Sunday, November 27, 2011

whose moneyWho lives on. Group buy wild growth

129667840459521642_134"Notice the end of October the company headquarters to withdraw station on November 2 sent people to speak to us, only fill half a month's basic salary. "24 tickets in Fushun station staff of Li Qian told reporters. 24 tickets in Fushun station staff salary is $ 1400, half a month is $ 700. This $ 700, 3 days, half of the 14 employees in the separation agreement was signed. 24 tickets is Beijing Red micro-blog postArt of the introduction of group buying website. Fushun station is only a miniature 24 certificates of many sites. In fact, 24 vouchers from the end of September has started to make adjustments to the staffing structure. Now from 6,000 layoffs to 5,000 people. Group buys mired in mud a group buying website said a left middle, thanks to early isn't group-net, or Northwest retrenched will have to drinkThe wind. Amoy net according to the link September of October in China market turnover fell by 11%, total TRANS value of in-kind goods and services of life only flat to the June. Group-800 navigation Web site released the third quarter of 2011, China consumer observation report, there are 754 coupon site cannot be opened or transformation is not donePurchase, in which more than a month without updates Web site to 9%, while 5% 's Web site revision and internal adjustment reason to close a group buy of business. Bulletin of the national group buying site census data shows that by the end of October 2011, 1483 group buying websites nationwide shut down, quit buying market in fierce competition, which closed in October onlyGroup buying websites up to 456. Crazy expansion Zhao occupation too far lawyers have taken over more than one group-company labour arbitration cases arising from layoffs, including WoWo mission, Mission Ridge and gaopeng networks. "Gaopeng, Mission Ridge networks there are hundreds of stations across the country, those three or four cities, one quarter are two or three lists. "Around the group buying site" flag "Is used the guise of hundreds of stations get financing to investors. Zhao said the occupation, group buying website crazy expanded too far, did not take into account the acceptability of the market. "Suzhou substation a group buying website, one of the best seats in the city centre offices, offices, banks, oil companies a building, how can it what is the gross profit margin, dared to rent expensive office locations? "Feng Xiaohai says coupon site investors spent money lavishly, blind expansion of planted seeds. "Bubbles the whole group-industry giant, has been indiscriminate. "Blog network founder, Internet laboratory Chairman Fang xingdong said. "Group buying site life turned Marathon into a Sprint. "Fang xingdong said. Is only a matter of time before the bubble burst, whose moneyWho lives on. Group buy wild growth, venture capital cannot be left unrecognized. "These VCs rush out, chasing rising stocks like shareholders to kill the fallen, who bid than, but whose bid. "Fang xingdong said," group buying site will gradually reduce, turning point has come 2012 is group-contract year. "Coupon outlet Amoy network data, from June to October this year,Consumer goods consumption than continuous upgrading of the physical classes Group buys and 50% of the total exceeded market consumption in October this year for the first time above, to 52.75%, but life such as food service, travel tickets, recreation and leisure services group-project market share continues to decline. Eric network analyst upright, said Wang, in e-commerce industry, Group buys is a high-cost operationsModel spent on manpower and money on advertising a lot, which is very small. Real class group rose is not a good sign, King said upright, real class group is the direct competitor of Jingdong Mall, B2C companies such as dangdang, these companies the large, well-funded and full access to the upstream supply chain and delivery systems, group buying site with which it is difficult to compete. Group buys because they do not involve theWarehousing, logistics and so on, comparing to traditional e-commerce model, is a "light" mode. Only local services such as restaurants, beauty salons, out of group characteristics in a down-to-earth manner. Upright Wang believed that China contribution is to cultivate the market and users of the site, group buying market became mature, consumers are also increasingly recognized that consumption patterns. Now is the Group buyRational regression website when driven by investment, and towards consumption driven. Feng Xiaohai believes that customers should deepen co-operation and business marketing, providing solutions to businesses, stable turnover, instead of the Happy Valley enclosure in various cities.

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