Sunday, February 19, 2012

tsw power leveling agree with en - FSI

129733522801565000_4Tushiyou survey: what do you think about 38 years old single female chastity master built network? Chutian metropolis news reporter Zhang Jiguo Zhou Xurui/"no dating history, looks good, Wuhan University, master, if Spring and autumn long Shou-Ching Road, pride shake the world shakes, strength Super very vulgar, eyes rolling in high official positions and riches when the clouds float, sunshine and happiness,Shou-ching experiences without success but for hearts ever deserve, stresses social integrity, kindness be fooled people eliminate fear of sth " In a method called "chastity ya network" website, brief resumes of dozens of words into her. She is such a highly educated single woman, 38 years old, remains a Virgin. On the Web, she had a name called "Goddess of virginity"In order to prove himself, Sun on her Twitter from their Virgin identification of Wuhan Tongji hospital reports. She is a girl in ezhou, now living alone in Wuhan, freelance earning a meagre income, is obsessed with promoting their ideas. Yesterday, reporters to interview her, she just came back from outside for a walk. Reporters asked whether reports of her real name, her decisiveAnswer: Yes, my name is tushiyou. Female master's claim to be "Goddess of chastity" micro-Bo Sun virgins and identification on tushiyou primary school, junior secondary school in ezhou city reading. In junior high school, and her performance of the total row in the first three grades. After graduating from junior high school, she studied in the secondary normal school. For students studying at that time, to read secondary school is a good choice. After secondary schoolAfter the trade, she was assigned to a primary school teaching in ezhou. Two years later, she resigned from the school, to an enterprise engaged in advocacy work in ezhou, did she sit for 4 years after the Wuhan University, became the school of Journalism will be open. Tushiyou told reporters that after graduation, many students are assigned to each school, love, marriage, having children. And she put more energy in theOn the acquisition. Self-taught by getting a diploma. At that time national policies, social youths through examination of the diploma of Wuhan University will be open, after 2 years, and students at the same level to undergraduate diploma.����In 2001, she graduated from Wuhan University's Department of journalism, followed by Wuhan University postgraduate entrance exams. Master's degree after graduating, JamesWorld friend in Wuhan, and became a freelance writer, and wrote emotional article contributions to the magazine, or write some reviews published in the press. "So 38 to a Flash! "Tushiyou some emotion. She told reporters that was not without people chasing after her, previously in the exam when you graduate, a review of men and her classmates to her favor. However, when theirSo concentrate on learning, there is little used. "Love and let nature take its course.����"Tushiyou to express their love. For his Virgin, tushiyou becomes conscious. When she is the Virgin show herself when a female friend, each other or not. In order to prove his "innocence", in December of last year, she will do themselves in Wuhan Tongji hospitalVirgin released medical identification in the microblogging.����On his own Twitter, tushiyou network called "Goddess of chastity". "Prior to the examination, under enormous pressure. "Tushiyou said that due to strenuous exercise can also cause hymen rupture, fearing that their results after the" jump into the Yellow River to wash was not ", so do check before one year, she has beenHas such a fear, and consulted a doctor. In December last year, she went to Wuhan Tongji hospital, when asked to gynaecologists do virginity, also was surprised by attending doctors cannot help, "mostly of virginity of young girls tsw gold, such as I age virginity, doctors at first thought it was intentional to fool her. "But in the end, the doctor was doing with her check,And give her the "hymen full" medical examination report. Spend a thousand dollars to create "network chastity" wanted to persuade the world to keep chaste before marriage age of 16 do silly teenage pregnancy abortion don't get the baby's father, had to make five "casualties" boys split the operation fees; high school boys raping killing the girls were sentenced to life imprisonment; rules have become the entertainment of the rule, female students when mistressMore and more people who get into criticism of fatigue is no longer sharp attacking sth Two years ago, reading news like tushiyou was deeply shocked by these adverse social phenomena.����She suddenly germination of an idea, it is creating a site to promote chastity before marriage. Networks, tushiyou and don't have a lot to know before you. Through the advice she learned, create one site requiredTo a large amount of cost at least $ 5,000 or more. For fee income to support her, obviously it's hard to get out. Later she found her own friends. Users with the introduction of, male students she links to a site in Hangzhou, and told their ideas. Then two people about to be very speculative, the boys received her $ 1000 money for her to do networkStation. After the meeting of 200 Yuan, after a few days, sites on the first prototype. In November of last year, her website "Ya virginity network" is built.����She said, this is the first national "net chastity". Reporter's visit, see, her site is very simple, but the two red heart picture-especially attracts people, in "red" write tushiyou below to start the site purpose: "toTo advocate for young people under 23 en: chastity before marriage ".