Saturday, June 2, 2012

micro-blogging Diablo 3 Gold micro-blogging - QHPS

129822607932031250_232012 huading Asian celebrities list this release Yang Mi is the Hong Kong Monetary Onebox Yang Mi (material)--> Yang Mi denies deported red carpet (video) NetEase entertainment on May 23 report (text/Xiao Yi on) today, Hua Ding Excellence Award sponsors the world media group, announced the "2012 huading · Asian celebrities satisfaction survey" China new top list ranking Diablo 3 CD-KEY, this is the second award for Hua Ding domestic host top list published after the second round of the heavyweight eliminationInterest, who will split cut spike Jing became the new era of rich Darling, became the most watched 201,200 last name bright star, "2012 huading · Shanghai Volkswagen Think Blue Asian celebrities satisfaction survey publication ceremony" will be unveiled for you final answer. Costume through the drama hit Yang Mi is sought after in the Hua Ding awards new celebritiesIn the course of investigation, Yang Mi (click to see Yang Mi, film and TV work, of the eight star holding, of the mask) (micro-blogging) become the most suspense-free at the same time most controversial topics list of stars. Yang Mi 2011 hit through the play of a corner of the Palace played a luoqing in Sichuan and all over the country, ' rank and ratings of China after the first. Published in Forbes Chinese version"2012 Forbes ' Chinese celebrities list", Yang Mi quickly conceals from the 2011 to 13th, 2012 Forbes China microblogging celebrity list at the same time, at very high ranked 2nd in number of votes. The Hua Ding award new top lists in the course of investigation, Yang Mi once again yield to nobody, 876.68 high score won the Crown Rift CD-key, as the people most affected byWelcome new actors. At the same time, equally striking is in the Palace "eight brother" Shaofeng Feng (click to see Shaofeng Feng movies the Gong Suo heart of jade, the Symphony of destiny) (micro-blogging), by virtue of the SGM appearance, superb acting skills, selected list of top three columns. With 2011 wear Opera boom sweeping the country, actor in Shishi Liu jingxin, step by step, by virtue"Maertai·RUO XI" the role and popularity quickly soared, get more attention from the audience, the 861.14 ranks second in the list, the heat after Yang Mi, three huading stage such a wonderful rivalry, that millions love their audience very excited. Sun masculine singing people song of my heart with love huading awards reflect the voice of the people, regardless of origin Giants or grassRoot, actor's reputation is based upon the recognition and support of the people. Rising Sun masculine, music mix consisting of two Street singers, taken August 2010 network video singing Sunrise masculine "migrant workers" on the version of the spring to the online, Sun masculine suddenly blew up, and sought after by many friends and musicians. They sang as it features a windRed all over the major video sites, and each site Twitter, became national hits for 2010-2011 top network of people, at the Avenue of stars year winning the 2010 grand final runner-up. 2011 is unveiled CCTV Spring Festival evening stage, one bomb singing, no whitewash of the spring of Chinese scenic sites, make it popular again rapidly rising, Tripod Award Finalists China Asian celebrities from new top list of 50th place, this is this only represents one of the singing category in the list. New master Hua Ding Hong Kong and Taiwan Awards power transmission and the Mainland in the hearts of audiences in mainland China, Taiwan drama ratings are often proportional to the actor's support rate. The tripod award finalists China Asia new sharp top the list of popular celebrities from Taiwan but Ethan Ruan (point-Click to watch Ethan Ruan movies the Mengchia, and the best of the notice in the Mengchia Taiwan gang), who is also a model and actress of double identity, in the TV series the fate of I love you, by virtue of SGM's appearance and superb acting skills, Taiwan Idol drama program in the history of the first good results. Subsequent surge in popularity of Ethan Ruan, starred in the film the Mengchia, showing less than 10 days, Taiwan box office breaking about NT $ 150 million, became the first week box office champion, hit Taiwan first-week box office records the history of film, the 47th Golden Horse Award for best actor, jumped to the movie King-level people. Asian celebrities in the Hua Ding Prize new in the top list, ranked 12th Ethan Ruan, Darling new love and visible to the audience on the screen, I hope heAfter next year's return to the screen brings you more good movies. Taiwan number one handsome guy-level character Eddie Peng (click to see Eddie Peng movies of the lovers whisper), by virtue of the roll film! Is about ASIN finalists 2011 Taiwan 48th Golden Horse Award for best actor, strength also should not be overlooked, the Hua Ding award new top list, ranking 18th。 