Wednesday, June 20, 2012

as well asRelated monitoring in Greece and Ireland have attracted controversy

129836519573281250_226Spain bailout terms of offloading the EU intends to tailor relief programme Spain is a key moment: on the one hand the Government need to inject the banking and finance around, but at the same time the country's financial markets on financing costs are rising. Spain was by far the most obvious relief signal was issued on Tuesday. United Kingdom by the financial times on Wednesday reported that European officials are considering a "prerequisite conditions are very limited"Rescue package to help Spain rescue the country's banking sector, this is Spain a concession of the Government's reluctance to accept international aid. Lucky was Thursday Spain have managed to release more than 2 billion euros of government bonds, but yields generally increased, with ten-year government bond rate of 6.044%, up from 5.743% last April 19 when the bond. Two-year interest rates fromAfter 3.463% to 4.335%. Spain bailout terms of "burden lightening" Spain budget Minister, Paolo Montero (Cristobal Montoro) admitted on Tuesday that the country's banking sector needs to inject cash via a European bailout mechanism. Due to Spain's crisis was concentrated in the banking sector and non-government financial, Spain hoped that euro-newRelief funds directly to finance real estate bad debt weighed on banking in the country. Spain Government do not need to apply for the "troika" (European Union, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund) usually with severe austerity bailout plan view the site, so as to avoid a repeat of Greece, and Portugal and Ireland's fate. As Spain has some positive reforms, as well asRelated monitoring in Greece and Ireland have attracted controversy, in order to make Spain more willing to accept aid, EU will provide Spain "tailor" a rescue package. Different from the plan before, this package of relief provisions will be made of "burden lightening". According to the financial times quoted sources as saying that the Spain relief programme in addition to the already made by the European UnionReform of austerity measures agreement requires very little, or even exemption from international lenders closely monitored diablo 3 power leveling, while Spain take less interference monitoring system. However, the EU bailout may as Spain accelerate restructuring and changes in the financial sector, external oversight will also increase, so as to alleviate people of Spain continued fears of a savings bank. It isThese savings bank had accumulated a large number of problems during the real estate bubble in real estate loans. EU officials said they were willing to consider Spain take less oversight because Spain earlier this year Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has introduced a series of reforms and austerity measures. Although Montero recognizes the need to help, but Mariano Rajoy insisted does not need rescue, he worried that this will giveAll Spain associated with bank credit blemishes. Spain sought to cool the banks much-needed aid, Spain economy Minister Luis de guindos (Luis de Guindos) said on Thursday that there is no discussion on Spain banking immediately implement a rescue plan. If people evaluate Spain demand may be found in the banking sector, issue noSo much. Scale of aid or of 40 billion ~800 billion euros Spain said the International Monetary Fund (IMF), as well as consulting firms prior to the audit results to the country's banking sector, scale will not decide whether to seek relief and rescue. Spain needs to understand the size and composition of debt in order to better take action. Spain BankWill be accepted at all three rounds of audits. Report of the IMF will be published next week, assessment in the case of an economic downturn Spain how much financial system bailout. At the same time, Spain the Government also hired Oliver Wyman (Oliver Wyman) and Roland Berger (Roland Berger) combined the two consulting companies of Spain banking systemStress testing. The two companies will run on its own data, the results will be published by the end of June. In addition, Spain also has hired KPMG, PWC, Deloitte and Ernst "big four" accounting firms to Spain banking to conduct a comprehensive joint audit of the system. The audit results will be announced on 8 September. Then Spain Bank how much will need toBailout? Santander main Xi Boting (Emilio Botin) pointed out that on Tuesday, the local banking sector needs 40 billion euro capital injection, mainly related to banks. But Reuters quoted sources as saying that rescue Spain banks the size of at least 80 billion euro, than the above Spain banking executives expects at least 1 time times higher. As far as SpainDaily, the ABC reported Thursday, IMF will release a report next week, was informed that the report disclosed in advance, IMF estimates Spain bank capital shortfall of between 40 billion to 80 billion euros, respectively, under two assumptions that: a Spain based on the economic situation and the other is under pressure of circumstances. GermanyTerms of Spain after the end of the external audit of banks, will launch in early July with the fastest relief Spain programme. Or by FROB assistance Spain banking, how to find a way to let Spain and Germany are nodding bailout? So far as Germany flatly refuses, bailout loan to bypass Spain into troubled banks by the Government is virtuallyHave been excluded. At present, the European bailout Fund lend money only to Government and lent to banks by the Government, and modify the bailout Fund taking too long under the provisions of. One possible way is to get the European bailout Fund to Spain supported the Government's Bank rescue fund--banks and orderly restructuring fund (FROB) provide direct bailout. Spain national newspaper on Thursday quotedGermany Government officials, reported that Germany Government might agree with the EU through the FROB to Spain banking provides financial help. Germany Government officials said Germany Government is opposed to the EU direct aid Spain banking, but appears willing to accept by FROB to Spain banking provides financial aid practices. EU funds will be provided to the FROBSpecial funds for the banking sector consolidation, 50 billion ~600 billion euros of funds will be sufficient to meet Spain banking needs. Reuters also said Germany opposed directly to Spain bank restructuring and financing, but also explore the possibilities through the FROB for relief, but Spain Bank Bailout funds can only be used for the financial sector. This can reflect SpainProblem is that the country's banking sector, not the public finances.

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