Saturday, February 25, 2012

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129742939384843750_416Mandarin financial (Edit Lijun Wang)-within-plate: Hu-1205 copper contracts advance low today, at 59,910 in early trading, was rushed to a 60,350 high, but maintenance of less than 3 minutes, price began to fall, late 59,270 today reached a low point, a 59,340, sold 479,702 throughout the day, positions 214,502, compared with the previousTransaction increase 34,992 hands. Economic data and macroeconomic Dynamics: Central Bank reduced deposit rates February 18, the Central Bank announced that, from February 24, 2012, reduced deposit financial institutions renminbi deposit reserve rate 0.5%. Deposit rate cut for the first time since this year, the financial system is expected to be released around 400 billion yuan of funds.Industry experts believe that the reduced financial support for the development of the real economy, solid economic development recovery, virtual economies represented by capital markets will naturally have the appropriate performance. At the same time, virtual economy before the real response to changes in economic policy. Deposit rates fall in the previous 0.5% is on December 5 last year (Central Bank in the evening of November 30 7Announcement), the cut for the first time in almost 3 years. Save on February 24 after rate cut 0.5%, 20.5% standard implementation of large financial institutions, small and medium-sized financial institutions was 17%. China and Japan will work together to the IMF funding to help Europe February 20 Beijing time news this morning, according to foreign reports, China and Japan said on Sunday that the two countries wouldHand in hand to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to respond to any request for a capital injection to help euro-zone debt crisis. IMF is currently seeking to fund expansion more than 1 time, to meet the needs of Europe. Japan Finance Minister Chun (Jun Azumi) and Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan and said after meeting Finance Minister Xie xuren, JapanEurope is ready to support the IMF's assistance, but pointed out that the euro zone Member States themselves must make more efforts. Iran announcing the end to United Kingdom France oil Iran petroleum Ministry 19th announced on its website, Iran has stopped to the United Kingdom and France sell oil. Iran petroleum Ministry spokesman said nikezhade-Farhad rahbar, Iran with its oil customers, There are no problems with selling oil, Iran will get the oil to sell to new customers. The EU decided in January to Iran oil export sanctions and Central Bank, caused Iran reacted strongly, several parliamentarians and Government officials that it would stop exporting oil to some EU countries. On 15th of this month, Iran News television reported that Iran decided to stop to France and the Netherlands, and Italy, And Spain, and Greece and Portugal six countries exporting oil. However this message forthwith by Iran petroleum Ministry spokesman denied that. Oil is Iran economic lifeline. The OPEC's second-largest oil producer, Iran exported 2.6 million barrels of crude oil a day, of which some 20% exports to EU countries, including Italy, and Spain and Greece. France is not Iran stonesThe main exports of oil in Europe, United Kingdom was completely stopped in the third quarter from last year Iran imported oil. Moody's "mass" downgrade warning European debt crisis spreading global the world's leading rating agencies Moody's investors service on 16th to 17 financial institutions around the world, as well as 114 European financial institutions to warn, that it could cut their credit rating. Some analysisMasters say that Moody's warning is a signal of the eurozone debt crisis spreading in global financial markets. Domestic stock: stock quote 59050--59150,-225 this morning of the Yangtze River. Market leading, on lack of rebounding confidence. Technical analysis: 1205 form weak contract technology trends, the main indicator does not show claims,Weak market will continue. Review: Shanghai copper prices some unexpected today, but an in-depth analysis is also reasonable. Reduction announced on the surface on the market have some benefit, but to drop further explanation cheap runescape items, if we believe that current domestic economic growth has reached the bottom line positions, balance of stable economic growth and controlling inflation, stable economic growthTo control inflation. And after falling to release most of the funds will go to small and medium enterprises, State regulation and price policy under relaxed conditions, capital inflow will not increase the number of real estate, household appliance that is thrown by the real estate downturn, cable, chain reaction in downstream businesses will further fermentation. Therefore, the reduction of just ease the tight liquidity in the money marketConditions, without changing the State of the current market downturn, in short, the drop on empty in the metals markets. At the same time we also have to continue to monitor closely the concerns of Greece issues, recently Greece aid plan to clear, final programme on the future of the European debt crisis to other countries guiding significance. Market concerns raised on this will be greatly alleviated. Spot, High of Shanghai's stock has risen in the last ten years rs items for sale, this also indicates that the slowdown in the economy, there is no obvious improvement in the weak demand. Taken together, Shanghai copper will continue to maintain the shock down market, looking for an effective range of price support. Operational advice, continue to hold. (Hua wen futures research and Development Department: Yang Ming) online statement Gold: Gold on the online reprintThe content runescape items, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

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