Sunday, March 4, 2012

star wars the gold republic credits from small to large organizations "we know almost 5 years - RSJ

129742915504218750_271Understanding and advocacy in the activity "exchanges on an equal footing, mutual assistance, and the mind" Association of sign language: from small to large organizations "we know almost 5 years, I have been associated with her. "Deng Xueyin said," the second half of 2006, our Association of sign language to deaf school in Lanzhou city exchange activities, I was He Xiaohong to form mutual aid partners, we are veryGood friends. "Deng Xueyin Lanzhou University is one of the founders of the Association of sign language, and she the girl called Betty, is a deaf, silver snow when you see her for the first time, Sean was in secondary school, and Sean now has started to work. Deng Xueyin says, since that activity after the pair, their links never break, there's even Sean twice who lives in Zhangye in sickAlso went to Lanzhou to find snow silver, because she knew, snow and silver is medical. In April 2006, Deng Xueyin along with several other like-minded students founded the Association of sign language, and has been for almost 6 years. "We just wanted to let people know more about lives of the deaf, let us put a communication, society; Importance, but also something to wake the people inside. "Deng Xueyin said," we started this Association is not for sympathy or pity them, just wanted to leave those special children closer. "Association of Lanzhou University sign language when you first set up, only a dozen members of the team, there is little impact on campus, but now they grow up to be a very cohesive, andLarge associations called force, which mainly benefit from the unique sign language Association activities. In order to let the members of the Association will have the opportunity to learn sign language, the Association arranged courses twice a week. "Used to be head of Association of several heads together, arrange those students interested in the content. And now, our class has a series of teaching materials. "Currently serves as Vice President of the Association of Mr CHEUNGSheng describes, "a term team-mates have accumulated a lot of information in sign language, and the Association of Exchange process in colleges and universities also have a lot of shared information in, back in 2009, we asked teachers of the deaf and dumb school and together we have prepared textbooks". Sign language sign language courses on the General activities of the Association on a regular basis blade & soul gold, one of the Association of sign languages also have their own special day.November is the month of activity of the Association each year, in a month's time, "into the deaf world" free pictures exhibition, the school provides inspirational film about the special population lives, and communities of all colleges and universities focus on special populations in Lanzhou city in all colleges and universities a roving exhibition to promote sign language culture, universal knowledge of the deaf and dumb. Core elements of these activities are:Appeal to you all to learn more about the living conditions of the deaf, and appreciate and understand them as much as possible. November 16 is the birthday of the Association of sign language, on this day each year, the Association will run a big birthday party, party programmes form a variety, member self guided short, drama, there are associations of sign language sign language display team rehearsals of dance, will also invite otherBrothers Association for the party, and also invites teachers and students to participate in the activities of the deaf and dumb school. Birthday party of the year, and "active month" is the most important Association of two of the most celebrated "feast". For the head of the Association, it is "busy" and most difficult time, "this is a golden moment in expanding community influence, must make good use of it. "Mr CHEUNGSheng said with a smile. "This is a process of mutual aid", "this is actually a process of mutual aid, whether we go to deaf students, or those that deaf children to visit our school, they will be very happy, we will smile because they also have a sense of satisfaction and achievement. "Moufan said most of the deaf and dumb school to implement management, deaf students in the school are also veryLittle opportunity for contact with the outside world, since long in a closed environment, many deaf people to the outside world is full of desire. "When first contact with them, they may have some formality, but slowly pick up on, those deaf kids and we become one, we will have a goodquo;。 "Moufan in the memory of participating in" and Deaf peers "research activities, he said. And contact with members of the deaf will issue such an exclamation point: Deaf partners in arts such as painting, music, handmade gift is shown we are ordinary people cannot reach. "In fact, in addition to hearing those kids that do not go out to them and what normal people are not eq2 platinum, And even has a lot of deaf-and-dumb children in art, sports, and other than the normal children behave better. They are not necessarily lower than in our first class, or less, they are different from our. "Deng Xueyin said, with a special handmade exquisite children her" shock "," this is actually a process of mutual aid star wars the gold republic credits, the help we can give them very little fromOn a certain level, they brought us much more than we give them. "When asked whether some deaf children because they sound different and inferior emotions, deliberately alienating them, several players to answer is" little "," most of the children are special and cheerful, and we will be very proactive in their interaction. Of courseSome of the children may be because of language barriers, within character comparison. But we will try to use our passion bring them. "The team said. Moufan said that the inferiority of their own. In your free time, moufan is always running to the deaf and dumb school to learn sign language, "talk to them in the process, I often forget they are languages, much better I will not hand gestures, IWould have to consult close deaf friends, sometimes I feel particularly stupid, they played a less comfortable for a simple gesture, I learn. "(Interns Xu-Pan)

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