Friday, June 8, 2012

manufactured deficits Rift Platinum manufactured deficits - UHSR

129834176517296250_18Mao yushi (profile) he always say profound truth in plain language, to look at nine years, continues to run in the domestic and foreign academic stage front, staging a speech, research, writing papers and lectures, or even become active bloggers, Micro-Blog updated daily with millions of fans, and fun. He is a noted economist Mao yushi. After his retirement3 things: creating economic Research Institute, established in Shanxi's linxian microfinance, opening of fuping nanny school in Beijing. On June 2, held in Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School of AsiaShenzhen Special Zone report: China's achievements in the past more than 30 years for everyone to see, what is the summary of experience and continue to adhere to? Mao yushi: China's achievements in the past more than 30 years, mainly due to the expansion of freedom. Farmers could not enter into the city to work in the past, can only rely on farming to maintain life. Then on farmers, the biggest problem is how to eat up. FamilyAfter the system of contracted responsibility linking farmers with production of autonomy, yield, cost reduction. Food to eat is not finished, continue to export. We eat is more full than any time since thousands of years in China, better. Since then a large number of peasants, now a new generation of migrant workers already are generation y, generation, both in knowledge and awareness of rights has been greatly improved. This contrast is too obvious. Followed by the important changes in the development environment of private economy, 30 years ago, only the State-owned economy and widespread losses, regarded by Governments as burdens to sell, form a round of reform of State-owned enterprises. But now many State-owned enterprises with monopoly, earning high profits in the field of finance, petroleum, electric power, constituted unequal competition environment, private economic development thus became very sleepyDifficult.����If more than 30 years of China's economic success is due to the expansion of freedom, this is the premise of freedom cannot impede the freedom of others, liberty followed equality, equality of results is free, and China's need for further development, it is further expanding freedom, abolition of privileges, the Elimination of unequal competition, elimination of freedom of choice. Shenzhen Special Zone daily: Market development to the present, seems to come to the crossroads, encountered several obstacles, now calls for reform are high up and down, how do you think that understanding the further development of the market economy? Mao yushi: from the viewpoint of human history for thousands of years in the past, States try different institutional arrangements. Results are created by 18th century market system has achieved unprecedented success. The world disputesDisputes on the market system path, and achieved varying degrees of success.����Especially in the proof of the fact that China is the most powerful. System is among the most successful in the market, but it is far from perfect, perfect. It will create economic cycle, filled with failure, in particular it will create unfairness of income itself, poor poor, rich-rich. Because money from money in the market, richMore and more people are rich. Marketing creates a wealth of positive feedback, which is often said the Matthew effect. I used to say the market has many advantages, but there is one of the biggest drawbacks, is inequality. This problem is caused by the market, so the market itself cannot solve, must rely on market forces to correct it. General was to rely on the Government to rectify it. In other words, Markets cannot solve things, depends on the political system to solve, such as the protection of property, personal protection, free choice and a fair competitive environment, market economic wealth production problems can be solved, but not solve distribution problems, which depends on the Government and other non-government forces to resolve. In addition, the deterioration of the environment nor a market economy can solve the crisis also depends onThe Government and other sectors of society.����Give people a chance to flow in different income groups in Shenzhen Special economic zone daily: a community's vitality lies in its liquidity, liquidity effect on social progress how do you understand? Mao yushi: open society, including liquidity, liquidity is the right to free choice, did not, now you can, choice more Chinese origin of differences, Now gone. More than 30 years ago, the political goal is to vindicate the redress, is right, a lot of cohesion, has also become a consensus for reform. At that time, those unemployed young people at home can become ten-thousand-Yuan a year household by self-employed workers, have a good vertical social mobility, but after more than 30 years, even many college students work are not found, some people not from lowRevenues go to high income. There are some vested interests, they cure their own interests, resulting in reduced liquidity, impede the realization of freedom and equality. Example in some monopoly wow cd-key, only people who have a special relationship with it can go into it, others not to encroach, employees who are themselves. System innovation of China's efforts to create vertical mobility, so that peopleThere are opportunities in a variety of income flows, to solve the problem of unfair distribution.����Need to further stimulate development of private-owned economy, it will be helpful to social openness, mobility.����Shenzhen Special Zone report: some say, more than 30 years of reform and getting to the point, easy to reform, now the rest of the reform are some of the difficulties, reforms more difficult? Tall Fescue inA horizontal bar in front of carriage for armrest: not going to understand. Many of the issues now are new problems arising in the course of reform, are difficult, such as vertical mobility issues, there is no interest groups in the past, now have it, others have less chance of, emergence of monopoly interests, reform of the emergence of new obstacles, produce a lot of privileges, reduced the wealth of creativity. Reform is complicatedAnd there must be a new round of ideological liberation in order to address these new problems.����Shenzhen Special Zone report: some say Europe's debt crisis and other negative effects of external environment for China's economic development is great, how do you see? Mao yushi: external environment, such as the European debt crisis, good opportunities for reform in China, exports a sense is good, should increase imports, manufactured deficits,Increasing domestic demand, consumption, improving the people's living standards.����Insufficient domestic demand must consume enough, residents now assign a proportion of GDP is too low, only people with money, consumption will pull up. To boost the economy, cannot take the old way, cannot be expanded into, cannot rely on the money, project, but to controlling costs, reducing waste, breaking the monopoly. You want toOpen financial markets, capital efficiency into full play, and solve the financing of private enterprises. If the money cannot be optimized configuration, waste of money that cannot be underestimated, to promote market-oriented interest rate, to maximize the efficiency of capital, as is the creation of wealth. Wenzhou finance reform, because improving financial efficiency. Fundamental issue is to allow private capital to enter, he used his own money, heDry on their own, not given to who is going to do. In the adjustment of economic structure in China, should find their own opportunities for the private economy in Shenzhen Special economic zone daily: you have consistently advocated open financial markets, also practicing microfinance company. Small loan companies now running how you implement?