����Web site content, a lot of places mentioned the issue of virginity. Tushiyou believe that the evolution of social transition period, some distortions have spread to the young people of the value of the concept, she felt it was necessary to set up a Web site, chastity tells young people adhere to it without distractions to pursue your dreams, or improperly avoid premarital sex lineOf the damage. At the same time, she also said that the study of adolescent sexual awakening of consciousness and emotion, also need to parent and love to impose health values and social skills to boot. Youth rash of chaos experienced tragedy caused more and more. She wanted to "Ya NET chastity" Shou-ching experience-sharing, training of adolescent health concept, containment of moral turpitudeStronger spreading, purify social atmosphere. "In fact, I quite poor, promised to build a network of 1000 Yuan of money up to now has not paid yet!����"Tushiyou said that the men on her website for her support, the site continues to help her maintain WOW золото, are no longer being circulated, in response, some of her guilt. However, she also has caused many people to question. Others onHer approach is not understood, think she should put more energy into work. Tushiyou said that he was a normal woman, want to have a good love and a happy marriage.����No time to fall in love before, now let it be in the future, he will find a stable job, but will continue to run its own Web site. Bystanders said--is back������Also is the traditional regression? How to treat tushiyou was founded "net chastity"?����What "en: chastity before marriage?" Yesterday, the reporter or in ezhou, Huangshi city street, or through the network consulted the ezhou, Huangshi views of the public and users. Most people move that baffled and questioning of James, but also has a few thumbs up, agree with en: chastity before marriage,Successfully founded the site James said in awe. I just work single men and Xiao Liu are too timid to say that the staff of the company, prior to their twice in love, not "self-preservation". He said, "en: chastity before marriage" of little significance and that "en: chastity" as a traditional moral values in ancient times is easy to do, because the nanhunnvjia were very young. And in the momentOlder age for marriage I am afraid it will be hard to do, and premarital sex has become a social reality for now. Little James Lau founded the site's behavior is rather puzzling. "Shou Shou-ching is not everyone's own business, is your subjective judgment and not in other people's business," he said. "Safer sex before marriage in itself is not bad, harmful or contrary toAgainst social norms and legal now. "Married Ms Chan say so too.����She felt it, promote Shou-ching unnecessary, she considers it covers anti-Shou-ching concept of sexual abstinence, not as good as sex education for the prevention of pregnancy before marriage, advocating a sexual activity to be healthy, happy, normal human activity of a new concept, that is the idea of progress. Online "best life"Land of tushiyou was "Ya NET chastity", after simple browsing, she said of James puzzled, "I can't speculate on starting point of tushiyou. "However, only 22 years old, single Lady Wang heard about it, red face laughs:" I want to give me my first husband. "She said, Shou-ching is a ancient tradition, today is increasingly complex and diversified socialUnder the reality, should promote this tradition. Wuhan University School of public administration Professor Shang Zhongsheng: "good starting point, but the lack of interoperability" Huangshi Center Hospital Gynecology doctors attending Pan Wei noted that "Ya virginity network" said after the tushiyou behavior can only represent the personal subjective consciousness, but from the standpoint of Physiology, irrespective of age, marriageShou-ching phenomenon before there is reasonable or physiological harm, without too much of the community to judge such acts. "Fun! Fun! Interesting! "Heard a tushiyou dedicated to start such a website to promote the en: chastity before marriage, Wuhan University School of public administration known as" social analysis Division "," four famous mouth of Wuhan University "title of Professor Shang Zhongsheng, first sentenceSaid.����Professor Express, started a Web site called en: chastity, morality, legally, is feasible, and, starting points and objectives is very good, she tried to promote traditional virtues, advocating human security in contemporary society, sexual health. However, it is said tsw power leveling, is subjective, evaluation of and is a highly individual thing,That purity and sacredness is a personal judgment, values "shoushen as jade" just care about en: chastity before marriage, it was "feel fine" then we will not deliberately keep Zhen. But the harsh social reality is, from ancient times to the present, have always served as a trading, in today's pluralistic society, tushiyou this kind of advocacy and social reality would be a contradiction, so the coatingFriends started a Web site called on en: chastity before marriage, the starting point is good, but do not have operable. He also believes that "Ya virginity network" can only be described as tushiyou should be a reflection of my experience and subjective judgment, represents her own attitudes and perceptions to premarital sex are themselves subjective associations rose to common human ideas or a product of value. Others:

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