Tuesday, December 27, 2011

but just as the game time is over

129667750478427892_172Hua,, Shanghai November 25 (reporter Li Xu)-China open one-fourth before the finals started star wars the old republic power leveling, Fu Haifeng abstaining because of illness, he was immediately rushed to the hospital. After more than three hours of checking, Fu Haifeng verify that there are no big problems. Combination of one-fourth originally was scheduled for tonight's first game in the finals, but just as the game time is over, theyStill nobody on the ground of the race. Answers appear in Cai Yun microblogging--"partner Fu Haifeng headache, vomiting, noon has blurred vision, and so on, has been to the hospital swtor power leveling, forfeited game. Prayer partner is okay, early rehabilitation. "After hospital, doctor Fu Haifeng is a comprehensive examination, including MRI, and blood pressure check, blood sample to check several largeItem. Results of Fu Haifeng sustained no matter guessing causes sudden physical reactions, ruled out food and some genetic diseases. However, in order to ensure safety, hospital use of expert consultation, inspection results will come out later, but the judgement of the current Fu Haifeng body condition and there is not much affected. After more than three hours after the check, Fu HaiPeak back to the hotel, he is also the first time the people safe, "diagnosed it's nothing serious, mainly acute compression of cervical spine nerve, causing headache, vomiting, blurred vision, buzzing now head pain, waking up should be all right tomorrow. "

on the right displays at the site coordinates in system information

129667543288593750_16The imminent launch of the hanwudadi "national disaster" game, the King can, through the national strategy of launching the enemy King City "national disaster" call. Enemy Kingdom Yue causing earthquakes and other natural disasters. Natural disasters, once launched, the enemy King City all NPC output by half, players are all killed. However, "national disaster" before launch, was launched the national members ofSee the countdown to the launch time.   At this time attacking each other's Kingdom Yue interrupted calls, were consumed by the other national resources. --Show you play war of the hanwudadi owned by hundreds of tour, the first model PK online games in the hanwudadi don't delete hot. Games with "model PK" "fighting anywhere, anytime" and "open invasion war" PKLaw, many players love.   In the game, four countries are managed separately by the four kings, the King releases national strategy for acts of war, cooperation between Nations, a good King, used properly will bring their strength to the policies, and a country's other three powerful rolling is not impossible. Pillaging, war strategy spoilsIf a war occurs between the State and the country, some NPC can kill directly, some important NPC you need to first launched their war strategies should be struck down. Launch strategy, national Member may, within 60 minutes kills country specified enemy NPC, according to the different enemy NPC criticality, consuming points of policy there will be case sensitive. Struck down some enemy NPCCan get loot, the MVP title and hero props, these items can be in their own country in exchange for the rare quality equipment. Second, blockade border to temporarily avoid edge when every country has its disadvantage, and who are willing to Tiger comes down? King can publish defense-oriented country strategies to avoid the additional cost of war, by releasing defensive strategyNon-national players will not be allowed across the border to jump, 15 minutes, in order to avoid further losses. Third, is our people solidarity at the time of foreign invasion, the King in order to improve the country's defense capability, you can launch the second defensive strategy: is our people. After launch, significant increase in the capacity of all their nationals, and derived from meritorious doubled, the effectFor 30 minutes, as a defensive strategy, valid only in the national scene.   For his own country was not aggression, fall in battle will not hesitate to! Four warning even through assistance to the countries, national strategies are often used as an alternative strategies, usually its members escort a lot precious launched only when the DART vehicle. Released after the National Guard, when nationals or DART is working in their countriesWhen it was attacked, on the right displays at the site coordinates in system information, the King, Supreme government official in charge of military affairs and General click on the coordinates to the coordinates of location, other nationals can be transmitted through using props – bamboo dragonflies. If the State strategy of surplus value the old republic power leveling, this alert can be long-term open, members of the State was struck down, the national DART vehicles were attacked by NPC attacks swtor power leveling, countries may be notified.Military parade in the hanwudadi read the full text of this page to publish this text only for the transmission of information, does not mean that agree with their views or confirm the description.

and maintains a negative Outlook. 45 economists surveyed maintaining November's expectations

129667840438271642_79Friday (November 25) Euro touches seven-week low against the dollar because Italy borrowing costs rise to highest level since 1997, strengthened market expectations of Europe's sovereign debt crisis is spreading. Brazil currency, the real, against all 16 major currencies are rising, due to the expected depth of the country's Central Bank will not cut rates; Hungary currency under the forint against the US dollarFell to a 17-month lows after Moody (Moody's Investors Service) to lower the country's credit rating to junk status; p (StandardNGE Inc) in London, Omer Esiner, Chief market analyst said: "the crisis is no longer specific to the euro-zone's periphery, but also repeatedly suggests that officials did not have any substantive solutions. The crisis at the moment there are still many uncertainties, it will continue to depress the euro. "Euro-dollar decreased by 0.9% per cent, touchOctober 4, the lowest level since 1.3212, currency this week by 2.1% euros against the yen held steady at 102.8, this week dropped by 1.2% the dollar against the Japanese Yen gained 0.8% per cent. The euro, even if Germany's Finance Minister Shuo Hible (Wolfgang Schaeuble) told reporters in Berlin that will permanentlyReserve adjustment, and provides for the loss of the private sector. Last month star wars the old republic power leveling, was persuaded to accept the 50% bond holders Greece debt write-downs. Mizuho Financial Group (Mizuho Financial Group Inc) currency in New York Sales Director Fabian Eliasson said: "everyone knows the situation has become moreGrim, while stagnation and waiting will not be able to resolve the crisis. EUR/USD may be in the next week fell below 1.3. "P Belgium credit rating was downgraded to AA from AA, risk financing and market pressures makes the possibility of its financial sector needs more assistance increased. Belgium difficulties in the banking system, and the Government's inability to cope with economic pressures, was ratedReasons to lower. Hungary currency forint lost 2.5% and hit the lowest level since June 2010, Moody's cut Hungary government debt rating downgraded one grade difference to Ba1 from Baa3, and maintains a negative Outlook. 45 economists surveyed maintaining November's expectations, the euro will be trading at the end of 1.35-36. The otherSince October 7, out of 34 economists surveyed expected the euro against the Japanese Yen at the end of December, trading at 104. Italy auction Treasury 8 billion euros six months swtor power leveling, yields 6.504%, this is the highest level since August 1997, and well above its October 26 auction-rate 3.535%; subscription multiples from month 1.57 per cent. Mizuho Industrial Bank (Mizuho Corporate Bank Ltd) Hidetoshi Honda, currency strategist in London said in a telephone interview: "Italy debt auction results are not good, Europe's sovereign debt situation had not been any improvement. "

