Thursday, December 15, 2011

house prices cannot drop illusion of public opinion

129668688788593750_97Premier Wen Jiabao on November 6 in Russia Saint Petersburg, cut prices in China are state firm policies, adjust prices will enable people to accept, the real estate industry healthy and orderly development. Wen Jiabao said: "real estate regulation, we've had for two years, significant measures have been introduced, in particular, we will ensure that 10 million units this year to protectHousing project for housing construction, which will relieve pressure on House prices swtor power leveling, easing the needs of residents, prices overall situation is still deadlocked stage, but also began to loose it this month. "Premier Wen Jiabao said:" here I would like to stress in particular, for the real estate series of control measures and could never be shaken, our goal is to make prices return to a reasonable price. ByContinued control of the country a few years, all the prices in March rose finally began to slow down, as people feel that there is a glimmer of hope when people began to advocate worked "on the". From "rigid demand is still in the property market, prices will a retaliatory rally", "dying is certainly banking to die, died after the real estate", and then to the "house prices were affecting the economy as a whole," some people by nationFinancial security, the economy as a whole is threatened, house prices cannot drop illusion of public opinion, and even asked the Government to come to the rescue. Today, Wen Jiabao Prime Minister on down home prices are firm policy must not waver in position, declared by many real estate developers no doubt hopes worked "dream" burst. At the same time, also note in the current market conditions, developers only the correct outletIn cutting profits, lower prices. Premier Wen Jiabao stand, based on the problems of the real estate market and housing prices in China have a sober, profound and accurate view of embodies the State regulation of the property market, or cause prices the rational return of strong determination. For general use in the world, "housing price to income ratio", that is, an area housing the ratio of average price and the average income of the family to represent the price reasonableThe actual affordability of consumers. Response to China's realities, World Bank experts give a "reasonable prices", "housing price to income ratio" for 3 to 6 times times, China's "housing price to income ratio" far more than 6 times. Real estate profits are no secret. A developer privately once confessed: "real estate profit margins were already too high to let sorry nowThe degree. "Had a story to pull off the truth-a developer of real estate profits revealed that 5 years ago, spent about $ 2 million to buy land; 5 years later, built a House for sale, net profit of 200 million Yuan, profit up to times. How can this situation does not trigger social anxieties and contradictions? In fact, real estate profits are generally in the 5% around the world swtor credits, China's property marketSuch near-myth of profiteering. In this case, prices do not decline, not only ordinary people will not answer, long-term healthy economic and social development in our country is not allowed. Market not up not only myths, high prices will eventually drop to reasonable levels acceptable to people. As noted economist fan gang said: "in terms of current income, such high prices, such a largeA bubble market, sooner or later, run down. Regardless of the number of reasons, there are a number of means of dispersing foam, regardless of price rises was said to hype, it will fall to one day. "We look forward to reunification at an early date in house prices, so that people can have a sanctuary!

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