattle. Be sharp-eyed nostalgia: there remains dogs 20: familiar faces of the happy faces of the dead wow! Even the fat rich woman in all of the racing ~ drifting Han Gongzi: Ning Hao isMy favorite Director, wood one. Old fan, and a small extension of the yellow, believe that wonderful, I really look forward to. Not tempting: Nineth planet video player: before you go to sleep at night!!! by Ning Hao's trailer got excited HA HA HA wot power leveling!!! Gallant May, looks forward to meeting with you! North Carolina sunshine: holding long enough this time. Congratulations new listing! The wayFeeling like, you know. Small eight: I haven't been to the cinema, which found the target ~ Hi picture Hey lines: kill the idols: Huang Jinda robbery exposure trailer amazing obviously, gold Flash blinded my eyes. Ning Hao Niu bi, invincible throughout the country. Small diao: first half, Star metal feet, overcast with suspense. The second half, cross guns fly, flesh-and-blood confrontations. I do not know likeMulti-line narrative Ning Hao will bring us what kind of surprise? By the way, teacher fan ye are so funny! Shell, tenth: what do you mean? You so bad ... End of you so I didn't wot power leveling! /Silence of the bear: the last word! Fall fall: heartfelt praise Ah ~ this is the tunnel under old and too obvious ~ ~ BuffaloThe end: fell below the gold! --I was robbed? Obvious enough yet? Doubt: Tia 潇: constant ~~~ to point at what time accurate information sub ~~~ Du Xiaozi: looks quite interesting, Ning Hao is a unique treasure of the folk comedy, characteristic series of people to see. Hey hammer pilot guides: meet the Huang Jinda Pier last year while collecting folk songs ' are just a robbery crew world of tanks power leveling, In front of the crates of gold held back for a long time, props group did a seriously, color components are vivid, but not real money, must carry a box or a hammer. Support, look at the crazy series could continue its past glory. Xiamen daily Arts News: many people still go crazy routes, Ning Hao his new movie? Most will tell the story of Ning Hao, usAnd wait.

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