Friday, February 24, 2012

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129733522803752500_8Local Internet post picture responded that, fancy rich because of her mother's honest, her husband was not a civil servant, nor eat empty rates and one of the officers of the second generation of civil servants do not have to work as paid, Ries, taxpayers cannot afford to hurt! Network of posts in various forums and on Twitter yesterday crazy communication, Internet post directly at sanmen, Taizhou, food and Drug Administration to the Secretary's daughter-in-law "rich micro-Bo-Hyun", immediately raised a large number ofNetizens criticized and questioned. Yesterday afternoon, Secretary for Drug Administration confirmed to reporters in sanmen County friends @ little Y__Y is his daughter-in-law, burst out of a number of luxury goods on the Internet also to rethink the all, but most of the fees provided by its mother. At the same time, sanmen County party Committee propaganda departments and personnel in sanmen County confirmed users @ little Y__Y's husband was not a civil servant, nor eat empty ratesCondition. Howe table 150,000 luxury a bunch of reporters to check if found, posted first by the user of the network @ Du Nan claimed release on February 8 in Sina.����The user has posted on Twitter a lot "was said to be Secretary of Taizhou sanmen County Drug Council daughter-in-law rich micro-Bo-Hyun as", and claimed that "there are pictures and the truth, after the harvest". According to @ Du Nan and explosive materialsPresentation @ little Y__Y was Secretary of Taizhou sanmen County Drug Council daughter-in-law, her show on Twitter itself many luxuries, such as $ 150,000 worth of watches, from Paris to buy packages of $ 15,000, and claimed that "the husband is a civil servant, hang a name has never been to." Published online 13 images including 1 @ little Y__Y sheet "husband on the dummy does not"The dialog screenshot, 12 photos and luxury goods (the partial picture left, network picture). In the luxury of numerous articles, include a wide variety of brand name watches, handbags, perfumes, shoes, mobile phones, lighters, one men's VERSACE Diamond watches worth $ 150,000, a Black Womens Leather Bag value purchased from Paris $ 14,900.On that day, @ little Y__Y on Twitter about "cool rich" content have all been deleted. Many netizens commented: "this is not only a father's age, is the age of a pit. "Cool rich as a daughter-in-law, yesterday afternoon, the Secretary, Taizhou sanmen County party Committee propaganda Department Chief Yang Zheng publicity Bureau told a press conference, the County party Committee propaganda Department had been informed that evening news online, you can confirmWas @ little Y__Y is the daughter-in-law of sanmen County Secretary for drug administration, but sections of the network referred to is not accurate. Yang Zheng said, friends @ little Y__Y really named Zhang Yi, a temporary worker is currently the sanmen nuclear. As users said, it is the food and drug administration in sanmen County Secretary Zhang Wenqing daughter-in-law. But her husband Zhang Chengsong are not civil servants,Is the industrial park project management section of the General staff in sanmen County, belongs to the business establishment.����"Eat empty rates," said Yang Zheng explains: "because of the work required, Zhang Chengsong walk normally on the site, very little at the Office, occasional absenteeism or timing out, is not ' do not take wage work". Such claims have also been in sanmen County personnelConfirmed by the Council.����One of the surnames of the Council Chief, told a press conference yesterday morning, County personnel specifically sent to sanmen County Industrial Park project management Bureau buy runescape items, Zhang Chengsong attendance records are randomly selected and runescape items for sale, up to 4 days in a month is found not registration, is not "hang a name has never been to." Yesterday, reporters learned from the sanmen County Commission for discipline inspection, the Department has been investigatingThis thing. Daughter-in-law of living provided by the family yesterday afternoon, the Secretary, contacted on the food and drug administration in sanmen County Secretary Zhang Wenqing.����According to the confirmed, @ little Y__Y was his daughter-in-law Zhang Yi, Internet post many luxuries as Zhang Yi referred to in all, but does not include the $ 150,000 worth of watches. Zhang Wenqing said the $ 150,000 watch was Zhang YiAll junior high school students. Earlier this month, Zhang Yi classmates want to sell this table, asked Zhang Yi to find a buyer, so the pictures on the Sun Micro-Bo, didn't expect to have such a big impact.����As of now, the watch is not sold. He said, son, daughter-in-law have never been to Paris, valued at $ 14,900 bags by son students in October last year from France back to, when you buy more than price of more than 10,000Yuan, Zhang Chengsong has to pay students $ 10,000.����"Other luxury goods as Zhang Yi for all". He explained that Zhang Yi is the only daughter, home base of rich, at least hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in revenue, usually caress Zhang Yi and Zhang Yi married most of the cost of living is provided by its mother, which he and Zhang Chengsong income cannot meet consumption needs of Zhang Yi�� As parents spoiling, Zhang Yi from the habit of vanity and lavish lifestyle.����Sun picture on Twitter of its vanity.����Assertion on Twitter confirmed by some of Zhang Yi rs items for sale, "these two wage estimates we all starve". Journalists hoping to direct dialogue between Zhang Yi himself, but Zhang Wenqing said "Zhang Yi both days under a lot of pressure", Declined to requests of. Diario reporter Ding Jianting Others:

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