Thursday, November 24, 2011

become "orphans". This new study by the United States

129614839633906250_479Scientists believe that humans may once have been present with the exception of the solar system outside of Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune 5th gas planet Jupiter photo. Nisiwoni think the 5th gaseous planet was unable to escape the gravity of Jupiter was behind the solar Sina Tech News Beijing time on September 26, United StatesScientists believe we may once have the solar 5 gaseous planet. 5th gaseous planet was "driven out" the solar system, become "orphans". This new study by the United States, Colorado, Southwest Research Institute's David-nisiwoni, the use of computer simulation of different portrayal of the 4 billion years ago, the solar systemThe face. According to his study found that the orbits of the planets of the solar system was not in the current, but rather around and polled. After series testing, nisiwoni found if not 5th of gaseous planets exist, solar system never got that way on. Run from several different starting locations involving 4-Gaseous planets-Jupiter, Saturn diablo 3 gold, Uranus, and Neptune �C computer simulations, he came to this conclusion.����According to his study found that these 4 gaseous planet could have destroyed each other 's, indicates a gaseous planet. Even with settings of gaseous planets can survive or analog appearsIn the solar system, as Rocky planets such as Mars, Venus cases cannot be set using this survived. After introducing 5th gaseous planet, nisiwoni found that the solar system evolved into the current state of the possibility of substantial increase.����Recently found many "wandering planet" supports this theory was. Nisiwoni says:"Assuming the initial giant planets and solar system has 5 1--after the ice Giants Uranus and Neptune and quality diablo 3 power leveling, then by Jupiter's gravity into interstellar space--I've got the ideal statistical data. This possibility seems to be found in interstellar space and recently a large number of free float of the planets in line.These found description systems in which the planets were behind the phenomenon is more common. "It 's" orphaned planets "believed to be an ice giant, the volume and composition is similar to Uranus and Neptune. The Scientific American reports that nisiwoni think this gaseous planet was unable to escape the gravity of Jupiter was behind the solar system. ��Qiu ling)

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