����What role in financial reform? Mao yushi: in particular, I hope that the ChineseOpen the financial sector. China's financial industry is indeed worrying, its inability to mobilize into low-interest money at high interest rates, so can enjoy low interest rates of deposits, sometimes behind inflation, and private entrepreneurs are in need of money. China's financial sector into a very inefficient industries, causing real estate bubble, resulting in private enterprise financing difficulty, cannot afford to SME developmentMany employment opportunities lost.����Such bad financial sector cannot be reasonable preparation money to various industries, businesses, national productivity significantly lost. Small loan companies we have done for many years, in 1993, in Shanxi's linxian turbulent shuitouzhen founded the Shanxi dragons, dragon-head village head and village micro-credit projects, the Fund has two purposes: "poverty alleviation fund" for treatmentDisease, treatment of injuries and who may loan a year, no interest will expire only or principal; "coupon Fund" for production, such as fertilizer, do business, to go out to work, to interest. No more loans to solve the difficulties of local farmers, now this project in Chengdu DaYi promotion, we primarily raise funds, is responsible for the training, the maximum loan of $ 30,000. With the CentralIs to combine with local people, in line with the actual situation on the ground, from the current situation, we can control the risk, for the purpose of this project is not for profit, but to explore a new model. Shenzhen Special Zone report: this is a new way to play a private capital, private loans can easily be mistaken for illegal fund raising occurred such as Wu YingCase, what do you think about it? Mao yushi: I do not think the charges of illegal fund-raising is set up, if I was a person who illegally raised funds I deposit to the public, this is the most typical example of breaking the law, I have done for years. I made small loans in Shanxi, is helping the poor of charitable institutions, I did with my own money, friends donated money, butThe volume of money is too small, then I deposit, deposit in local rural villagers, and then put the money out as small loans.����Why Wu Ying's case has caused so much concern, but also because views on the understanding of this offence. Shenzhen Special Zone report: development of the private economy has gone through twists and turns road, has recently been on the development of private economy to a "glass door"And "Spring", States in 2010, introduced "new 36" fostering private economy, six ministries recently introduced various policies to encourage private economy into sectors such as railways, telecommunications, but the effect is not obvious, why is this?����How to break the "glass door" and "Spring"? Mao yushi: in fact, in the final analysis it is the interest. AnyAnd all departments have their own interests. Interest groups, not to mention of monopoly industry, investment opportunities are monopolistic, inefficient, resulting in tremendous waste of resources, relying on monopoly won't give up its monopoly interests.����Therefore, the key is to break the monopolies, open competition, freedom of choice, and create open and relaxed environment. Under is in many obstacles to the development of private enterprisesDevelopment, to fully develop their activity, there are still many difficulties to overcome, like "new 36", why the implementation difficult, this is mostly policy and market issues. Private enterprise is in competition with soft constraints. Enterprises in State-owned enterprises and the application of different legal provisions in the law, law enforcement, State-owned enterprises and private enterprises are not the same. Private enterprise in the marketThere are many restrictions on access. Policy prohibiting private companies from access to scarce resources; may not be engaged in activities related to the people's livelihood and important industry; may not be involved in activities that may have an impact on public safety.����In addition, the biggest difficulty is investment in private enterprises or bank loans. In the adjustment of economic structure in China now, private economy should find their own opportunities�� Adjustment of economic structure in China must start with the price, human behavior of prices is a signal, fixed prices, economic structure is impossible Diablo 3 power leveling, the price including currency exchange rates, including many of the tax rates, such as tax.����So special to open financial markets, doing so can turn over the structure. Shenzhen Special Zone report: most of the private economy in Pearl River Delta are manufacturedIndustry, transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry becomes an urgent problem, you have any suggestions? Mao yushi: from the perspective of the past 30 years, our manufacturing industry should be very successful, now an external environment, financing difficulties, for manufacturing some of the views are understandable, but it should not be too pessimistic. World market is very large, we mainly European and American markets, you can now transferIn Africa, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and other regions.����Is the inevitable result of transition, at the same time to focus on creating a brand, recommended that thin profits and even losses as soon as possible and not much prospect of enterprises in transition, has to pay attention to the conditions of the financial logistics development, attention to service, a virtual economic development. Shenzhen Special Zone report: everybody's real estate advice a lot in these two years, which has increased HouseReal estate market regulation, and preliminary results.����Some people think that, one or two cities new homes isn't that high vacancy rates, and Government to increase affordable housing construction, for this wow power leveling, what are your views? Mao yushi: I recently went in several cities, new home vacancy rate remains high over the past few years, the Government has introduced many policies, but over and over, the effect is not always obvious,People always worry about policy or not, and prices went up. As long as the real estate into a speculative market, States not to impose tough regulatory policies, the bubble will eventually burst. I think, you can approach to the regulation of tax, tax on unoccupied new homes a year, no longer a speculation in real estate market, it may be able to solve foaming problems. But at the same time to openIn other markets, so that people have more investment channels. For affordable housing or affordable housing, I've said many, the Government can build affordable housing, even if built, standards can also be low, provide minimum safeguards, the best way is to put your money in the most difficult of the crowd, I advocate to the monetary subsidies. In fact, not only are housing problems, solve the problem of income distribution of all, are notShould price subsidies, income support, play the role of market is the most effective method of resource allocation. Others:

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