deliberately pay too much in the acquisition process

129667637601240392_1Muddy water surprise attack focus fosun low benefit United States short body of muddy water (Muddy Waters) a copy of the report, focus media (NASDAQ:FMCN) market value of about $ 1.4 billion a day ashes. Muddy water United States 21st published research reports, repeatedly questioned the focus media, and its rating on the stock transfer as: strong sell. Its questions include: focus mediaAmplitude exaggerated number of LCD; deliberately pay too much in the acquisition process, the existence of internal transactions. Focus media also in the first query on the murky waters of short selling carried out itemized response. Many organisations will also be the report fell as buying opportunities. Fosun International (00656. HK) invested US $ 10.35 million for focus media stock. 24th morning, representativesMuddy water official public relations firm Dukas Public Zach (transliteration, Zach Kouwe) to this newspaper published questions about focus media LCD number excuse, saying it with earlier data in the file submitted to the SEC an oxymoron. "They intentionally exaggerated number of LCD TV screens. "Zack says. At present, focus media has engaged intermediaryInstitutions, to third-party survey data from query on the muddy water, taking into account the prosecution of muddy water. "But we on the United States, the law did not know much about, is to ask United States lawyer. "Focus media Vice President Ji Hairong told Ming Pao said. Frightened for a week before national day, focus media has gone round collapse, when shares fell from more than 30 dollars to around us $ 17, after share prices back up to 25 usAround until it is muddy water reported attacks. At present, focus media share prices at around 17 dollars. 22nd morning, focus media executive team after the meeting, query on the muddy water to turn back. Ji Hairong told this newspaper that, first of all, muddy water company thinks focus claimed to have 170,000 block display, but the investigation is only about 120,000, it is muddy water companyDigital poster screen included. Muddy water company accused of focus media historical problem of the relatively high purchase price, there are many successful acquisitions, while some unsuccessful acquisitions the old republic power leveling, such as Internet, mobile phone business in 2009 has cleared. Focus media fosun international support, it invested $ 10.35 million on the open market to buy focus media about 600,000Unit United States depository shares. Unidentified fosun insiders, fosun investment focus between the logical choice between strategic investment and financial investment, optimistic about the long-term development focus, it does not exclude the possibility of high parabolic bargain. "According to the latest policies, starting next year, CCTV television series and the local TV stations are not allowed in advertisements, the ads segmented streaming was a LeeThe good news, this firm fosun long bullish confidence in focus ". 23rd, suspected was the muddy water official website hacked, but still did not forget short focus media, official website of the muddy water show "regret that the sites have been black, we are stepping up their recovery. We continue to maintain that focus media should strongly selling, wish you a happy Thanksgiving-the muddy water. " 24th morning, on behalf of muddy waterZach to this newspaper has announced its latest questioned article to focus media. The article says, focus media in response to the muddy water called the "exaggerated the amount of malicious LCD" said that "in all the commercial buildings in the network, in addition to the 120,000 or so TV screens outside of the buildings, there are tens of thousands of digital posters also belong to the commercial network of buildings areas". Including 116,000 pieces of flat TV screens, 32,000 LCD 2 digital posters and 30,000 LCD 1 buildings digital posters, muddy water that its 2010 earnings are contradictory. According to its understanding, owned by focus media display devices are divided into: commercial network, defined as liquid crystal TV display device; the framework network, definedAs stationary state of traditional or digital advertising frames. Under focus media in 2010 earnings data (submitted to the SEC in its 39th in the pages of data in the table) shows that as of December 2010, focus media total of 165,000 LCD liquid crystal display device block (by definition, should only include LCD TV display devices); total poster frame 34(By definition star wars the old republic power leveling, this has included the digital frame). "In focus media 2010 earnings, they obviously building digital poster double counting to a commercial network and framework for network in two. "This person said. A second wave of short muddy water in 2010, was established in United States, only employees in the company's founder Carson BlocK one. "The investigation needs of other members, muddy water is by means of a part-time short-term employment. "Zach, muddy water only business was shorting the stock, and to profit. "Before our company in the publication of each report, it is quite a long time span of the investigation, shorting the company, 6-8 months of muddy water typically being used. "Zach, muddy water startFocus media, is based on it's acquisition of OK yeah, muddy water that its possibility of insider trading, and positioning the focus media for the Chinese version of the Olympus. Jingwei VC partner, focus media independent Director Mary North, muddy water early investigations of financial irregularities in some back-door listing or company is also in effect, but the recent shorting agency focus, New Oriental and oddTiger investigation report not only distorting the facts, and use some partial data arises, backing some of its hedge funds from making excessive profits. Muddy water says, this summer, muddy water has set up a 12-member survey team from banking, legal, auditing, advertising and business personalities. In the course of investigation, team collected and studied an enormous amount of documentation, includingFocus media registration information, conference presentations, all focus media files submitted to the SEC and the media, and conducted field research, and many entrepreneurs to talk in the industry. And the positive impact of focus media is different, many after being short basically eat humble pie. But focus media that, does not preclude the prosecution of muddy water, but it also said,On the United States doesn't understand the legal system of the capital market, is to consult your lawyer. In addition, focus media has hired two independent third parties, to investigate data query on the muddy water, two weeks after the results. CTR market research company and the two companies benefiting General cable group. At the same time, a number of United States law firm announcement, saying it wouldFocus media investigations, in particular to look into possible securities fraud focus media. They include: United States law firm Howard Smith (Law Offices of Howard g. Smith), the Agency has investigated Macaulay forest; United States law firm Rosen Law Firm--are alsoOften almost Unit initiated a class-action veteran. United States securities law firm Rigrodsky Long, almost new Olympics he had lawsuits in the concrete. Special Inspector hairong said another link of this chain is short the agency sector. United States law firm once attracted investors to join the class-action lawsuit, could force listed companies fight back more passive and back costs more, Then reach further shorting stocks, or forced retreat delisting of the company, to add short record victories chips.

commodity markets

129667840406396642_2The European debt crisis broke out in December 2008, and after two years of fermentation, has not as of yet another round of EU discussing rescue measures and become better off, but find that you need to be "blood transfusion" an increasing number of States, from Greece to Belgium, then to Spain and Italy, now even one of the largest economies in the EU, France also began to be debtThe shadow. In Europe, because the evolution of the European debt crisis from escalating, the European capital markets every day are interpreting the rollercoaster market, and in turn, affect the rest of the world's capital markets, China's a-share market has been "implicated" included, although when China follow European and American stock markets perform to SB. 's baton when domestic experts that China's stock market was EuropeScared of the debt crisis. But that was clearly not the case, as is widely regarded as China's stock market is still a relatively closed markets, they also have to admit that the stock market has become one of China's economic changes "barometer". When European countries tangled in a debt trap and find a solution to the time, the EU economy is starting to affect China's macro economy, European debt crisisForced has become a catalyst for China's economic transition. European debt crisis the essence of why a single country in Europe's debt crisis would become a sweeping through Europe's debt crisis, why again this year in the United States debt crisis occurred, this all seems to be Europeans and high-speed consumer lifestyle in the past decades off won't really matter. "It consumes too much of some countries of the European Union,And the Government's tax policy is not effective in several countries in debt crisis, evading many; at the same time European people lived a prosperous life, the Government's fiscal spending too much, the debt is much higher than the revenues, which are associated with the global financial crisis and Europe's debt crisis. "Analysis of Zhang Chun pointed out. But the European debt crisis and American debt crisesThe difference, Zhang Chun also said that the United States is a sovereign country, their fiscal and monetary policies were unified, so the solution to the US debt crisis does not need to coordinate multiple economic interests. While the EU is a big economy, in this economy, economic performance was very different in different countries, some countries ' economic development is very good, such as Germany and France, and some countries of southern Europe's economic performanceMore bad; in fact, over the past ten or twenty years, Germany had the entire State welfare policies reduce the standards, while also focusing on the real economy, strong export performance, economic disparities between European countries has led to in resolving the standoff when the European debt crisis. In accordance with the relevant data show that by the end of 2010, Italy public debt in grossProportion of 119%, well above the horses at the hete 60% ceiling under the Treaty, in the States of the European Union after Greece 142.8%. In addition, Italy weak economic growth, weak export growth trend, import commodity prices, poor economic environment makes Italy the crisis worse. As the euro zone's third-largest economy, analysts pointed out thatTai Lee of paramount importance in the European economy, in the event of default, market impact is far from Greece and other countries comparable. At the same time facing debt defaults also has the fourth largest economy of Spain, if the two countries into debt crisis not to financing from the market, the other EU countries do not have enough forces to rescue Italy and Spain, euro-zone may fall apart。 In the view of Zhang chun, if Europe's sovereign-debt crisis core countries, investments have to be reversed in the global market, withdrawal of funds from stock markets, commodity markets, entering the sought refuge in the precious metals market, which could lead to clear fluctuations in asset prices might trigger a new round of financial crises. "I think in the long run, if multiple rescue measures have no effect, and GreeceNot willing to reduce their welfare, then perhaps the EU will leave the eurozone Member States ready, but because such as Greece or Italy their debts are large enough, already too big to fail the old republic power leveling, the EU Member States in the bailout game between, possibility of failure is still very large. Separation of defects of the EU itself is the financial and monetary, fiscal unity, Meant that the Government be unified, but this is not possible, just currencies now, so the case is just a matter of business. "Analysis of Zhang chun. China should aid in the European debt crisis, European leaders have been to China aid, whether it be from the earlier Government stance, or the latest table state leaders at the G20 SummitState, suggests that a principle, China will not unconditionally help these countries, above all swtor power leveling, European debt crisis can be resolved, and you can see glimmers of hope, secondly if rescue, China needs to get themselves want. "Do you want to help the EU countries, China, I think it is not entirely impossible, although we can see that in fact the domestic public opinion for the assistance of the EuropeanThere is a lot of comments that, in the country there are many things to do, but put up the money to bailout into financial difficulty because of luxurious life Europe obsolete. Recently the Europeans were prepared to establish an assistance fund, which took some of EU countries, other parts of the participation of other countries in the world capital, China might consider risk participation under controlled conditions, but only ifIs the European country to recognize China's market economy status, as well as allowing some Chinese enterprises in the European mergers and acquisitions, on the premise of ensuring that China has access to participate in relief and no. "23rd, Zhang Chun also told this analysis says. In the view of Zhang chun, today's China and Europe, as are the two extremes, China also has its own development faces many problems, one side isDomestic of domestic demand always sluggish, Government is rich, but people no money, they can't spend; another side in past of ten years in, EU national of people is enjoy to is high of welfare, they of medical, and education, and endowment are has Government bear most, this led Government to paid people needs and was "cut empty", some national even appeared name Shang of "bankruptcy",Only the people of Europe is not exactly short of money, but they have got used to the advantage of high consumption ways, such as Greece, and Belgium, and Spain, and so on, now, to let them tighten its belt over tough times, was not an easy task. Similarly, in China of the people daring to domestic spending, is not easy thing, when the Government for the welfare and security of the people still do itWhen not in place, how they would like to assure the consumer. Therefore, to let both the world's largest economy out of a rebalancing of the road, it might take longer than ten years and even longer. (. China.. time... gold. Hua)

