Sunday, February 12, 2012

swtor valor power leveling in agreement and Jingdong Mall - LJR

129733877407502500_193Founder and CEO of Jingdong Mall (left photo), founded on June 18, 1998, Beijing East, East into the e-commerce sector January 2004 Beijing.  In 2010, Jingdong Mall jumped for the first larger than billions of networks of retail enterprises in China, occupy domestic share of retail Cyber 32.5%. Zhongxinwang, February 10 Roundup, a sophistFollow GOME and suning model bully suppliers supply agreement recently circulated on the Internet, and mining have been investigated by the media section for verification, Jingdong Mall and tension of zero for the relationship between suppliers and thus be placed has cropped up. Zhongxinwang securities channels through media coverage found, Jingdong Mall does have a gross profit margin of agreements with suppliers and salesRelevant provisions of the sales amount, but harsh terms or only for small enterprises.  Jingdong Mall is still losing money, but because of price wars led to money chain is in decline, or financing first went public in March, now faces the question of how to improve the profitability of the company. Suppliers to ensure Maori Jingdong Mall Jingdong Mall 20% declined to comment, according to Internet Protocol provisions,Supplier shall ensure that Jingdong Mall 20% of the Maori, and not less than the total gross profit of $ 1 million tor commendation power leveling, in addition, suppliers must also pay $ 200 swtor valor power leveling,000 to the Jingdong Mall branding services.  In addition, more media Biological Aerated suppliers complained that Jingdong Mall has 4 main "fighter" clause. According to the Beijing Morning News reported, who claimed to be Jingdong Mall claimed, head of the rice cooker supplier, Jingdong MallNot only with suppliers to pay gross profit guarantee, also have to pay tens of thousands of Yuan admission fee, and the contract signed with the Jingdong Mall open on the network. According to the business daily (blog, Twitter) reported that one of the newspaper reporters call Jingdong Mall vendor, the vendor said, in agreement and Jingdong Mall, did have that gross profit margin, and sales-related provisions.It is understood that the long-standing conflicts between supplier and retailer, GOME electrical appliances before giant contradictions between the supplier and have newspapers, Carrefour, also exposes a hefty entrance fee by the media.  And the e-commerce giant vendor conflict intensification of contradictions between suppliers and retailers reveal in public again. According to the Beijing News reported yesterday, Jingdong MallTo reporters, declined to comment on market rumours. According to the Beijing News survey, part of the home appliance brand that has not been operating fee expenses. Said one head of home appliance vendor, Jingdong mall stores all network delivery price is the same, there is no minimum delivery price said. Another supplier Xia Huahui dongling Commerce Center Director said, there is no entryFees, Jingdong Mall be charged service fees, points, and other platforms.  Analysts said harsh terms or only for small enterprises. But in terms of national policy, December 19, 2011, Department of Commerce, national development and Reform Commission, Ministry of public security, State administration of taxation, administration for industry and Commerce jointly issued a statement on the reorganization of large retail enterprises violation charge to the vendor work programme, Requires the use of market dominant position violations charges to suppliers of large retailers and affiliated stores and straighten up. Price wars make money chain listed is in decline, or pave the way for enterprises that Jingdong Mall's founder and CEO Liu Qiangdong said in an interview with weekly financial state in January, 2010, Jingdong Mall sales exceeded 10 billion. 2011Jingdong Mall is scheduled early 24 billion to $ 26 billion, but actual sales have far exceeded the intended destination. However, according to foreign media reports, domestic electrical field of increasingly fierce competition, Jingdong Mall money chain is in decline star wars the old republic Warzone Commendation power leveling, or as early as March listing and financing. Jingdong Mall last year Russia companies such as DST invested $ 1 billion, when investor Jingdong MallValuation of up to $ 10 billion. Jingdong Mall then into several e-commerce price war, especially the price war and dangdang, resulting in Jingdong Mall profit substantially reduced.  Jingdong Mall is still losing money, announced in autumn last year the preparatory to the United States market. In the personnel structure of the company over the past few months, Jingdong Mall executives adjusting frequently. On January 31, the sophistCity announced the adjustment framework, establishment of the CTO position, the Oracle (Oracle) Vice President Wang Yaqing became first Chairman of the Beijing-East global CTO. This is the third executive Jingdong Mall recently adjusted, put up a lineup of luxury executive team. View of the industry, these actions indicate that Jingdong Mall is do frantic preparations for the IPO. However, the capital on business attitudesAlready cold, Jingdong Mall can effective yet. Liu Qiangdong said in January 2012 "business itself is no problem, the industry still maintained a high growth, problem is capital, is the capital markets to stop the blood transfusion and investment in the electricity industry. Jingdong to be listed is a primary responsibility for the development of enterprises, we are listed as a sophist isOpened to the public in a way. "(Securities zhongxinwang channels)

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