Wednesday, February 29, 2012

rift platinum "vaginal is a me - ZMH

129742915795156250_433"Vagina" Word is a word that people couldn't say, is a terrible Word, is a almost a taboo word. The vagina, is part of a woman's body, but I don't know how many people or women can open the word to say in public and not feel uncomfortable or hesitation. The famous author of the play the vagina monologues Eve * ensile said in an interview age of conan gold,In the various languages of the world, has made a lot of people are afraid of the word vagina, defiling the air seems to say the word. I read her interview, I nodded, I know, I have felt before. Why "vagina" and "mind" or "kill" or "rape" the word dangerous? Why say "vagina" the word dirty? Vagina is the female sexual organs, humanExtended stretches of warm everyone through the channel, why is the word, as well as knowledge of the vagina are daunting? In China, most women still don't know their vaginas in 2012 is what they do not know the function of the clitoris, do not know how their own pleasure, they dare not touch your clitoris or vulva, they feel likeFruit did, is a "crime". Where some of them advocated "keep Zhen". Two years ago, I was in Beijing's "female bookstore" of experiencing a more than 30-year old woman, she has married, had a baby. We're talking only a few minutes, she suddenly asked me, "Shen Rui, I have a question, is sexual intercourse can only reach orgasm? "I have no hesitation:" does not meet,Unless you touch the clitoris. Female orgasm can only be the result of friction of clitoris. I haven't seen a woman who only through sexual intercourse to achieve orgasm, although some women say they have a vaginal orgasm. "The girl was excited to clapping:" Shen Rui! Was for many years the only say what I feel you man! "I said," because I say is true, I have taught women's studies getting startedAh, how can I not say true? "Tell the true, to tell the truth, serious and honest view of the woman's body, and enhance the woman's mental health, this is the starting point for the feminist thought. Western feminism has broken the Western society, history and culture set up obstacles for women, but, in this area, the vagina monologues shouted out"Vagina" Word after 16 years, women become the master of his body and makes satisfactory progress has been made on this point, polymer and traditional dead force again. Because United States traditional religion and culture, a lot of girls grew up in an atmosphere of religious and traditional thought. United States although there are physiological, as well as the fight against AIDS education in schools, but the girls onOne course on the understanding of the body is not solved. Remember my freshmen in a university examination, turning on the differences between men and women, there are 61% people write a rib to women than men, because men that ribs, God made woman. I was very surprised with the result. More surprising to me is the term I just do "women's studies getting started"Lesson's teaching assistant. In this door, I found her vagina for the first time. I followed with my students, it dawned on me that watching the female vagina. "Women's studies getting started" lesson a chapter specifically talk about women's bodies. Go to class the other day, I do not know how the Professor would say. Then our bodies, our health, a book has been published for more than 20 years, even in theCountries have translated the book, title of the female body, I feel that I do not have any problems. I sat in the back of the classroom, classes start on the day. Professor came in rift plat, after a few opening remarks, she began to slide. I looked at the slides, and-after. She slide is a picture of woman's vagina. Nervously stretched my body up. Although I've seen the IBody of the book, but I have never seen, nor in public to share with others to see a variety of vagina pictures. Professor, of course, know the effect. With me almost all more than more than 100 students in the classroom about, nervously without looking at these photos. Professor in the series after several of vagina pictures, stop and start askingQuestion, a simple question: "do you have any comments about these photos? "I, as well as all of the students, after listening to the problem, seem to breath a sigh of relief. We like from the shock back to God. Students begin to answer the question. Ah, the vagina is like. Every woman's vagina looks and colors are not the same, as everyone faces. The originalPhotos of vagina does not make us fall into a coma, on the contrary, it is our understanding the vagina, understanding women, understanding women feel about sexual health and fertility, women began. Say the word vagina, vagina photos, discuss the vagina is defined how to be social, cultural and political, is the pillar of my own to feminist thought. Every year on February 14 isWestern "love Festival", but also the world "opposed to violence against women day--V-Day". On this day, has more than 5,000 more places around the world to play the vagina monologues the play, many women around the world will say the word vagina for the first time, the significance of the thought of vagina for the first time, for the first time to the liberation of the self. Vaginal once belonged to a man, menTools; vaginal once belonged to the family, is a tool for procreation; vaginal once belonged to the army, rape is a group or tribal symbol of strength to conquer other groups or tribes; vaginal once belonged to the State, Wang Zhaojun in ancient China is not "and the" articles do? Until today, whether it be Western or Chinese, vagina, lots of the woman's vagina, not her own.Section Valentines or love, this festival of violence against women, we should study and to remind ourselves is: your vagina, my vagina rift platinum, belonging to each of the women themselves. Eve * ensile wants every woman to say loudly: "vaginal is a me, I love my vagina. "

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