adjustment policies and arrangements.   Special assault team

129668731677812500_124Fire teams conducting inspections on land.   Xinhuanet News: November 21, in meeting in the headquarters of unit military training level assessment and synthesis of a certain motorized infantry brigade of the Jinan camp group job once again highly evaluation by the evaluation group at Headquarters. Novel synthetic camp can lead fire, using the new allotment of "synthetic training of army battlefield decision-making support system", at any time the PalmControl of battlefield situation, new special operations force sweeping, as modern warfare a new surprise "iron fist". The last two years, combining the brigade responsible for major military exercises and piloting tasks each year, according to future combat mission requirements under information condition, flexible group and profile configuration, operating in the traditional synthesis on the basis of guidance, special operations groups such as increased firepower. Battalion command post by the original3 battalion leadership, increasing superior firepower liaison officer commanding officers to assist command decisions. Battalion commanders be familiar with the research and development in a College of "synthetic training of army battlefield decision-making support system", set for commanders provide a basis for the determination, adjustment policies and arrangements.   Special assault team, firing squads, and other cutting-edge special operations forces, are defending both, be of no ordinary talent. It is understood that this synthesisCamp first pair part forces, issued soldier, focus highlight infantry special war of target boot combat, new bicycle of special war team the old republic power leveling, and firepower team, in complex electromagnetic environment Xia, can one by one completed inspection reconnaissance detection, and subtle penetration, and boot combat, and breaking hit WINS to star wars the old republic power leveling, special war action, has accumulation has "fire urging that the war, and overall collaborative, and playing introduction one, and heavy hit vital", and "Poly excellent fine playing heavy destroyed, and more points stereoLand, Ed on direct access to vital "over more than 10 lessons and new methods. ()

Monday, December 26, 2011

uniformity of heating is an important indicator

129668568816093750_3Zhongxiaoxie exposes galanz microwave oven heating uniformity of beauty is not reaching the Report from (press conference Liao Ailing) the day before yesterday, to 20 microwave oven product comparison test results zhongxiaoxie, galanz, such as the United States, shuaikang famous brand with 5 due to uneven heating in the microwave oven causes the products not standards. 5 microwave oven without reaching these microwaves are in June of this year zhongxiaoxie staff to ordinary consumers buy in Beijing in the capacity of the market, commissioned State homeElectrical equipment quality supervision and inspection Center for inspection. Intra-project is a reflection of the uniformity of heating furnace the heating is even, the food is uniformly heated performance testing, testing found that 5 microwave oven in the project failed to compliance. List price $ 1898 "galanz" G90W25MSP-WB (B0), microwave oven, heating uniformity of only 36%, Far below the requirements of national standard 60%. Microwave leakage rate differential microwave leakage project is another indicator of consumer focus, excessive leakage of microwave harm the human body. In accordance with the requirements, products of microwave leakage should not exceed 50W/m2, the lower the higher security. This amount of microwave leakage detection 20 samples are not exceeded, but different brands and modelsMicrowave leakage rate vary greatly, a minimum of only 0.44W/m2, but "galanz" a microwave oven, microwave leakage volume is 38.70W/m2, well above the samples averages. Zhongxiaoxie recommends consumers preferences after March 1 this year of increase production of stick the marking of energy efficiency products, because the measurement of microwave power output deviation on the whole is better than not stickingEnergy efficiency labelling of the product. In addition the old republic power leveling, uniformity of heating is an important indicator swtor power leveling, if the uniformity of difference, no matter how efficient the product eventually also cannot make a delicious food, consumers do not only consider the question of efficiency of high and low. Paragraph 5 does not standard microwave oven "galanz" G90W25MSP-WB (B0) and "galanz" G80F23CSP-Q5(R0) and "beautiful" AG025LC7-NSH, "" us, "AG925BNL-SS," "shuaikang"-WKQD25-SW1.

itsFinancial guarantee company in 84

129667889661084142_147A private loans were sudden deaths, raises, Lianyungang, Jiangsu financial circles a series of "walking" event. "As long as the person is engaged in a private lending, no matter with or without associated to their home to collect money, final in a top security company to withstand. "Local sources told Ming Pao said. Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) some stock cuttingMeat fled certainly regret the sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: overpriced stocks be saved! A month ago, sail, Ruey Yang two guarantees in Lianyungang city adjacent to the boss of the company running.  On November 25, police confirmed to reporters in Lianyungang, two guarantors incident is drawing to a close, those responsible have been controlled. As a regular financialA useful addition, debit and this criticism.  But the boss running the event of two collateral industry in Lianyungang, but also to the local bank employees. Lianyungang in these cases, the local loan shark, illegally raised funds and guarantee funds chain has been formed between companies.  For the Government, how to regulate and guide the urgent need to address the problem. Sudden death in 2011Years in mid-October, engaged in private lending in Lianyungang Teng Liang suddenly died from disease.  Sudden death without any sign of Teng Liang, causing a run on fund raisers tide and sailed to cooperate with Teng Liang, Ruey Yang two security companies were implicated. Lending relationships between these three are not complex: Teng Liang from the sail company borrowed $ 10 million first, and then changes hands thisLending money at a higher interest Ruey Yang company.  But who could have possibly guessed Teng Liang's sudden death.  On October 16, sail Lv Haiming investment company limited by guarantee boss suddenly disappear, after 3 days, Ruey Yang investment guarantee actual control of the company were Wang Bing also Pao Lu, Wang and more than 60 million dollars of the bank guarantee fund had lost credit protection barrier. On October 20This afternoon, Lianyungang economic and information Committee, the Finance Office and the CBRC promptly investigate and public security departments.  The investigation found that ruiyang partnering banks include industrial and commercial bank, Bank of communications, Bank, Oriental Bank of Jiangsu. One of those Bank of Jiangsu Lianyungang branch there is a risk of exposure to draft more than 13 million, according to the lines of an internal person to thisReport says, "this is not a loss, will not form bad loans, and have recovered half of the loans. "" Since Wang Bing is doing industrial BoomTown, when running, its still has 5 jewellery store profits per store per year about millions ", Lianyungang, Deputy Bureau Chief of China Banking Regulatory Commission Yin Luming told reporters that" survey size up the situation, Wang Bing assets quickly seized and banks areTo the Court for preservation, and in consultation with borrowing companies replace the guarantee institutions.  "Under the joint efforts of the departments concerned in Lianyungang, Wang Bing returns Lianyungang, surrendered a week after the flight. Wang Bing ruiyang warranty registration company was founded in 2006, Lianyungang various guarantee companies continue to emerge this year. Because of lower the threshold of had been set up, city-wide security companiesTo more than 160 enterprises.  According to local people close to this newspaper revealed that 2008-2009, Wang Bing is no longer focused on the jewelry business in favour of investing in stocks, futures and real estate development. Zhejiang entrepreneurs who have had contact with Wang Bing told a press conference, Wang Bing after the play "more heroic" the old republic power leveling, banks are constantly sought after him. In 2010, ruiyang guaranteeCompanies raise registered capital to $ 60 million. Thanks to guarantee this platform, Wang Bing has attracted various investors, which Teng Liang of 10 million.  In fact after the incident, Wang Bing required to pay interest on the loan sharks for more than 10 million yuan per year. "The stock market, Wang Bing is not professional, needs a lot of money and an endless stream of real estate swtor power leveling, Wang BingCould not handle, eventually funding strand breaks ", the entrepreneur said, especially the sudden death of Teng Liang Wang Bing ruiyang company Add.  Yin Luming to this newspaper that the ruiyang guarantee company although the crash occurred because of funding problems, but it involves risks of bank money has been controlled, they don't make too much of an impact. Lianyungang there are approximately more than 160 licensed private security company, itsFinancial guarantee company in 84, covering a bank guarantee for the loan amount of about $ 15 billion, "the risks are controlled within the range of" Yin Luming said.  When in an interview with this newspaper, local Government firmly rejected "Wang Bing send family abroad and away 120 million Yuan," said. Set sail for unlawful deposit-taking sail guarantee company, is the regulatory concernsHuman Lv Haiming in one line of actual control of the company staff. Reporter confirmed that Teng Liang 10 million loan shark payments from sailing guarantee company.  Lianyungang Government departments investigation, sail company suspected of illegally absorbing deposits in public. According to the information obtained by this newspaper, sails guarantee company was established in February 2009, a year later changed its name to sail investment companies,Capital of 10 million Yuan, including Lv Haiming, Li Jizhu funded $ 4.9 million and 5.1 million respectively.  Because Lv Haiming has worked in the construction Bank of Lianyungang branch, and as a branch manager, background and personal network is clear, in its third day after running it was controlled by the police. According to the information obtained from the local banking system by this newspaper, sailing companies involvedEnough violation to absorb public funds of about $ 130 million, absorbing interest in 2 minutes"If it were not Teng Liang dies suddenly, estimation is not very large, but a people in mass due to information asymmetry runs", who has provided $ 500,000 to Dragon Ball financing (interest per month 3) told reporters.  Runs not because the people have also reported sailing company events to emerge. Due to high interest payment in time, sailing company in civilGood reputation, "even if the August one after another, did not draw too much attention.  "Such Dragon Ball said of financial funding. Relating sail company's specific circumstances, Lianyungang to the "Troubleshooting" declined to reveal more information. But people in the local banks have confirmed to this newspaper, CCB's original staff after Lv Haiming is controlled by the police from silver"Resign". In addition, Lianyungang running private borrowers more than sail and Ruey Yang two. This newspaper from local bankers Office was informed that the construction Bank more than a month ago former Vice Governors taking Lianyungang xinpu branch involving usury capital of more than 60 million, followed by Gu and his family all running. CCB investigation group headquarters had sent to investigate, Gu returned after the surrender the initiativeTo resign. 12 next page


