Friday, March 30, 2012

diablo 3 gold Shandong breakdown of the third - XLP

129773184462187500_152Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund salary and welfare pension fund industry supervision microblogging news blog rolling index of occupational pension group insurance company reviews Enterprise special pension premium dataAnnuity data year gold medal according to the social security insurance supermarket insured pension financial management skills of heavy bunker microblogging Salon know Wikipedia pension > body font size print RSS source March 26, 2012: the 21st century business HeraldPension market's message since the end of last year, lot, until the evening of March 20, a notice of the National Council for Social Security Fund makes the news settles. Said, approved by the State Council, the National Council for social security fund entrusted by the Guangdong Provincial Government, investment and operation balances the basic old-age insurance for urban workers in Guangdong Province capital of 100 billion yuan. NationalCouncil for Social Security Fund and the Guangdong Provincial Government and the authorities concerned to delegate investment agreement was signed in Beijing on March 19, funds would arrive in batches, commissioned a tentative two-year investment period. ����National Social Security Fund Council entrusted with the investment and operation of basic old-age insurance funds, more new money be configured in fixed-income products, ensure preserving and increasing the value of the Fund. A few wordsWhipping up waves in the market. ����Reporters learned, fund companies are preparing for the smugglers, and also coming at a crucial time, social security fund, the General Assembly, held in Shenzhen on March 29, at that time, would have two major tasks, a task is eligible for social security managers "debriefing", another task is looking for managers for Guangdong social security. Once you get the Guangdong social securityPension business, so non-public placement services fund companies will be extended again. ����Fund circles even think that this "Blue Ocean" or help fund industry prosperity for the second time. ����Zhejiang, Shandong no follow-up plan pension market, after 6 years, has finally ceased to be a slogan. As early as 2005, when Shang Fulin, Chairman of the securities referred to in public for the first timeUnited States 401K for the best pension investments, this is interpreted as regulators by market participants started working on pension market. ����Within the next 6 years, news about pension market came several times. In late December last year, the new Commission President Mr Guo recommended, insurance and housing Provident Fund to the national social security fund, invest in the stock market getsEarnings. He pointed out that there are 2 trillion worth of insurance balance are scattered throughout the province, in addition to housing Provident Fund deposit Trojan 3.9 trillion yuan, after deduction of the loan balance is $ 2.1 trillion. ����If the funding organization, set up a special investment agencies or delegate agencies, investment in capital markets, are great benefits to all residents. Distance of only a fewToday, DAI Xianglong, President of the national social security fund across the empty sloganeering, "pensions if we place collection, part is used to buy stocks can be. The first value, second encouraged us to increase of capital market institutions. "Subsequently, the message xijuanerlai of the various versions of the pension market, at the same time it was rumor, that pension market is a misunderstanding�� The "market message is confusing, but we feel that the pension market is the trend. In addition, the end of January this year, we note regulators said this year's pension fund investment and operation research issues, and specifically to study the basic old-age insurance fund investment and operation mode and management mechanisms, policies, regulatory approaches, improve policy proposals have been made, Fund for the promotion ofPreserve and increase the value. This would be equivalent to gave us a tranquilizer, pensions into the city only a matter of time, so we have been actively preparing for. Because the company has a social security qualifications swtor credits, proven history of performance, so this one was invited to report product programme. ����"A fund company told a press conference in Shanghai. Another company who told reporters of the Fund, companies pay special attention toPension market, and focus of this is General Manager of the company in the near future, Guangdong social security tender, was actively participating. Although currently only a province of pension market, but the fund industry for boiling. ����Pensions market, it means a lot for the fund companies. According to Ministry of human resources and social security information, at the 2010 provincial pensionBalances on the rankings, topped in Guangdong, 247.14 billion yuan, is second in Jiangsu Province, 127.183 billion yuan, Zhejiang, Shandong breakdown of the third, fourth, also over billions of dollars in pension balances, so the market believes diablo 3 gold, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong and other provincial capitals soon followed suit. However, journalists latest information displayed, Shandong, Zhejiang, being not kept pace withInto the plan. Director of social security management center told reporters in Zhejiang Province, have studied the pension market last year, has also formulated relevant policies and programmes, but this year the main Department of finance and personnel matters of the Office in charge of the pension market. Head of Zhejiang Provincial Department of personnel-related told reporters that is not to say that pension market in Guangdong Province, immediately followed up in other provinces, ZhejiangJiang province pension market of the moment is "eight-no apostrophe". ����And of Shandong Department of human services and social security has told the media that, in the short term and will not enter the market. Well prepared and despite the pension market news have just been released, but the fund company is a low profile to prepare for a long time already, this reporter learned that qualify a social security fund management companies in areas such as human resources, systems have beenCouncil. ����However, the fund company is worried that local pension investment and operation of the relevant provisions have not been introduced, fund companies within the scope of his play is an open question. "We have been fulfilling agency personnel equipped with, currently specializes in investment, trade, research personnel of more than 10 people in addition to basic research, and public fundStudy on sharing, "a fund company staff with social security qualifications in Beijing told reporters that" prior to launch a new business, were generally talent first, to design products, simulated transactions, do not prepare in advance, get cold feet easy pins. "And get a 2010 social security funds eligible for the company told a press conference:" we invest in aSpecial group responsible for the pension business, in addition to system with no problem, social security business for over a year old, so social security team is very mature, capable of winning this time Guangdong social security, our operation is no problem. "A big fund company head of investment research said, in recent years, the rapid development of enterprise Annuity business, businessReserve of human resources is also important direction of the talent strategy of the company as a whole. ����It is worth mentioning that, company management and no significant growth in assets, but the steady increase in the number