Monday, November 21, 2011

written consultation

129626153783750000_1695Securities and Futures Commission to implement the gem Expert Advisory Committee system Gem of the issuance examination are specialized in-depth direction his disease. In October last year after consulting the experts employed gem, the China Securities Regulatory Commission recently decided to venture Board Advisory Committee, and was released on September 29 the working rules of the gem Expert Commission (for trial implementation) (referred to as the working rules), as from October 2011Formally implemented the date. At the same time, the latest issue of training was held in late September, growth regulators once again stressed the gem, sustainable profitability and growth enterprise market pointed out that "the gem is not a VC, whether the death is still very important." On September 29 of the rules of work clearly, in the enterprise application processing phases,If issue audit functions considered the issue whether the applicant meets the gem location required further demonstration diablo 3 power leveling, it is necessary to seek the views of experts, to the Advisory Committee for consultation; in accepting and auditing stages diablo 3 power leveling, if the issuance examination function departments issued the applicant's trade, industry, technology or other relevant aspects of the need to seek the views of experts, to the Advisory CommitteeLine consultation. Can, through the Conference consultation of the Advisory Committee, written consultation, telephone consultation, face-to-face communication, manner to provide personal advice. Issuing auditing functions should be based on consultation, to consult the Advisory Committee to provide the necessary materials. This means that, with the growth enterprise market segmentation and specialization of further deepening, of its industry specialization audits areIncreasing importance. Held in late September of this year's third-generation training, growth regulators once again stressed the gem. First is, China growth enterprise market issuance examination to judge the related financial requirements, which are the key to reflect the enterprise meets the gem location. Where key is the main business of the judgment, it was involved in theTraining of baodai revealed that current regulators for main business criterion refers to a class of business, and this is not to judge from the final product. This means that as long as it is derived from the same core technology, businesses are of the same raw materials, the same customer in the same column of the main business. And comes out of this range are the more general, as long as it is in the range that is related to that business companyNatural growth of the business during the exhibition, with reasonable commercial business logic can be judged as the same main businesses of the column. Worth noting is that if no relationship between the business, the related core business of several index percentage cannot exceed 30%, otherwise do not meet the conditions of a single main business. Growth enterprise market has always been the most emphasized is its growth potential and sustainable profitProfit ability. Worth noting is that growing problem for gem, regulatory approach is to take as the key link, is not rigid stress indicators. Baodai according to participate in the times revealed that regulators pointed out that the gem of the declaring Enterprise profitability and 30% or how many of the standard is not mandatory, and for the growth of requests during the reporting period as long as issuers and the sponsor institution on riskFactors has been fully disclosed in the future (including listing this year) profit (even more than 50%) will not be held accountable. But this does not mean that regulators are the gem of firm growth of relaxation. Regulators to remind generations, attention should be paid attention to the issue whether a person has sustained profitability. In fact, continued profitability has been the focus of the gem, according to the timesTraining disclosed information pointed out that the part be listed companies will therefore be required to withdraw the material, and some of the enterprise whether it was for this reason. Regulatory alert generation focus reporting financial data of the companies have recently related gem. No higher than the release conditions on performance of invisible barriers, only requirements for authenticity. "But the gem is not a VC, whether the death is still very important."Those pointed out in particular the sustainable profitability of the regulator for a word of comment, this means, the gem the declaring Enterprise although there is no related earnings growth as being in more established companies such as on the Board there is a different, but still the sector's focus. Moreover tax incentives dependent remain one of the main points of concern to regulators. At the same training, regulators noted that as long as theRelated corporate tax breaks is consistent with the provisions of the State administration of taxation, even if its higher proportion, also generally do not believe that the existence of preferential dependence. Against export rebate of situation is different because export rebate rate often changes, therefore still depends on individual issues with specific judgment.

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