129667648238427892_20Stock this year, the first three quarters of risk capital investment show, more conservative, however, into four quarters, risk capital is showing significant market posture.   Added October monthly insurance funds investment of 142 billion yuan, hit a year high monthly increments. Report from (reporter Zhou Hui text/table) the latest data show that in OctoberMonthly insurance fund new investment of 142 billion yuan, hit a year high monthly increments, market analysis, the data to a certain extent disclose chuxian Chinese think the market has been built at the bottom, bottom-wish strongly. Recommended reading hexun about City Hall: next week's a-shares or to five major gold stocks are now buying opportunity in consumption will burn at the passion 8 zhanchiyufeiMuddy water and min all: who black has who sets are can't wait large shareholders discovered food Lee 8 family a 12 years fuck disc hand of 8 section to deep investment feeling IPO Meng Yu Tiger 29 months "ring" go near trillion [micro-Bo] Li Daxiao: for SFC initiatives applauded [Unit 's] strongly signal Xia does not copied end are is fool insurance funded four quarter heavily gallon insurance regulatory Commission website yesterday publicThe first ten months of this year data on January-October, total assets amounted to $ 5.8 trillion in insurance industry, insurance funds total $ 3.6848 trillion, of which $ 1.68 trillion in bank deposits, accounting for more than 29%. Compare with 1 ~ June data, released October monthly insurance funds investment of 142 billion yuan, bank deposit edged lower to $ 35.5 billion.Industry analysis says that this scenario is similar to at the end of June this year.   For half a year doing the accounts need, coupled with expectations of inflation control was strengthened, continuous gallon billion of risk capital in June had become important promoter of the year more than 100 points in the rally. Capital earnings rate steady rise in this year's stock market fell a total shock, most institutions losing money. HoweverInsurance Agency 50% asset allocations in the bond market, bond market since the third quarter to go cattle make it yield a significant improvement, as of now, the overall yield in 3% per cent this year, but still significantly lower than the previous two years. Specific view, the end of the first quarter of this year, operation of insurance fund receipts amounted to $ 51.5 billion the old republic power leveling, an average yield of 1.07%; the first half swtor power leveling, realization of insurance fund investmentCapital gains 103.11 billion yuan, average yield 2.1%; 1 ~ June, insurance companies achieve capital operation income of 135.38 billion yuan, average earnings rate of 2.7%, after years of investment rate of return is; in 3.6%, the insurance company funds operating income amounted to $ 182.392 billion, capital operation yields an average of 4.42%.Analysts said the insurance organizations will not give up easily, and will continue to strive for reduced stock investment losses, the stock market would be a big boon. Links: insurance exchanges, subject to approval for the establishment of this reporter learned that, recently issued by the State Council on rectifying various trading venues effectively guard against financial risks of the decision (hereinafter the decision) requires, Engaging in financial products such as insurance, credit, gold trading exchange, must be approved by the State Council approved the establishment of the financial management sector.

at the same level of opponents in the possession of a certain advantages. For more details

129668652449687500_167Hexun homepage established mobile microblogging mobile stock/fund news blog rolling news industry news dynamic enterprises and enterprises earnings overseas car news car reviews new car recall steam automobile marketingVehicle exposure test kit supplies quality collection of cool RC car models new car kit hot shopping guide for thematic character model evaluation costs reported market price promotions queries real-time road traffic laws in violation of traffic safety car car insurance cars mid-size cars advanced compact car cars luxury cars sports cars MPV SUVSvw way view the Audi Q5 BMW 5-series Faw Toyota Prado, Mercedes-Benz GLK Haver H6 na Zhi Jie 7 SUV look better than Aurora loulan hexun.com Evoque biekeangkelei Nissan automobile > body font size print RSSNovember 27, 2011 source: Auto China network according to the survey, most owners to purchase Nissan Xiao was because its appearance causes, however, new Nissan Xiao's appearance but again has worked under. Front looks more dynamic, and the tail in addition to the new taillight styling remained the as is and, with the carRoof spoiler design, brand new Nissan Xiao on reducing wind resistance coefficient has been greatly improved (wind resistance coefficient of 0.33), but also reduce carbon dioxide emissions. While the drivers of brand new Nissan Xiao 4315mm the old republic power leveling, 2630mm wheelbase and 1606mm of body height, creating a spacious interior space, front seats are comfortable and packagesWell swtor power leveling, for legs and the supports on the side of the body is just right, rear head room than other same level cars have the advantage. The overall feeling, new Nissan Xiao proved to be inferior to the comfort of rear-row seats in the front row, especially for leg support.����New Nissan Xiao passenger luggage maximum volume of 1513L, at the same level of opponents in the possession of a certain advantages. For more details, pleaseDepartment: Tel: you are 020-38497951 the paper comes from the "Auto China" users will enjoy more preferential power, new Nissan Xiao or keep the original dynamical system, still has a 4-engine, 2 2 l version provides four-wheel drive system for customers to choose. In addition, new Nissan XiaoSuspension system has also been fine tuned, more sturdy and comfortable European style; more insensitive manipulate directly, noise reduction and more shows its quality.

basic control of project approval in less than a month

129667837455459142_379Bonds has exceeded 700 billion since the beginning, nearly 1.5 times of the last times this year, with the Central Bank repeatedly to improve deposit rates and lending rates, not only those who are not listed under the weight of SMEs facing money, even relatively easy to borrow financing problems of listed companies is not small. In the case of loans, issuance of rights issue difficult to lastCompanies have been turning to debt financing. According to the WIND information data shows that listed companies this year issued debt of over $ 700 billion (including corporate bonds, convertible bonds, medium-term notes, and short-term financing bonds, the same below), far more than for 2010 as a scale.   Solutions capital bonds as thirst, also provides new investments. Bond of the year Super40% more than last year according to WIND information shows, as of November 17, this year a total of 237 Trojan issued $ 705.57 billion worth of bonds of listed companies, throughout 2010, Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets for a total of 155 companies issued bonds, issuing scale of 483.655 billion yuan. By contrast, this year, the listed companyDebt sales compared with last year's total of $ 221.915 billion has been a surge swtor power leveling, by 45.89%. Straight flush (300,033) data and statistics show that in January-October, Shanghai and Shenzhen on the issue and rights financed respectively $ 371.8 billion and $. Industry analysts believe that, in the context of stock market weakness, increased the allotment financing more difficult trip the old republic power leveling, listingCompanies financed by bond market has become the new way forward.   New express statistics found that as of November 25, this year a total of 379 notice of listed companies issued bonds, size of October there were 79.8 billion yuan. "In the case of returns in the stock market overall is lower now, vigorously develop the bond financing capital market as a whole will benefit."Beijing yanjing overseas Chinese University Chancellor Watson is the comments.   Watson said listed companies are among the best and most important part of China's enterprises, if this part of the financing of enterprises from bank loans to the independent issue bonds would allow the Bank significantly reduced demand for loans. Assistant General Manager Xia Jianting thought of Shanghai Stock Exchange corporate bonds can also be expanded,Speed up development. It explained that the national debt, financial bond issuance greatly, truly based on enterprise credit credit debt market (including corporate bonds, corporate bonds, medium-term notes and short-term financing bonds) is the amount of 4 trillion, accounted for the entire debt stock of 20%, small and medium enterprises financing difficulty of problems is not yet valid key. National credit, quasi-State credit bonds accounted for a total amount of bonds in China80%, this ratio is far from equilibrium.   This reporter has learned in a mature capital markets, debt is much more than equity financing, such as the United States share of corporate bonds, government bonds, equities, 60% and 10% respectively, and therefore, the development of domestic bond markets is still at a low level, there is still a lot of room to improve in the future. Recently the Commission launchedSecond Board listed companies private placement bonds, company will also join the bond force next gem. Independent financial writer Pi Haizhou yearn for this, "said bond as second board companies and our main way of refinancing of listed companies, which is obviously conducive to relieve pressure on the refinancing of stock market faces. Because by issuing bonds, not only to maintain or even improve direct financingSpecific gravity, but also to relieve pressure on refinancing of the a-share ", and" through bond financing, can also reduce the listed companies ' money ' mentality, increase return on listed companies. Through debt financing, also may enhance your planned funds of listed companies, changing ' lavish ' spending habit. "On the coupon rate is up to 9%Municipal bond financing "blowout" phenomenon, insiders explained that the Securities and Futures Commission to promote the development of corporate bonds currently implementing "green passage" system, auditing procedures considerably simplified, basic control of project approval in less than a month, at the same time, banking, insurance and other large institutions are permitted to enter the corporate bond market, the Exchange also will enhance the company's debt position in its entirety. From a company perspectiveSee issue bonds subject to approval of high efficiency, time is short, it is currently issuing costs are lower in 2011, issuance of corporate bonds issued guiding interest rates interest rates below the medium-term bills. For example guotai Junan primary underwriting 11 debt issues at Nangang guiding interest rates 40 basis points in interest rates earlier. In addition, with the rapid expansion of corporate bond market, a large number of investors are permitted to enter, corporate bond issuanceSize gradually increased. Data show that as of November 22, to issue corporate bonds with an average size was 1.52 billion yuan this year. That the corporate bond market to meet the financing needs of public companies. However, with the Central Bank raising interest rates three times this year, debt issuance costs of listed companies have gradually rose. New Express Reporter statistics found that since the beginning of January this year, with the exception of May and June issue ratesOutside the ring fell slightly, remaining month bond interest rates are to grow month by month, its average issue rate will reach, 4.24%, 5.06%, 5.42%, 5.56%, 5.4%, 6.76%, 6.79%,, which means that bond interest rates in recent months has been creepingWill be implemented early next year at least 5 years of benchmark lending rate (if no interest rate cuts by the end, from January 1 next year, more than 5-year benchmark lending rate from five rose to 6.4%).   Judging from the average bond rate, per cent in January this year has exploded to per cent in November, an increase of up to 63.92%. Incomplete statistics,There are currently 48 corporate bond's coupon rate is greater than 7.05%, Changzheng electric (600,112) corporate bond coupon rate as high as 9%, refresh this year a single listed company corporate bond coupon rate on record. Apart from Changzheng electric, Jiangxi cement (000789), Dunan environment (002011), rose to forestry (002259), tengda construction (600,512), kaidi electric power (000939), Xinxiang chemical fiber (000949), in the Lee of science and technology (002309), South (000948), the new radicals (000972), Han's laser (002008), shanying paper (600,567), xinan shares (600,596), Jilin forest industry (600,189), and huayi brothers (300,027) 14 listed companies such as bond rates also reach or even exceed 8%.