In addition, from Hong Kong's TVB headed a young female character type in Chinese operas Chen Fala, and "first generation of cute" and Japan media as "Goddess of Hong Kong" at very high popularity of Yang Ying, respectively ranking list, 13th place, extraordinary power transmission and mainland actor. Screen partner again huading award of outstanding film and television work hand in hand, with the high degree of recognition and support of the audience at the same time, speechOfficer curing people review screen image memorable. Shawn Dou (click to watch Shawn Dou film and video of the Jinling 13 Hairpin, under the Hawthorn tree ') (micro-blogging) and weeks winter rain the couple starred together on screen in films under the Hawthorn tree ' male actress who shot, two elegant refined temperament, slightly dapple of Apple's acting skills, won the acclaim of audiences, both two finalists of thisHua Ding Asian celebrities satisfaction survey new top the list. In almost 2 years and frequently starred in the autumn of Bai Hua goes, Shawn Dou of the dangerous relationship between film, is 837.39 good grades get the fourth place in the list. Other screen partner when a Child star scene of mountains and Zi Yang (microblogging), in a large family sitcoms in the home with children Diablo 3 Gold, playing the Song DandanTwo children, a humorous performing style of comedy that he would become a popular Child star of the highest. Today, two men entered the University, acting career going, a mountain in 2011 the star version of the dancing forest Conference champion, Zi Yang television series released in the near future of the indicates, in film and television dramas such as the keep kill people with good performance. This familiar to the audience"New" faces, hand in hand selected huading award new top list. "2012 huading Shanghai Volkswagen Think Blue Asian celebrities satisfaction survey publication ceremony" held June 5 Grand Beijing Olympic Sports Center, recently, Hua Ding award will put China top 500 list, a list of finalists nominated, heavy coming soon, so stay tuned. 2012Hua Ding-China new sharp actor public image of moral satisfaction survey rankings rank name sex categories (20%) Professional quality (20%) Public acts (25%) Social impact (25%) Business value (10%) Total 1 Yang Minv television 855.43 859.24 886.96 Liu Shi poetry women and television 900.96 812.03 Shaofeng Feng man movie 870.37 878.56 817.57Shawn Dou 777.95 male film 852.42 833.94 any male film 810.28 821.9 843.12829.306 white best female television 882.44 807.41 Li Sheng Ho female television 849.14 859.9 792.06Jing Bo ran. male movie 831.71 759.9 Di Yao (micro-blogging) female television 820.21 756.2 850.85 NGAINicole woman movie 844.11 800.77 Zhao Ting male film 846.61 812.92 Ethan Ruan maleFilm 806.7 831.69 Chen Fala female television 874.05 806.75 Yang Ying female movie 875.26 730.46 Zhu men singing 893.08 768.29 794.51 Li man William television 889.02Yee 849.25 783.48 sheets of rain woman movie 899.86 768.92 Pang in Yan Nan television 856.64 854.02 756.79 ice white female television 904.15 797.58 Jerry boys television 766.95 822.38738.97 Ke Zhendong male film 825.35 792.5 Tong Liya female television 863.32 854.36.88 Zeng Yike woman movie 824.79 788.29 Liu Kai Wei man film and TV 837.22 810.75803.67 763.32 Jiang yan, a female television 850.84 786.6 Ma Sunv television 810.48 829.43 787.33 Tan Zhuonv television 843.36 773.66 Chen Handian male film 832.34 759.03 814.7425.28 Ying children television 822.71 789.71 Ji Minan television 823.09 786.7 820.61794.0331 Zhong Shu diffuse female television 799.53 797.44 Tang Yan female television 797.78 774.78 787.7,633 Mickey male film 813.07 763.27 Yan Jue male film 836.57 773.4 758.86Wang likun female television 824.08 801.98 Izz Xu male film 806.04 754.13 forest Eagle womanFilm 803.83 776.28 Lu Sisi woman movie 798.81 776.96 Yang Yi women video 789.97 782.37 Lynn Hung female television 780.27 740.27 Yu Xiaolei female television 806.42 792.9 Bianca Bai women video 803.12 798.56 Xinyi Zhang female television 796.6 819.83 781.19 Stephy Tang women video 806.31 815.14 Xu Jiaying women video 778.44 802.4791.44 Tong Zhang male film 784.53 768.52 Tian Liang male film 784.95 801.93743.59 Su Miaoling female singing 795.61 738.09 Zheng Xin Yi women video 781.24 765 813.43.66 730.04 xuri masculine men singing 790.38 728.31 Wang Yuan female television 780.87 790.48 764.92791.92 forest good woman movie 795.68 754.74 Mike male film 843.35 711.8 808.874 Li Jiahang man movie 820.34 779.27 Gong new female television 836.41 788.94 742.2 7Zhang Ruinan 70.8256 film 769.03 778.36 Chen Yanfei women video 796.59 809.65 760.47 739.0758 Lili Liu female television 843.24 738.21 Li Niannv television 800.15 704.6 790.08 Chen JieFemale video 783.66 736.75 799.35 small group of male television 863.07 741.54 Tianye Ren man shadow789.23 762.32 Jiajia Deng female television 816.39 762.52 Xu Jiao female television 790.81 759 Yu Yang man and television 772.27 772.2 Yang Pan women video 802.31 798.12 740.68 Yoga Lin men and television 792.15 773 Ziwen Wang women video 797.42 777.48 758.91 An Yanv television 777.86 759.48 Lee refreshing female television 823.66 818.01.25 Vision Wei man movie 781.26 754.42 weeks winter rain woman movie 779.23 777.59Junning Zhang 701.02 male film 765.88 751.99 NSN marketing male film 844.96 771.22 726.60 Gan Tingting female television 760.31 687.25 Tang of a Filipino woman movie 816.05 729.84 796.8698.12 at Siu Wai man and television 794.26 746.01 Pan Shuangshuang women video 777.38 752.94 774.968 zhaxidunzhu male film 811.13 757.64 Zhang Jun Ning female television 813.81 696.13 773.55750.2781 Xiaotong Yu men and television 797.59 757.66 Zhang Zilin woman movie 758.28 700.3 757.9 745.0783 Zi Yang female television 790.34 715.29 high dew female television 794.75 742.51 702.4 757.08090 combinations singing 835.13 650.75 721.06 Jia Xin Zhong women video 791.45 753.65 746.56 737.11 Zheng ShuangFemale television 845.8 710.69 sheets of John boys television 778.48 728.98 Kate Tsui women video791.17 809.43 Wei Qi female television 823.31 740.68 sheets of a mountain man television 759.52 713.43 Li Yi feng men and television 765.16 690.58 Karon woman movie 772.22 804.19 656.18 721.69 male film 748.43 715.85 sheets of Xin to female television 775.28 745.24715.76 Chen Chuhe male film 773.76 722.74 97 Li Fei children television 773.36690.62 700.03 Citrine women video 634.59 Amber Kuo 761 women video 761.17 728.871 Li Ainv television 686.65 742.93 705.41 cent Others:

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