Friday, March 23, 2012

tera gold 2011 - GLG

129756711554843750_744Keywords: credit card account exception cases of illegal industrial chain recharge air black reporter Wei Xu Cheng bin this newspaper correspondents bank cards in the hand tera gold, the password has never leaked, scores of millions of dollars of deposits as well as water keeps disappearing. What is this thing? recently, Chongqing yuzhong district people's Court of the first instance court trial defendant Xin Xu Hai Xue Yongbin involvedThink credit card fraud case. Therefore, exposes illegal chain recharge air black industries. Three-person loss of 890,000 yuan according to the victim's statement she, years ago she was a VIP for a bank credit card tera power leveling, since the account has been properly used. On April 18, 2011, Bank staff to see which accounts for outflow of funds out, then at about 2 o'clock in the afternoon on the day call notificationMs LAU, said her account changes. She immediately to the Bank to understand the situation. Bank staff to bring up their accounts within two days of the transaction, account within two days of the show she 51 tera gold, total more than 630,000 yuan. Corresponding air recharge of the account is a mobile phone operator mobile phone accounts, expenditures in the form of money is Bank payment over the phone. Coincidentally, KingMs April 17, 2011, at about 10 o'clock in the evening and I got SMS from Bank, said her recharge ' cash in the bank card is the air consumption. That evening in a 20 minute period, a total of 6 times is charging $ 130,000 by air. Zhu also on April 17, received the same bank text messages, call her consumption of more than 120,000 dollars for recharge air。 Black hand behind the scenes of jobless farmers in two days time, Chongqing police received a warning from 3 similar cases, involving a total amount of more than 890,000 yuan. 3 cases in the modus operandi, capital flows are air recharge mobile phone account. Police also found that has the same mobile phone number through phone banking, for the victims of these 3 3 bank card balance query. Then, 3 bank card funds is the air charge. Police in Chongqing by technical means, lock black hand behind the scenes of the crime after traces found, query where the bank card balance phone for Qinhuangdao city, Hebei province. In early May 2011, Chongqing police went to Qinhuangdao, Xin continued Sea Black hand behind the scenes captured. Xin Xu Hai in helong city, Jilin province Longcheng Town farmer, 32 years old, Was arrested without proper professional, long-term rental housing on Qinhuangdao tourist area of an international holiday hotel, with the money to buy a BMW X6. Police were also perpetrated against another defendant Xue Yongbin arrested on the same day. Illegal chain recharge air formation effects continued after Xue Yongbin brought to the sea, has not only exposed the whole gang, dug up the illegal chain recharge air black industries. A total of 7 groups of peopleOnly two people know each other responsible for recharge air, the rest is full of online recruitment, did not know each other, usually by QQ contact. Involving victims in Shanghai and Chongqing respectively, between the judicial authorities, each dealing with victims and local cases. This is a network to recruit gang members, however, a clear division of labor. Gets the ID card number, bank cards, bank cardsPassword bank account funds for the victims on the phone recharge air to charge huge amounts of money for the month to mobile phone users, many of the links, gang members are doing their part. Xin Xu Hai Xue Yongbin is responsible, is to introduce the phone air charge by bank transfer hangs on Taobao sell prepaid cards in the air, and then transferred through fake PayPal money. According to twoDefendant gave their for in, 2010 end, effect continued sea and Xue Yongbin are is in online chat Shi, a network named "inverse clockwise" of opponent on the left Zhu a (the other case processing) and they chat, and said has master some bank card of card, and the password, available these card Shang of money by phone bank for some specific area of phone customer recharge, and in Taobao Shang by paid Po received money togetherPoints. Who is pleased to join in, and posted on the company "to 90 percent, or Fujian, Chongqing mobile recharge" ads. Air recharge agents do not know the truth to their purchase. After recharging, agents through PayPal the money to the two specified PayPal account, they put money in their PayPal account to the specified bank account. Finally, two-person by cash or to otherBank account, achieve the objective on the laundering of illicit money. Click in this case exposed the banks and customers there are some omissions. Yuzhong district people's Court suggested that big banks should strengthen its internal management, particular attention to confidentiality of customers ' personal information to plug the holes. Customers at the time of account opening, banks to meet the obligation to inform change your initial password which enables customers to improveThe secrets. When using telephone banking for customers for the first time, be sure to do remind the obligation. At the same time, bank card password users must not set a fool, as opening the phone banking, please set up a third-party authentication code, that is both a dynamic password is password of the card, card to transfer, user can also place restrictions on the transfer amount and the number. (Editors: Song Yuxin) Others:

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