Thailand set up focal points

129668731722500000_162Beijing, November 26 in the beginning in mid-December, old four countries between Myanmar and Thailand will carry out joint patrols in the Mekong law enforcement.   This is Laos Mekong River between Myanmar and Thailand, held in Beijing on 26th ministerial meeting of the joint patrol law enforcement decisions. The meeting decided that by December 15 in turn off the tiring Hong Kong, China joint patrol law enforcement makes its first flight at the opening ceremony of the four countries,Ensure greater Mekong subregional economic cooperation leaders ' meeting is preceded by restoring navigation to maintain security and stability in the Mekong basin, promoting economic and social development in the Mekong basin and personnel exchanges. The meeting on the implementation of old Mekong basin law enforcement security cooperation between Myanmar and Thailand in October 31 meeting consensus on in-depth studies of specific measures and specific consultations the old republic power leveling, on the nextDeploy law enforcement work.   The meeting decided that the old Mekong River between Myanmar and Thailand in the establishment of joint patrol law enforcement headquarters and set up headquarters in China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand set up focal points, information timely exchange of information, organize and coordinate action; build a joint patrol of the Mekong River to the competent authorities of the four countries law enforcement liaison channels 24 hours. The meeting decided that the parties will take effective measures to, Common on upgrading the Mekong water law enforcement capacity. The Chinese side will in the joint patrol law enforcement equipment and staff training to help Laos swtor power leveling, Burma. Parties Organization and implementation of joint actions, special hazards safety highlight law and order problems in the Mekong basin; establishment maintain the Mekong order joint working group on joint patrols enforcing practice on the basis of further study and formulate maintenance Mekong flowsDomain security and order of the programme of work. Made on the consensus reached by the joint meeting of the Joint Declaration. Vice Minister of public security Meng Hongwei attended and presided over the meeting, the Lao People's Army Deputy Chief of the wave phase, Thailand national security Deputy Director-General zuowen the Committee Secretary General Wei humble Myanmar police force attended the meeting. ()

Sunday, December 25, 2011

resulting in many cars to fall River

129668732746718750_96New Jakarta, November 27 (reporter Gu Shihong) 26th Indonesia East Kalinmantan, Propinsi bridges collapse, resulting in many cars to fall River the old republic power leveling, killing 4 people, at least 17 people were injured. According to local media reports, around 4:30 P.M. day, East Kalinmantan, Propinsi connection Francois Caron swtor power leveling, and Samarinda town the bridge suddenly collapsed. At the time, cars on the bridge holdCrowded, at least 3 cars, a bus and more than 10 vehicles motorcycles fall into sungai Mahakam, and 4 people were killed and at least 17 people were injured. Now search in sungai Mahakam search for survivors and the bodies of the victims, casualties could rise further. Allegedly, the collapse of the bridge 705 meters long, is the longest Cross-Sea Bridge in Kalimantan Island, bridges built in 1For 999 years, cause of the incident was unclear. Indonesia's public works Department in bridge collapse have sent staff to investigate what caused the incident, claiming that Indonesia will be more than 10 years of security hidden danger in the bridge inspection and audit. (End text)

the State Council of the various types of Exchange and straightenBe very targeted

129667648236552892_15One securities analyst said, appears frequently to a large extent of the various exchanges disrupted the market order trainee newspaper reporter Ding Xin circular 24th issued pointed out that the pay great attention to the risks of various trading floors contain illegal trading activities, conscientiously straighten up the work of the various exchanges, and standardize the market order, in caseModel financial risks, standardize the market order, maintain social stability. In this regard, industry leaders interviewed by reporters pointed out that: all kinds of exchanges appear frequently to a large extent, disrupted the market order, government authorities should carry out direct supervision to take effect. Recommended reading hexun about City Hall: next week's a-shares or buying opportunity to five major gold stocks are large consumption willBurning draws passion 8 unit zhanchiyufei muddy water and min all: who black has who sets are can't wait large shareholders discovered food Lee 8 family a 12 years fuck disc hand of 8 section to deep investment feeling IPO Meng Yu Tiger 29 months "ring" go near trillion [micro-Bo] Li Daxiao: for SFC initiatives applauded [Unit 's] shaking good will let short died of is miserable Beijing business University cardTicket futures Institute Director Hu Yuyue pointed out that the straighten up all kinds of trading venues has four new changes: the past is relevant ministries published files, which is published by the State Council on rectifying various trading sites effectively guard against financial risks of the decision; used to be the norm and rectify this is rectification; used to be the Ministry of Commerce-led, led the SFC; used to beCommodity markets, which include property rights, cultural art trade and commodity trading. A securities analyst said in an interview with reporters: "exchanges of all kinds appear frequently to a large extent, disrupted the market order. "He also said that for the Securities and futures trading,, is a special type of financial transaction product, has a special risk. TransactionsThe loophole in the irregular trading and management, greatly increases the risk of securities and futures products for investors is not responsible for. ����Management defects on the stability of the Securities and futures markets also have a great impact, some of the current exchange of securities transactions are actually illegal transactions. He also pointed out, the State Council of the various types of Exchange and straightenBe very targeted, on the Exchange's regulatory and supervisory issues, the Government must strictly developing relevant policies, and make sure that you will implement a policy. ����Exchange within a recent period of time also saw a spurt of establishment, the State Council issued asking in various types of trading venues, art trade would have little impact on culture? A formal domestic culture artRelevant person in charge of the auction company said in an interview with reporters, Exchange can be flooded around two words sum up what has, from the city to the county-level cities have experienced the so-called cultural materials Exchange. ����Exchange also affects the emergence of the cultural goods market stability. "Virtual raised issues such as pricing, charging exorbitant profits fees, is not perfect because of regulatory mechanisms. Such as localDocument exchange and cultural communication company, is not normative cultural products trade places, of course, the interests of investors in these exchanges cannot be guaranteed. ����"This person said. The official pointed out that, very necessary to establish a sound exchange control mechanism, the State should also be cultural objects implement more effective policies and trade measures. At present swtor power leveling, China's specificationsAuction company is also a small amount of cultural goods, this also allows the exchange of cultural goods in the market of trading for speculative channels. Urbanization: a county-level cities do not have formal auction company, investors had to put their considerable risk in the context of the auction of cultural relics. In Exchange, the Government should be vertical on the reorganization of the regulation, rather than directly by the local government management so thatTo revamp local Exchange that is ineffective. With the promulgation of the relevant provisions of the State Council the old republic power leveling, various exchanges throughout the country are facing a lot of tests, some carried out rectification and reform on the Exchange itself. China wine Exchange release special notice of change of trading rules, decisions from the 29th of this month canceled less than 100 copies of odd lot, all transactionsMinimum unit adjusted for a bottle, all delegates are required to be primary and its integer multiples. ����The Exchange said, after which absolutely does not exist any "shares traded", purely as an independent third party e-commerce platform, do not engage in any securities, futures-related trading. Chongqing Fuling of farm and sideline products electronic trading markets over the weekend said in an open letter, various types of transactions are transactions, Does not belong to "property transactions involving securities, futures" and the forward exchange market consolidation range specification for normative guidance and rectification.

