Monday, February 27, 2012


129740308496875000_95Guangzhou daily in less than a week that Chinese "?t?a two Dragons looked up", Zhongshan business experienced a downturn of the property market began to dip after rally. From Reporter visits to understand more complex circumstances, housing rebound in passenger traffic see clear, common benefits and discounts in the past no longer blanket, some developers take advantage of price increases. However, under the warmer surface, isOversupply brought obvious increase in housing supply, while developers money chain tight and cause a reduction in enthusiasm.  Government departments will strictly enforce the unwavering stance control policies, the industry believes, key is to look at the policies of the next trend. Per cent from the first half of data net signed area increased by almost 60% after the deal has experienced sustained downturn, after the Spring Festival,Accompanied by a limit standards improve, daily network of signed data also began to gradually picked up, particularly since the beginning of February, the recovery and more. Check network data display of the municipal Bureau of land and resources, February 1, the city's total net check House 1811, with an area of about of 203,500 square, than the record low in the past 2 years respectively in January growth this yearAnd 34%. Insiders said these increases do not rule out the possibility that some has actually sold for last year but was not signed for the record of the House, but the part number it is hard to tell, "taking into account the NET check normally delayed one week to about half a month, now the data reflecting the rebound in transactions since the Spring Festival of the State, but the actual increase is not so big."A real estate sales person in Shiqi, Chen told reporters, their accumulation have been sold but not yet signed partial estimation of project to be finished about a month to digest, he says the February figures were real enough," to inform customers, customers also have a response time.  "Mr Chen also said that from the actual sales, passenger pick-up in the near future. CityDevelopers take advantage of price popularity rebound from this reporter recently visited the situation more complex, the truth did as he said, critically passenger traffic rebounded significantly during the festive period. Last weekend, as near the Western Valentine's day, organizes the topics associated with more complex activities, aimed at the focus of this part is about to enter the Palace of marriages just need customerThe main force of the crowd.  Age of love held in shaxi "looking for edge parties" attracted the participation of hundreds of young men and women, couples with marriage certificates will also receive a gift, buy the gift lovers for table, similar activities organized by the Eastern Ocean City also attracts many young people in. Vanke city landscape terms last week launched a new experience on the actual sales of a "spring river plumbing duck prophet"On that day evening sale, pin-controlled tables show launched on nearly hundred sets of houses quickly sold more than half, according to sales personnel introduction, the current average price up around December last year raised $ 300~500. Also located in the southern, burst out last year $ 3,850/o Riverside Bay play in the square "Miss 3,850, don't miss it now"At the same time, recently added push the starting price has increased to $ 3,980/sq m, rose 130 dollars per square metre.  In addition, the reporter also noted that had previously been restricted large scale sale of permits also began issuing, Western resources in wuguishan Palm Rainbow and treasure into the Emerald garden Villa recently got a pre-sale card. Excess inventory supply and demand pressures increasePlus stock and land transactions, data showing the current property market of cold. Recently, Zhongshan, Zhongshan Bureau of statistics announced last year in economic history shows that area of 29.5243 million square meters commercial housing construction last year, 27%; completed in an area of 6.4267 million square meters, an increase of 29.2%; sales area 6.5974 million square metersDecrease of 1.8%, it shows the housing inventory pressures increase. Zhongshan Zhongyuan's data show that as of January 31, Zhongshan City Residential Volume 54,778. Cent in January than last year rose by 64%, is 2.8% per cent in December last year rose. Among them, tanzhou town, housing stock up to 9801, in accordance with the Tan Chau 13 months before selling (737/month) to calculate, period of 13 months. Glory-rich Western regional research and analysis of the company, Zhongshan apparent oversupply in the market now, "beginning in the second half of last year, oversupply of housing market conditions become even more prominent, especially after September, supply climax, digestion and lower market,Overstock inventory more and more. "In addition, the real estate development as" raw materials "of land transactions have fallen sharply, according to Sun Yat-Sen statistics of the Central Plains, land contract area in January fell by 70.8%, turnover also declined by more than 70%, deal town area leading on the area, Zhongshan Zhongyuan believes that current developers in today's money chain is very tight,More cautious.  Next policy is key to Sun Yat-Sen in the industry analysis of the Central Plains, Sun Yat-Sen price check standards can improve the lot of complex network for the record, will drive up the overall price, sales price real estate will be reduced, most buildings will consolidate existing strengths, to new images back into the stock market, Zhongshan city, the property market will gradually warmed up and entered the sound stage. However, needleYesterday Housing Bureau in Zhongshan city and the combined interpretation of the land Bureau, Zhong Shan Guo Guangxi think market research and consultancy Department Manager of the Central Plains, the next policy is a key factor affecting the future of the property market trends, "even more important is, what effects these policies will bring to customers. "" This year's supply of more than last year, developers face a lot of pressure, but relative toSaid pressure may be small town area. "Zhongshan real estate marketing director duo Chen Binyi think the next trend to look at policy," If the amount can be used to price change, by lowering prices is not a bad thing to drive sales, developers should be most concerned about is the wait-and-see mood is too strong, even if price sells fixed. "/Reporter Qi Huawei

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