Friday, February 17, 2012

tera gold Forest - YWY

129732242183752500_21SINA sports news Beijing time on February 10, also is is Xia Friday, NBA (micro-Bo) will announced 14 people of full star alternate list (by coach vote elected), under NBA of official rules, in East, and West alternate list in the, respectively will has two a defender places, and two a striker places, and a Center places and two a unlimited location of places, accordingly rules, toSINA sports under (micro-blogging) of the alternate list forecasts in the West: back: Russell-Wei, Brock, Tony-pakekameilong-Anthony (microblogging), DeLong-Williams left, plus Mac Manu-Jinuo Billy long quezhen, to a large extent, ease the defender of intense competition in the West. T have the best record in the West, and the team is veryRely on the personal abilities of the star, Russell-the highest wisdom Brock can say being selected voice back in the West. Wisdom Brock field this season have been 21.7 points, 5.7 assists, 4.7 rebounds, 2 time tackling, compared with last season, fell slightly, but at a slower pace and less. Consider the t record is impressive, weakened the competitive situation of the guard case, wisdomThen there was Luke doomed to go to Orlando to play there. Places in the second Defender is controversial; from the perspective of record, Thunder harden, Denver Nuggets Lawson, Parker of the San Antonio Spurs are eligible, but Steve Nash (micro-blogging) more personal data, are 14.5 points and 9.9 assists, shooting up to 54.5%, PER value in the WestDefender after Paul (micro-blogging) and Kobe Bryant. However in the same position I preferred Tony-Parker, Parker field 18.1 for the season points and 7.7 assists, assists hit a career high diablo 3 gold, near the all star replacement is created before, and crazy shot down 42 points in the match and t-9 assists, and block off the Union leader. Spurs into the WestThree, Parker is the clear leader, elected to the natural deserved. Power forward: Kevin-Joachim (microblogging), lamakusi-Aldridge (Twitter) this is the choice of two little suspense, Kevin-Joachim is bibuleike-Griffin (micro-blogging) better players, Joachim has been selected for the all-star last season, forest Wolf's record this season is aLight, there will be no reasons for losing. In fact, Joachim's performance this season than last season better, have skyrocketed to score 25 points, than full of 4.8 points last season.����Under Rick Adelman, Joachim added personal attacks, this is the most fans want to see progress in his possession. Aldridge could not be selected for the all-star last season played at all the media and fansIts cry out about one ' s grievances, Aldridge still impeccable performance this season, 23.1 min 8.7 rebounds, scoring more than last season, and even 2 hit l higher than 2%. Pioneer to do the same for everyone to see (although the team a little bleak), Duncan, Dirk Nowitzki a sharp decline in cases, Aldridge had not been out of the grounds.Center: AI-Excellence, No, Forest, as Bynum (micro-blogging) said, the Western centers generally are not impressive, helped him get all-star starting center, only one competition for Excellence, No, Forest: Mark Gasol. Because the injured Zach-Shavlik Randolph, Gasol played up to 38.2 minutes this season, get 15.1 points, 10.5 rebounds and 2.8 supportStrike at a King, and 2.3 times the cover.����But the data just as impressive of Excellence, No tera gold, Forest: 18.5 points, 9.2 rebounds, 1.6 times the cover, and this is the presence within 33 minutes he produced transcripts, taking into account the jazz record over the Grizzlies, Excellence, No, Forest may be a better choice. Free location: Daniero-jialinali, Steve nashidengken, Dirk Nowitzki's lowFans are likely to end their 13 years in a row and a record of 10 wins all star, can't help but let us pitiful, Gasol yield the team second place this season, plus the Lakers (micro-blogging) on the record is not eye-catching, 16.1 points, 9.8 rebounds compared the first three seasons have some setbacks, if Gasol missed all star won't let fans accident. TwoBy the location of places, Steve Nash and the Denver Nuggets ' jialinali, Lawson, t-James Harden-DM, jazz Millsap, the Grizzlies Gasol has the opportunity, I prefer to vote for jialinali of the Denver Nuggets and the Sun's Steve Nash. Nuggets among the Western front four, jialinali was the team's scoring King, have achieved much progress this season, is to exploit the futureCore.����Nash still outstanding this season, PER value was an MVP season swtor pvp valor power leveling, Sun record bad crimes not Nash, DeLong, Anthony East tour, Nash had the opportunity to return to the all-star. (Butyl papaya) Others:

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