Tuesday, December 27, 2011

deliberately pay too much in the acquisition process

129667637601240392_1Muddy water surprise attack focus fosun low benefit United States short body of muddy water (Muddy Waters) a copy of the report, focus media (NASDAQ:FMCN) market value of about $ 1.4 billion a day ashes. Muddy water United States 21st published research reports, repeatedly questioned the focus media, and its rating on the stock transfer as: strong sell. Its questions include: focus mediaAmplitude exaggerated number of LCD; deliberately pay too much in the acquisition process, the existence of internal transactions. Focus media also in the first query on the murky waters of short selling carried out itemized response. Many organisations will also be the report fell as buying opportunities. Fosun International (00656. HK) invested US $ 10.35 million for focus media stock. 24th morning, representativesMuddy water official public relations firm Dukas Public Zach (transliteration, Zach Kouwe) to this newspaper published questions about focus media LCD number excuse, saying it with earlier data in the file submitted to the SEC an oxymoron. "They intentionally exaggerated number of LCD TV screens. "Zack says. At present, focus media has engaged intermediaryInstitutions, to third-party survey data from query on the muddy water, taking into account the prosecution of muddy water. "But we on the United States, the law did not know much about, is to ask United States lawyer. "Focus media Vice President Ji Hairong told Ming Pao said. Frightened for a week before national day, focus media has gone round collapse, when shares fell from more than 30 dollars to around us $ 17, after share prices back up to 25 usAround until it is muddy water reported attacks. At present, focus media share prices at around 17 dollars. 22nd morning, focus media executive team after the meeting, query on the muddy water to turn back. Ji Hairong told this newspaper that, first of all, muddy water company thinks focus claimed to have 170,000 block display, but the investigation is only about 120,000, it is muddy water companyDigital poster screen included. Muddy water company accused of focus media historical problem of the relatively high purchase price, there are many successful acquisitions, while some unsuccessful acquisitions the old republic power leveling, such as Internet, mobile phone business in 2009 has cleared. Focus media fosun international support, it invested $ 10.35 million on the open market to buy focus media about 600,000Unit United States depository shares. Unidentified fosun insiders, fosun investment focus between the logical choice between strategic investment and financial investment, optimistic about the long-term development focus, it does not exclude the possibility of high parabolic bargain. "According to the latest policies, starting next year, CCTV television series and the local TV stations are not allowed in advertisements, the ads segmented streaming was a LeeThe good news, this firm fosun long bullish confidence in focus ". 23rd, suspected was the muddy water official website hacked, but still did not forget short focus media, official website of the muddy water show "regret that the sites have been black, we are stepping up their recovery. We continue to maintain that focus media should strongly selling, wish you a happy Thanksgiving-the muddy water. " 24th morning, on behalf of muddy waterZach to this newspaper has announced its latest questioned article to focus media. The article says, focus media in response to the muddy water called the "exaggerated the amount of malicious LCD" said that "in all the commercial buildings in the network, in addition to the 120,000 or so TV screens outside of the buildings, there are tens of thousands of digital posters also belong to the commercial network of buildings areas". Including 116,000 pieces of flat TV screens, 32,000 LCD 2 digital posters and 30,000 LCD 1 buildings digital posters, muddy water that its 2010 earnings are contradictory. According to its understanding, owned by focus media display devices are divided into: commercial network, defined as liquid crystal TV display device; the framework network, definedAs stationary state of traditional or digital advertising frames. Under focus media in 2010 earnings data (submitted to the SEC in its 39th in the pages of data in the table) shows that as of December 2010, focus media total of 165,000 LCD liquid crystal display device block (by definition, should only include LCD TV display devices); total poster frame 34(By definition star wars the old republic power leveling, this has included the digital frame). "In focus media 2010 earnings, they obviously building digital poster double counting to a commercial network and framework for network in two. "This person said. A second wave of short muddy water in 2010, was established in United States, only employees in the company's founder Carson BlocK one. "The investigation needs of other members, muddy water is by means of a part-time short-term employment. "Zach, muddy water only business was shorting the stock, and to profit. "Before our company in the publication of each report, it is quite a long time span of the investigation, shorting the company, 6-8 months of muddy water typically being used. "Zach, muddy water startFocus media, is based on it's acquisition of OK yeah, muddy water that its possibility of insider trading, and positioning the focus media for the Chinese version of the Olympus. Jingwei VC partner, focus media independent Director Mary North, muddy water early investigations of financial irregularities in some back-door listing or company is also in effect, but the recent shorting agency focus, New Oriental and oddTiger investigation report not only distorting the facts, and use some partial data arises, backing some of its hedge funds from making excessive profits. Muddy water says, this summer, muddy water has set up a 12-member survey team from banking, legal, auditing, advertising and business personalities. In the course of investigation, team collected and studied an enormous amount of documentation, includingFocus media registration information, conference presentations, all focus media files submitted to the SEC and the media, and conducted field research, and many entrepreneurs to talk in the industry. And the positive impact of focus media is different, many after being short basically eat humble pie. But focus media that, does not preclude the prosecution of muddy water, but it also said,On the United States doesn't understand the legal system of the capital market, is to consult your lawyer. In addition, focus media has hired two independent third parties, to investigate data query on the muddy water, two weeks after the results. CTR market research company and the two companies benefiting General cable group. At the same time, a number of United States law firm announcement, saying it wouldFocus media investigations, in particular to look into possible securities fraud focus media. They include: United States law firm Howard Smith (Law Offices of Howard g. Smith), the Agency has investigated Macaulay forest; United States law firm Rosen Law Firm--are alsoOften almost Unit initiated a class-action veteran. United States securities law firm Rigrodsky Long, almost new Olympics he had lawsuits in the concrete. Special Inspector hairong said another link of this chain is short the agency sector. United States law firm once attracted investors to join the class-action lawsuit, could force listed companies fight back more passive and back costs more, Then reach further shorting stocks, or forced retreat delisting of the company, to add short record victories chips.

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