of investment and research, in particular institutional investment business, investment manager over more than 10 people only, this figure does not include other supporting departments. This reporter learned from the Boshi Fund, Boshi Fund participation inOld gold investment and more than 100 people, which include investment research team, sales team and other; on the operations of the Fund are non-public placement Fund of the Chinese team has created hundreds of people. ����While the National Council for Social Security Fund has been issued, but there are still professionals believe that this does not mean that the social security fund handicap there. Dacheng Fund believes that the TrusteesThe investment direction of investment and operation of basic old-age insurance benefits, social security is not clearly defined in the disclosure of information by the Council, would only say "more new money be configured in fixed-income products, ensure preserving and increasing the value of the Fund". But for the moment, pension funds into the stock market to fully roll out needs a number of policies and laws with them, so before the relevant policies and regulationsShort-term domestic story has a breakthrough. ����Reconstruction of a fund with the Guangdong social security into the stock market, a huge piece of old-age pensions Virgin territory is to be mined. According to the Department of human resources and social security statistics, by the end of 2011, pension accumulated surplus of 1.92 trillion yuan in China, this means that if pensions were allowed to enter the market, then it will beThe size of about 2 trillion, equivalent to the current total size of the Fund, enough to fund companies as flaping of cheer. In fact, eyeing pension fund companies market a long time ago. Reporter learned that, harvest Fund (blog, Twitter) offering sector the General Manager Zhao Xuejun is one of the most actively call on pension market. Zhao Xuejun repeatedly said in public, the industry should beImportant part of the Organization of the system of old-age pension system in China. In his view, the Bank of China fund industry have managed, information disclosure system advantages and accumulated more than ten years of experience in asset management, more transparent and more efficient to assume management duties of endowment and realizing the value of assets. In this process, the funds can also be quickly and grow assets under management.The a-share market, equally far-reaching effects. ����YINHUA General Manager Wang Lixin, believes that the pension, Housing Fund in the stock market in changing the structure of the investors of the Fund to a certain extent, bring tremendous opportunities for the fund industry is also changing the structure of market investors and investment habits. Fund mogul there as Tang Sengrou pensions market, which is not unreasonable.Said one senior fund industry, industry development in the stagnation or even shrinking in some areas, pensions market was count in one fell swoop, increase both management and pensions and other long-term funds into the stock market, will strengthen the power of institutional investors. When institutional investors in the market to a certain percentage, believe will significantly reduce market volatility, market systemic riskWill be reduced. ����General Manager Gao Liangyu said publicly in the South, the fund industry to boom again, devoting major efforts to developing pension market and principal of the Fund management companies will be instrumental. Once the pensions are lifted, this will lead to public placement fund industry's second climax. Pension portfolio mainly includes bills, such as bond repurchase of Central Bank liquidity products; To government bonds, financial bonds tera power leveling, corporate (company) consisting mainly of debt, short-term financing bonds and other fixed income products; in stock (excluding the warrants) consisting mainly of interest products. ����From the ratio of assets, if the winning the Guangdong social security, most of the configuration to lower-risk products, stock investment ratio of 20% per cent. Reporters learned from a fund company, itsAgency head had arrived in Beijing reported products, it is learned that this product is a balanced configuration type. ����How to collect social security fund management fees, how to achieve profit distribution, number of fund management companies to sign a confidentiality agreement from the silence. But have in the past participated in bidding firms told reporters the national social security fund, fund managementRates: single account size is less than $ 1 billion (inclusive) received 0.8%; $ 2 billion (including) the following, in charge of more than $ 1 billion 0.6%; $ 2 billion charge on top of 0.5%. If the management fees to the national social security fund pensions, in accordance with the minimum value of 0.5% management fee calculation, so almost 2 trillion size of old-age pensionGold will bring billions to fund at least the company management fees. ����With the fund industry after 15 years of development, the industry profit of close to, this also means that pension market will be recycled funds industry. Deep non-public placement services fund offering assets in recent years, the company always hovering around 2 trillion. Fund industry stagnating, sayFall to others, often criticized by market participants. ����However, the funds to spade husbandry land company is a low profile--non-public business. Reporter was informed that some fund companies non-public offering of basic ad the public placement services business. Changsheng Fund told reporters at the end of 2011, long holding fund management public offering to $ 40.3 billion of assets, the companyNon-public placement of assets under management of more than 30 billion yuan about penghua Fund owned by public and non-public businesses go hand in hand, both magnitude. This reporter learned from the sea-Fortis Fund, as of December 31, 2011, the sea for nearly $ 16 billion more than 50 companies of Fortis investment management of corporate pension funds as a person, sea owned by Fortis accountFinancial administration amounted to $ 2.8 billion in assets, investment consulting and overseas business by nearly 20 billion yuan. ����The same period, the sea owned by Fortis public placement Fund more than $ 32.5 billion in assets. Boshi Fund also told reporters that the company about $ 23 billion of enterprise annuity management, non-public placement under management total more than $ 70 billion, and currently under management of approximately 180 billion yuan. However, the fund company's appetite is not limited to such non-public placement services, investment fund company footprint extends further out. Harvest Fund became the forerunner of the fund industry, the sword away side opened a new business model. In early February, harvest Fund registered in Hong Kong's wholly-owned subsidiary harvest fund alternative investment company jointly Sun Hongyan investment group, The formation of private equity investment in Hollywood movies. ����Earlier this month, harvest the wealth management limited complete the establishment of the industrial and commercial registration, as harvest fund its third subsidiary, harvest Fund take this into the third-party sales. "Annuities, social security, enterprise account is the original item constitutes a non-public placement services, pensions of this new project to join nowNon-public placement services brings fresh flowing water, the fund company is a non-public offering business of cakes are expected to continue. "One fund company Executive said in an interview by reporters. Others:

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