Thursday, February 23, 2012

aion kinah Thor accommodation fee - FRK

129733906148440000_56Ladygaga concert for a cool time: May 2, 2012 site: "Hong Kong Asia World-Expo" fares: up to HK $ 1580, HK $ 480 minimum booking: tickets will be coming through Hong Kong on 27th of this month and Tom Lee music shop in Hong Kong, and Hong Kong Ticketing site for public sale. At the doorSee a LadyGaGa concert, do not know how many Chinese fans dream.  LadyGaGa yesterday officially announced on May 2 for the first time to the Chinese performances in Hong Kong. In addition to Hong Kong, LadyGaga's Asian tour also includes Tokyo and Seoul Station on April 27 and May 10 May 28, Singapore。  Chengdu local performances to the huaxi Metropolitan daily reporter that secret operation had begun as early as two years ago LadyGaGa performances to Chengdu, ready, final approval did not take place aion kinah Urtem, hopes for the future are slim. Maximum fare HK $ 1580 Lief LadyGaGa Hong Kong Station is also the first indoor performance, fares are divided into $ 1580 (Hong Kong dollars, and after) $ 1280 aion kinah, 780 aion kinah Spatalos, 480 four. Please be LadyGaGa spending astronomical amounts of course Hong Kong, roving stage sketches from her recent public opinion, will take the stage built Castle shapes, extends from the city walls is the "bridge" position is reserved for admission is first queued in front of the stage and dress up the most faithful"Little monster" fans, and after each show will pick some fans to go back and meet her.  It is understood that in electronic pop Opera-themed heavy metal concert, she will also show a variety of modeling the new stage. Many Hong Kong star likes to imitate LadyGaGa aion kinah Kromede, Cho-lam Wong (microblogging) that after LadyGaGa in May this year will go to Hong Kong, Immediately expressed the hope that first-hand learning from each other, the same used to imitate LadyGaGa Gillian Chung also want to be able to watch aion kinah Telemachus, she said: "really, really want to go, to be called Ah Sa can join together, the most expensive fare is HK $ 1580, her style is worth the price. "Unfortunately unable to get approval from Chengdu station LadyGaGa announcedOpen singing, so a lot of fans jump with joy aion kinah Zikel, have asked whether more mainland station. Yesterday aion kinah Suthran, Chengdu, who asked not to be named told the huaxi Metropolitan daily reporter troupe aion kinah Balder, in fact, as early as two years ago, was already preparing LadyGaGa requested to open in Chengdu. "Her tour of Asia stands in the world at that time, just want to take a ride to the Mainland go races cost lessPoint operations more. "It was revealed that LadyGaGa's single appearance fee at around US $ 2 million, concert total cost close to 20 million Yuan aion kinah Perento," the cost over any country singer, however, after precision calculations, to her appeal in the Mainland, the concert definitely still can make money. "Money when fully in place aion money, because tableToo bloody and aggressive speech, never obtained performance approval.  At the same time aion kinah Siel, including Beijing and Shanghai City has the performance and LadyGaGa team approached, Hunan TV (micro-blogging) across years concerts have also invited LadyGaGa, finally was stopped at the approval of the first. Huaxi Metropolitan daily reporter Wu elegant help you accounts "may day"Miss GaGa deal or not? Chengdu fans formed a delegation to Hong Kong to see concerts have become a trend, coupled with the many Tin Hau in mainland King sing's fare at a few thousand, shopping trip to Hong Kong but also the way, of course, price/performance. LadyGaGa open sings hopeless in the Mainland aion kinah Israphel, Hong Kong concert happens to be "51", fans aion kinah Thor, you are going to doNot to do, is go? Air ticket (to and from Shenzhen): about $ 2000 (early booking discounts higher) bus (round trip): about 200 Yuan (airport to urban) accommodation fee (for one night): approximately $ 500 (Samsung) Restaurant: $ 300 (simple plan) communications: $ 150 (Metro very convenient) total (RMB): 31$ 50 concert tickets $ 400 = $ 3,550 (Jacky Cheung aion kinah Vaizel, Faye Wong the Mainland up to RMB 3,999) huaxi Metropolitan daily reporter Wu elegant (it was end of the onion) Others:

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