I'll give you my wife. "Ye yiqian readily agree. Tian Liang jump are jumped

129668731957500000_344Marriage is a very important step towards the aisle, for a man, a romantic for his beloved woman of the marriage ceremony is a very necessary and very important thing. Proposed way of asking spend money like water offer a huge diamond ring, also have staged dozens of emotional drama rose can get. Maybe they can propose ways give you some inspiration, the girlsAlso see signs of imitating their husbands to marry him when sth 1 Tian Liang diving to marry fashion – Tian Liang ye yiqian enough to marry him in the pool, Tian Liang came: "marriage is now a routine, two of marriage must be different. "Ye yiqian Tian Liang may in planning their wedding, my heart very happy swtor power leveling, unexpectedly, Tian LiangWith one sentence: "otherwise, you asked me to marry him!   "Do ye yiqian aerobic and funny. After a while, ye yiqian requested the Tian Liangti, "didn't know you, haven't seen you dive; understanding you, still haven't seen your dive. Than today, the jump to read. "Tian Liangshun pole:" well the old republic power leveling, you promise to do my wife, I'll jump! ""Jump, I'll give you my wife. "Ye yiqian readily agree. Tian Liang jump are jumped, simply to go around, "does not meet my requirements fully, now married, he hasn't realize that promise. ” ()

such strong stocks will fill down.   On the operation

129667837327177892_52The market continued to fall, but I share pool shares bucked the rising, recommending appropriate jiancang short-term gain larger stocks, first launched stock swaps, remain top holdings overall. Upcoming "10 trillion" may be one of the most interesting information this week: United States Secretary of Commerce Bryson said China is about to launch aTotal value of $ 1.7 trillion, or about 10 trillion yuan stimulus package to stabilize the domestic economy.   But unlike the last time "4 trillion plan", this money is not used for infrastructure, but rather for developing renewable energy resources, biotechnology, manufacturing high-end machinery and environmental protection of new industries such as cars. Among them, in my view, clean energy and clean energy technologiesRefers to the electric and nuclear power, which are investment focused on investment in both directions, others are likely to be a supporting role. Just this week, Deputy Director of the national development and Reform Commission statement said nuclear power determination cannot be changed. Senior started blowing, description of nuclear power about to restart. Nam Fung shares (300,004), Jiangsu Mitac (002438), Jiuli (002318), such as nuclear power unit adjustmentAre better layout opportunities. Another main news this week is: part of Zhejiang rural credit cooperatives lowered reserve 0.5%.   Suggesting redirect easing has already started, believe that the market expected a comprehensive cut reserve requirements would not wait too long. Preferred investment gem from the side view, turn over all the major indices can be found, onlyR (399,606), the leading agricultural (993,128), 300 consumer (399,912) maintained the upward path, the trend remains strong. Cultural and environmental subjects also maintained the upward path. But significant impact on the broader market Financials index (399,190), real estate index (399,200), mining index (399,120)Is about to hit a new low. Mainly to finance in Shanghai and Shenzhen market represents the old economy, and the gem, consumer representative of the new economy to spur economic growth in the future.   Old economy stocks weaken, new strength in the economic sector, meet the requirements of economic structural adjustment and policy in the direction of demand. Currently on the market, although the trend is not good, but the market's trend also really like 2008 end, economic policy environment are almost exactly the same.   Then there is the need to observe the market as the 2008 "918" after the rescue, a new level and then go out big.   The author believes that subsequent launches $ 10 trillion stimulus package, the market must in particular gem. Timely raise growth stock plate surfaceSee stock pool shares the generally strong this week, universal bucked up between 5%~10%. But the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock market trend still bad, if you continue to tumble, such strong stocks will fill down.   On the operation, it is recommended that appropriate jiancang short-term gain larger swtor power leveling, swapped first launched a unit. Focusing on Miss you suggested in the long-term stock pool (002582), Dean Diagnostics (300,244), Shu Taishen (300,204) silver high-tech, Tsuen (300 the old republic power leveling,087), Watson bio (300,142), redeployment of Chi flying organism (300,122), bring up Tomson Jian (300,146), luolai home textile (002293), ray media (300,251). I have just joined in early stock pool lightLine media say a few words. The qiushi magazine published a few days ago, "said the international hostile forces deliberately wants to contain China's peaceful rise, I long elimination competition in comprehensive national strength in the other, he reduced my rise to the new situation, recognizing that simply relies on hard power to contain China's development has become increasingly unlikely, therefore, increase the intensity of ideological penetration against China. Them to ChinaInfiltration and attack, to a large extent, using various types of cultural carriers, is through a variety of cultural forms. "This means that some categories in the cultural industries will be the next policy to suppress.   Comprehensive consideration, bring up the film light with a lower income than the media, held by huayi Brothers film income (300,027). In the original stock pool aier eyeBranch (300,015), medical reasons-pass (600,763), the huayi brothers, Pathfinder (300,005), China international travel service (601,888) generally continue to adjust, the opportunity to cover.

six residential housing area within the loop once more than 90m2

129667837350771642_113Beijing 70% of the House family, will enjoy the ordinary housing tax breaks. Yesterday, the municipal construction Committee and the municipal local taxation Bureau issued a notice to relax prices in Beijing houses found in the standard. The new standard, in accordance with the location setting different prices in different standards of housing, where the standard four-ring in the northern region with the highest reach$ 38,880/m2, minimum six reached $ 17,280/m2 in the outer rim. Seven purchasers can have discount Beijing normal residential standard was published in November 2008, ordinary housing required to meet the 3 conditions: residential building volume rate in 1 (inclusive) or more; single construction area in 140 (including) square metersUnder regional preferential housing actually sold for less than the same average transaction prices of 1.2 times times.   Third, specific implementation is 1.2 times: three-ring within price higher than $ 2.58 million/set, three-ring between the four central 2.1 million Yuan/sets, four-ring between the five rings 1.98 million Yuan/sets, 1.2 million RMB/set outside the five rings. The two departments to adjustThe whole, on the third identified conditions, that is, "preferential housing average transaction prices" have been adjusted. New policies will be the city's average housing prices for 2010 year of the contract price, namely $ 18,000 per sq m. In accordance with the four rings, rings, six rings for different geographical territories, as well as different regions of the North and South, multiplied by the coefficient of must be adjusted. Where foundTetracycline in the northern region with the highest reach $ 38,880/m2, minimum six reached $ 17,280/m2 in the outer rim. Two sectors have indicated that, after this adjustment, the city's 70% over tax incentives for families to enjoy the normal residence of the purchase. In addition, the city's average transaction prices and housing location adjustment coefficient will also changes according to the Beijing housing marketAnd so adjusted and published. 10th two organizations that under the new deal, new standards from the 10th execution next month, set aside a certain amount of policy adaptation period. Taxpayers who buy new goods House, to declare pay the deed tax point normal housing standards, define whether to enjoy relevant preferential tax policies. That is, as long as it is on the 10th next month (inclusive) declared after paymentPurchasers of the tax, can be defined in accordance with new standards for houses. Because of Beijing's real estate mostly property under construction, pay the deed tax when you are in your room.   This means already purchase and there is no room owners, mostly under the new policy to perform. In addition, taxpayers of second-hand House transaction, it is to check point to define the network. The next month, 10th(Include) on handling of second-hand housing network check, in accordance with the new standard to perform. Graphical policy "standards" the average price of $ 18,000/m2 including the affordable housing prices of the houses in the new criterion is based on last year's average price of $ 18,000 to the city's new housing/m2 calculated. Two organizations that, in accordance with national requirements for related files, NorthBeijing-measuring housing average transaction prices, not just commodity housing, so the $ 18,000/m2 is new housing price includes affordable housing. "Price" new standard price differentiate between South North in the promulgation of the new standard in the past and "determined as link sets price cap" adjusted to "adjusted according to housing combined with the average transaction price in the city's locationCoefficient "determined. No longer in accordance with the total price to calculate the price of housing standards, but in price per square meter to calculate. Beijing real estate industry association President Li Wenjie said the new standards, in addition to the link, broken down in six central differences also distinguish between the South and the North, it is more reasonable. "Beijing because of the historical development of reason, South and North of prices isDifferentiated, is also a three-ring, South three ring circuits and prices in North third ring, there are significant differences. So really should be subregional to caps. "" Impact "new houses in the highest tax cuts under 120,000 old price standards, six residential housing area within the loop once more than 90m2, are broke into the" non-ordinary housing "category. Under the new standard does notPrice ceiling, improved and some "one-step" rigid demand extends to most of the 90-140m2 houses, reduced the maximum tax burden of $ 122,200. Analysis of relaxation of the standards is not to rescue the two sectors now just need to buy a majority the old republic power leveling, the new deal guide reasonable adjustment of housing consumption in the general housing standard, is it because the current roomPrice reduction, the Government should bailout? Both departments yesterday said that taking into account the current Beijing housing price in 2008 has increased significantly, leading to General coverage of preferential policies for housing decreased markedly. Therefore, in order to further implement differentiated taxation policy and guide reasonable housing consumption, combined with the current residents of rigid housing market accounted for the vast majority of the actual proportion of owner-occupied housing, on the NorthBeijing general housing prices have been adjusted. Beijing real estate industry association President Li Wenjie believes that the houses in adjustment and saving does not rescue does not matter. "Only the standard of the past few years prices rose, has not suitable for actual. Need to make any adjustments. What rescue is not a problem. "For the average residentialStandard 3 year no adjustment, HS Deputy Secretary General Chen Zhi in Beijing said the general housing standard adjustments, both a tax policy, is also a real estate regulatory policies. Two years ago has been a rapid increase in house prices grew at in order to curb property prices rising too fast, so take a tighter policy. If you relax the general housing standard at that time could boost House prices in disguise. This year, control effectFruit's emerging, house prices steady down trend significantly, market demand as the principal, proportion of first-time buyer to about 90%.   Therefore, in order to protect the residents of reasonable housing needs, adjusting the General House prices. Centaline property report found that Beijing adjustment policies implemented in curbing irrational buyers before investment needs, this introduced to improve the housing standardsEven more details of the implementation of regulation swtor power leveling, reduce the burdens of home demand, market regulation policy more humane.

