Sunday, March 4, 2012

blade & soul gold could lead to a crisis - JKV

129748586493125000_74 <a href="">eq2 platinum</a>The World Bank's official website posted a message a few days ago: World Bank President Zoellick is visiting China for two days, will assist today published a paper written jointly by the development research center of the State Council of China and the World Bank report. The 2030 is the name of the report of China: the construction of modern, harmonious, creative and high incomes of social. It will look atChina by 2030 to face the economic challenges and opportunities. Main release important signal (unit) of capital flows has dramatically! Free Level-2 high-speed power limited-time free of charge software according to the Bcc network news, the report examines the strategic choice of China before 2030, the report proposed, China without deepReform blade & soul gold, may be faced with the economic crisis, and makes recommendations for the future structure of China's growth model, "is designed to help China achieve the transition to a higher income society". Report pointed out that the rapid development of China's economy has for 30 years now, China may face in the case of not much warning danger of slowing fast. Many high-growth developing countries aOnce income reaches a certain level, there will be such a situation guild wars 2 gold, economists refer to this phenomenon as "middle-income trap". Rapid economic slowdown may be problem in China's banking and other industries, could lead to a crisis, so must be reforms in these areas.

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