Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Western securities the fifth-largest shareholder

129667634784834142_24Zhou Junsheng: security in the West end of IPO feast table hiding A month ago to prepare for a 4-year-old Western Stock IPO application was finally approved, for the company to now, ready, only one was a little higher priced "East wind", in relation to the market "money". However, the daily economic news reporters after arduous investigation interview on the IPO of fingernails company sharesIn-depth analysis of the power structure, one of the questions one by one open diablo 3 gold, so that investors have learned once again in the IPO of this place of honor at the table, under the table and what transactions between will let you. Journalist's investigation confirmed that, on the eve of Western region on a stock IPO, a private enterprise without qiyan--victory high electronic technology limited company of Shenzhen, hit fast and easilyFifth largest shareholder – Western securities income in my name on the comprehensive utilization of Shaanxi electric power development company. And this fully mechanized in Shaanxi Province had initiated by 6 per cent owned by legal entities, but listed on the securities in the making of the Western region of the 4 years, their shares transfer to other use, State-owned legal person shares it has become a social legal person shares, and most of their equity trading is based on the original amount of capital. In other words diablo 3 power leveling, that6 State-owned legal person comprehensive investment in Shaanxi Province basically nothing, Western securities the fifth-largest shareholder, is now privately owned. It was funny that, which became West securities "new shareholder" Shenzhen victory high electronics company's largest shareholder in liuqiao, and another large shareholder in the securities of the West – the Shaanxi investment and former chairman Liu Chunmao origin, believed to be the parent-child relationship。 This dazzling deal, seemingly legitimate. But through its interpretation of the deal, we can clearly see that the IPO of stock in the West, is becoming the previously little-known high electronics company Shenzhen victory feast, now the feast of the "pass" has been received, only to be dinner open seats, which you can enjoy the taotieHappy. However, a series of questions are at heel raised: why victory high electronic technology limited company of Shenzhen on the eve of Western securities will easily reach the fifth-largest shareholder Crown? Why it has such a keen eye for riding this point? The Shaanxi comprehensive with close ties to Western security, why the IPO so willingly give up is about to get bonuses? The question hanging over thatIn the numerous clouds of suspicion, we need answers. Through this transaction occurs on Western stock shareholders is not difficult to see, IPO investors on the a-share market and color change of "Monster", have become places of interest swap ' Carnival. In accordance with mainstream opinion, financing and IPO is to help the company develop a channel, in the present monetary policy tightening, small and medium enterprisesFlows generally come under the background of tight, vigorously promote the development of IPO is covered with a coat of compliance, such as the Western stock brokerage, completed after the IPO, also facilitates capital market prices rise, and so on. It is in this context, China's IPO raised DeSoutter throne for many years firmly held the global market, has also become the achievement of management signs. Since ourIPO under the so-called "marketization" principles of pricing later, IPO prices generally far higher than the market average occurred are investors satire as "wholesale price is higher than retail prices" surprising phenomenon, little do they know behind this phenomenon are interest groups sponsor agencies join forces in order to those whose personal interests may manipulate the price of motivation. Who will cut through the Western securitiesProduces a lot of suspicion in the deal? This is in the key West securities issued IPO "pass" of the Committee. In fact, equity deals like West securities, are not isolated cases, restart IPO in the a-share market in the past two years, some companies in the media allowed to frequent before the IPO equity deals often challenged, but because of the power MinistryResponsible for the failure to give response to the question is always difficult to get people satisfied with the results, exchanges of interests because of the de facto regime of asylum, it becomes all the more forcefully. Around IPO, there have been a picture of a complex network, those who hold powerful people, through equity transfer to other use step by step to transfer State-owned assets to their own name, IPOTo complete this transfer of assets, they realize the expansion of the most powerful system protection and investors became victim of this network provides real-world money. Such an IPO, really help enterprises solve the funding problem? Such an IPO, and actually do it resource optimization configuration? Such an IPO, do really conducive to the healthy development of capital markets? Characteristics of capital market openness and impartiality, and requires that all subjects involved in the market can stand the root end of cross-examination, IPO nor as interest groups benefit the bridge Exchange, sacrificing the interests of investors. Therefore, we hope that the market regulators to pay attention to media reports about the Western stock this particular deal. We also hope that from the beginning of this case,System for serious reform of the current instance, breaking around IPO weave together networks, institutional interest groups blocked IPO exploit loopholes in the investors ' interests in the name of.

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