Friday, December 23, 2011


129668631864687500_57 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.us/star-wars-the-old-republic-swtor/">swtor power leveling</a>Decline in investment but there are still opportunities for infrastructure investment in China this year than we expected before 2011 transport infrastructure investment in China fell 6% 10 months the old republic power leveling, nearly two-month fall markedly. So we cut railway investment forecast 2011 from $ 600 billion to $ 440 billion (down 38%). WeInvestment in fixed assets of urban public transport forecasting was reduced to $ 245 billion (up 4%), to reflect the cash-strapped local governments, and basic maintenance of Highway and waterway investment forecast. Fine tuning our two thousand twelve-thirteenths year capital expenditure forecast we expect, as railway construction activity returned to normal, 2012 and 2013 railway investment will pick upFrom $ 500 billion. In addition, we will two thousand twelve-thirteenths year waterway fixed asset investment forecast revised upward to $/166 billion yuan, while slightly lower investment in highway and urban public transport forecasting. ����We believe that, in view of fiscal revenue and tight credit, local governments would give priority to the development of profitable projects. Downlink Twelve-Five planning, traffic, windInsurance May, traffic limited to publish its Twelve-Five plan and declared 35 period will invest about $ 6.2 trillion. While the risks to the plan seems to be biased downward, but we believe that the overall investment deviation will not be great. ����At the same time, water supplies, irrigation, and may attract more government investment in environmental projects. Stock inspiration: we are optimistic about China tiejian (601,186) andChina construction international we believe that the optimistic atmosphere, as well as pick-up in investments will contribute to the future valuation of 3-6 months promoted railway construction enterprises. But since the railway growth has peaked, these enterprises must be diversified attempts. In addition, we believe that strong financing ability of construction enterprise is capable of optimizing profitable projects. Tiejian we are optimistic about China and China construction international.Investment in China this year is lower than we expected 2011 during the first 10 months fell 6% China communication and transportation infrastructure investment, headed by rail and road was nearly two months to marked reduction in investment. In fact, railway investment fell by $ 15% to $, mainly due to the high speed rail accident and after the financing challenges faced by the Ministry of railways. In view ofRecent policy improvement and end of the bond issue, we will be 2011 before railway investment forecast by $ 600 billion in reduced $ 27% to $.

32 special attention to the limited Unit 8 Taurus stocks poised for 08

129667840546396642_34816:30 securities and comprehensive assessment of the implementation of the new securities law history the most positive effect 15:01 will appear on the smoke bomb bodies is the bad: will next week blowout 15:00 size of non-lifting of the table (11.28-12.3) 13:30 disadvantages align? Analysis 09:3,011 open-end fund one spy too many for the next week 09: 27 biopharmaceutical important opportunities in the future (shares) 09:24 central 09:08 to hand back culture 12 opportunities "drown" shares languishing in the vulnerable 09:08 consumption of fuel at the passion 8 zhanchiyufei 08:54 Guangdong toll road last year, losing $ 3.17 billion in debt to an amount close to $ 300 billion 08:53 Cheng Yu-Tung "the richest manDream "Eve: 08:51 CHOW Tai Fook IPO risk vaguely revealed weeks may not be read: a-shares in Shenzhen panorama (comments) 08:50 week may not be read: incorporated in Panorama (comments) 08:40 next week prospects: ten plates of layout quality unit 08:39 Gu Mingde: reflection on stock market expansion is critical Ministry to support non-ferrous 08:38 state reserve 12 outbreaks 08:37.6 trillion packaging machinery cake 10 units to meet the daily limit 08:351 prospectus expansion and act crazy at the end of a-shares 08: 335 trillion capping 2013 to meet the flood peak at 08:32 special attention to the limited Unit 8 Taurus stocks poised for 08:31 important signal or can break Yin fall pattern of Li Zhilin 08:30: not to artificially depress stock market 08:30 open market money "drying up" 08:30 08:29 today listed company blockbuster news tour approaching what sector of concern? 08:26 three 08:23 the outbreak of force in one food and drink industry trend dairy sector vitality blaze (list) 08:19 annual report layouts: double good 5 unit Qian Jing bright 08:19 cattle stocksGather and review soldiers: tianyuan steel rose five pick Crown 32% broker realizing who can end the a-share IPO exit 41 08:16 "robber barons era" 08:15 Chopper: He Zhicheng insurable 50% decline in house prices in 10 prosperous times 08:13: hit list "air" 08:11 private heated 2 swtor power leveling,307 breaking 08:10 how big is the probabilityFrame three gold rating unit three-sector consensus the old republic power leveling, including dancing is 08:08 SFC RQFII trial measures coming soon 08:04 LI: future world crises or from United States 08:01 08:02 research report featured two power units have the potential to local Telecom China Unicom broadband Antitrust Council: "mesh" the separation of 08:01 to ask Beijing to normal housing standardsLuxury threshold increasing preferential policies to stimulate domestic demand expanded 08:00 31 mainland provinces have been let go 07:58 Cao Renchao double single family second child policy for next year's a-share water: most serious period in the history of Xie baisan: nerd 07:46 the top ten brokers forecast market trend next week 07:41A unit IPO global SFC for 3 consecutive years a new 07:37The SFC "cutting the military Governors" or 07:35, game, song: yayuan-free New York 07:19 the Asian currency crisis in 80 years to the worst Thanksgiving performance rise prices fall in oil prices (market) 07:18 management and save? No. 20121, or flower of agricultural science and technology (with shares) 07:00 Iceland Government refused China real estate tycoons Huang nubo buy Iceland landFind what to buy next week can make a 06:50? Zhongcai 06:18 featured gold stocks Department: United States renewable six support policy is rumored to investigate 06:00 bonus in State-owned enterprises in Beijing ahead of the Super 30% 05:36 has not reached the per capita income target companies ' annual report announcements 5 "money" King light 05:01 the Ministry published on "three basic level" industry "ten25 "development plans (shares) 05:00 shangzhengsuo publishing rules for the implementation of financing from pilot or to General 04:59 development and Reform Commission, experts warned the next ten years will be an asset bubble burst a decade 03:56 textile" Twelve-Five "plan was passed by the Ministry of chemical fiber stocks eye medal 00: $ 582.2 billion debt in Shenzhen continued low interest rates and four pilot their own debt collectionEleven-twenty fifths building of agricultural adjustment of two top leaders is about to eleven-twenty fifths the CBRC: local financing loan and real estate loan risk prevention and control

