Sunday, December 18, 2011

buy ke yi archive server software and supporting the use of the network of one

129668571672031250_62In 2010, in order to continually strengthen archives management in Yulin city, upgrade the level of records management, archives at the provincial Council and municipalities under the leadership of attention and support, combined with "13,363" work plans and creating "Digital Government rent" work requirements, creatively implement rent records management network system as an important work of 2010, and from the six-partyAdvancing "file management network".  First, strengthen leadership, carefully organize. City Council established a "local taxation Bureau of Yulin city archives network leading group", responsible for organization and implementation of specific tasks. Funding under extremely tense situation, has put into special funds more than 800,000 yuan to purchase archives network equipment required; configuration file-intensive 33 165 group; part is equipped with three computers and two printers, copy machines and vacuum cleaners, humidifiers, the Treasury, such as temperature and humidity meter.  Second, science planning, make careful arrangements. Yulin city, was developed under the land tax system "file management network" notification of project planning and the land tax system of Yulin city "file management network" circular file that implementation plan. Proposed to "fastCzech Republic, and use, accurate, easier to find information, resources sharing "for the purpose of intelligent management of digital storage, and network service as the backing, and constantly improve the infrastructure, consolidating development platform, expanding digital archives development land tax management space for new ideas.  Third, strict procedures, standardize processes. Sent to the State administration of taxation, national tax Bureau of Shaanxi Province, Xian high-tech zone tubeInvestigate, Xian Yanta district archive Bureau of the Commission through the Government procurement process, and reported to the Municipal Finance Bureau approval, buy ke yi archive server software and supporting the use of the network of one, value of $ 280,000, this software will be docking OA office information system of the State administration of taxation, promote the use of in the future.  Four are rigorous and meticulous, high quality and efficiency. After a tense 50 days of the time, 584 to collection boxes, 4,354 volume, 9,013, totalling more than 180,000 pages archives all of the scan is complete swtor credits, enter the archive entries more than more than 11,000; and all electronic burn files into two sets of CDs, collections of all paper files into electronic files, and stores it in the database, to maximize tax Archives services and support functions.Five is a unified build, integration improvement.  Units directly under the County area, ke yi file management software for PC data import file management network of the City Council, so that grass-roots units through the system of staff, self-check mode queries and cadre within the Museum, from City Council land tax archives this information center, quickly find the tax policies and related information. Six areTraining promotion and fast application. Was held in the County (district) units directly under the Council, Urban Council and Urban Council departments and part-time archivists 32 people to participate in "file management network system of land tax system training courses in the city", for the use of information technologies for online document management, records management, information management swtor power leveling, utilization management and archival, records and statistics, warehouse management, system maintenanceSpecial operations skills training, so that the basic master file management system archivists description of network software, queries and other business process operation. After a year of effort, in Yulin City Council "file management network" construction work finished satisfactorily, units of administration, records management, archives and other information integration in a comprehensive business platform, Government rent archives for taxWork services, services for local governments, further play to serve the construction of local tax, for the realization of tax smart goals and paperless office has laid a solid foundation.

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