will take the stage

129615061056562500_2331(Text/Yang Xueyi, NetEase exclusive fashion comments the old republic power leveling, reproduced please sign) Chinese actor Zhang Fengyi as Hermès show 2011 fall/winter men's Conference in Beijing go GQ editor in Chief of the Chinese version of Mr Wang Feng, CCTV news channel of the 24 hours of the facilitator Qiu Qiming banker 09 being selectedForbes ' Chinese celebrities list Mr Neil Shen ullens Center for contemporary art curator, Jerome Sans Central Academy of fine arts masters, "rare" founder and sculptor Qu Guangci but one thing is beyond doubt, absolute icing on the decoration of this show, unique. ABy Hermes gift box and micro models in Orange Paris Street view attracts eyeballs every guest of Erwin Wurm and Veronique Nichanian cooperation installation art in a Cannes showcase new Woody Allen movie "midnight Paris" describes aThe poignant, silence, God of bright-coloured, in the night sky, stars like the Banzai charge, the moon like the Moon, who had seen only the ecstasy. The Hermès Designer, otherworldly like it bit by bit, bit moved to the capital, accompanied by the world-famous Eiffel Tower, in Beijing you onlySuspected they sleepwalk through the night to Paris. These have seen "great man", through "big world", "big shot" or not for this magic quadrant and had really drunk in zhijing confused. All clad in Hermès exquisite, composed of senior men 's, was originally not belonging to them, Far away on the stage, casual and lines swtor power leveling, as if the battlefield is inherently a fashion of their familiar home, a body established by the gorgeous coat armor is for them to develop. Their gait naturally, the style remains the same, its capability, there is not involved biological reserve and dapple of Apple. Fengyi Zhang took his mature men micro-Smile, meet the Sun is shining like Moon, displaying heroic bearing of contemporary Chinese male film stars also show the maturity and taste of Hermès. GQ Editor Frank Wang came, brought the fake Paris really arrogance, that top Imperial indifference and calm down, let the body to win the detail dress up look more stable, solemn.Mr Central Academy, academician of Qu Guangci outgoing quite another flavor. Free, xianjing, calmly with personality and unruly. Hermès will make clothes, will take the stage, know what to make "people" get on the stage. This show really is distinctive, fun grow wild. Representative Hermes creative spiritORION new luggage and Hermes classic men's bags, Erwin Wurm and Veronique Nichanian cooperation of installation art Hermes classic watch H-Hour the special installation art to display on the wall Strips highlight of Hermès products of choice are also hard on the mind, from the classic Platinum package, represented in the men's hood-"crazy dyeing" (l ' imprimeurfou), from the small Sheepskin gloves, Yamaha VMAX1700 motorbike. Hermes not onlyLaunching their clothing, but also various penetration at the quality of life that brought supplies to the show. Even cigar box, Bottle Openers this usual things no longer usual, all love horses, Homestead is concerned. This also has a very special jewelry--ArceauTimeSuspended suspensionTime rose gold wrist watch. People have all kinds of desires, retain bright moments was one. Hermès rose gold watch the specially designed us a naive dream. In addition to showcase their products, Hermès, they brought from far away Daily artist ErwinWurm have in store for this show, lined with sculptures, fusion of art and fashion, temperament in the ideal match. Brings different senses. Not just a static exhibition, global finger skateboard contest winner, EliasAssmuth and DiPerformance arising from Mr mitriSchlotthauer is another highlight, show this time considerably.

and the schools

129668731646562500_74River network (reported by reporter Wang Shudong) reporter on November 26 in Huaiyang County people's Hospital learned that Huaiyang County of the new one in which a senior student from the school's teaching stairs up and down. Because of the badly wounded, injured persons have been transferred to hospital in zhoukou now.   According to the sources introduced, as the students, management is not in place, Huaiyang new has appeared in a fatal accident. 1126th afternoon, this reporter went to Huaiyang County people's Hospital to visit patients. Room in hospital health care reporters learned, Huaiyang to the new one in which a senior student teaching upstairs jumping from yesterday, and in a serious condition the old republic power leveling, now go in zhoukou city hospital for treatment. According to one source describes, "in recent years, Huaiyang in the new developed rapidly, but also brought a lot of risks, students fight swtor power leveling, Hooliganism incidents frequently occur, and the schools, did not meet their responsibilities to the Bureau, it is worrying. ” ()

but that does not is equal to said because he last year into has 2 a ball

129667775682490392_52King wants to end Manchester City unbeaten first striker candidates into the biggest challenges NetEase sports reported on November 26: this weekend, traditional giants Liverpool are at home against upstart Manchester, Daglish, of course, the King wanted to breaking the opponent's unbeaten gold of the season, but who will be sent partner Soares sukla people can't decide. Red Army's Liverpool to Manchester Maurits c. Boas anxious to win the end of the mirror: Daglish-Pan ended Manchester City unbeatenGlish rarely changes his tactics, however, defeated Chelsea at the weekend in the first world war, decisive junked the King Carol, Twining and Henderson, and other local stars, is replaced by the League for the first time this season the first Maxi Rodriguez and veteran Wales Bellamy, variable array has received such excellent results, Liverpool finally team 2-1 defeated Chelsea,Also make a Daglish preliminary tasted sweet spot, is do we should discard the Carol and Twining and Henderson? In 48 hours after this weekend's League matches, Liverpool in the League Cup again encountered heavy enemy Chelsea, Daglish may want to think about how to make full use of resources, it is worth mentioning that, Carroll joined Liverpool last season's first goal after raceIs 3-0 win Manchester City, then card Luo, the plum blossoms BL, looks this England Center on Manchester City more has feeling, but Daglish refused assumed: "you only considered now of situation, Ann di does in Shang season on Manchester City into had 2 a beautiful of scored, but that does not is equal to said because he last year into has 2 a ball, he this year also will do, you such wanted to will very dangerous. ��"We now has again began, Ann di is, for Sunday of competition the old republic power leveling,, if we can repeat Shang season of racing fruit, all are will is happy, almost weekly we are to stressed we has a support strength powerful of team, this reflect in we selected has different of people are can made good of racing fruit, I think this does not accident, other people also the such think. "CarrollJust enter the 3 ball this season, including 2 goals in the League swtor power leveling, Daglish added: "I have been saying to stoke and West Bromwich is the best 2 games he played, I don't think we will clean. "But Daglish is also no indication that Bellamy will continue to have excellent performance for the weekend on the first:" Bellamy is an excellent professional, he knows his job, he hadSolutions of their own, know how to prepare for a game, he is a strong addition, I'm not concerned about his other career events of the period, we are very happy that he's performance in Liverpool, both on the field for field. ��

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

corporate bonds

129667840536084142_323Investors can also via bond funds, rights issues, such as "alternative" playing the new. First, corporate bonds, convertible bonds and detachable trading debt can be a "fight", the latter two species is a major concern investors. Due to the debts of the company under different ratings differ in interest rate pricing, the average investor needs careful study to determine whether there is one or two stable market spreads. Beat debtCoupon one advantage is the low threshold, a 10 to 1, which means that if 2% success rate swtor credits, as long as the $ 50,000 will be able to sign in. Second, a "fight" issuance of shares. Investors should pay attention to the price and the market price of additional price differences, select spreads varieties with higher investment, and taking into account the stock markets were mixed on the day. Also note the time difference, in the market before and after IPOAdditional issue of shares to attract funds less, participation, and high probability, profitability is also good. Third, buying debt earnings base to enjoy the market of new shares. Indirectly in a dozen new, every time when market shares, investors choose a high proportion of new funds, and to choose those low rates of investment swtor power leveling, you can make the stage arbitrage.

in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets

129667648241865392_28Investment quality theorem: in the trenches, qualities of key investors: first, with adventure. When encountered in the interests of their own time, dare to attack of heavy bunker; second swtor power leveling, rational thinking. Not under the influence of market sentiment, according to the actual ability of third, strong logical reasoning. According to some presentational, analysis of stock price in real terms; IV, instinctive responses quickly. Well informed, rapid calculation of mathematics ability; v, upbeat work life, rational investments have sufficient patience and confidence. Recommended reading hexun about City Hall: next week's a-shares or large plate of five major gold stocks of cash buying opportunity in 8 zhanchiyufei muddy water consumption will burn at the passion and focus: who is black and who are now forcingThan to large shareholders discovered food Lee 8 family a 12 years fuck disc hand of 8 section to deep investment feeling IPO Meng Yu Tiger 29 months "ring" go near trillion [micro-Bo] old Sha: push international plate Qian will do a thing [Unit 's] strongly signal Xia does not copied end are is fool market nature judgment theorem: market market time span judgment theorem: short market fried message, middle marketTheme of fried, fried long-term market performance. Stock market time span judgment theorems: fried short arbitrage, arbitrage speculation sent distribution in the middle line, line carry fire growth. ����Fried market a large number of leading, large fried zhuanggu constants, trace fried of the new market. Income opportunity of judging principle: five common opportunities in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets are: first, take advantage of opportunities in s can; second, oversold short-termOpportunities; third, the Liberal wave technology opportunities; IV, new shares of the share capital expansion opportunities; v, zhuanggu follow the trend of opportunity. ����Grasp the opportunity to note that significant opportunities for priority, low-risk opportunity to priority, hidden opportunities for priority, low-cost opportunities for priority, short term opportunities priority principle. Technical analysis and judgement theorem: in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock market, technical analysis is not an indicator and the principles ofAnalysis, but a comprehensive analysis of multiple factors. While the share price is high or low reverse thinking. Technical analysis is the highest realm of stock market investment, but to achieve this highest State need analysis of psychological analysis and countermeasures to the opponent, and have sufficient knowledge on the fundamental analysis. We should be aware that almost impossible to predict short-term market fluctuations swtor credits, predictable middle market fluctuations,Prolonged short shelters as far as possible. Information age judgment principle: in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets, in addition to the information to be aware of the immediate effects, also note information linkage, delay and invisible substance. At the time of lighter main positions, see good stagflation, see bad will fall. While the stock is under capital cost, follow the trend of buying disk will cause the share price rises; shares the main cost over theFollow the trend of disk will cause the share price falling.

was attacked Port Sultan checkpoint

129668732776875000_159On November 26, Peshawar in Pakistan, NATO supply truck driver in a transit point for cooking. Pakistan military officials made by the Xinhua News Agency said NATO-led mission in Afghanistan the international security assistance force helicopters, the early morning of 26th Northwest into Pakistan airspace, air raid a military checkpoint, and 25 soldiers were killed and 14 wounded. BuckySubsequently the Government of cutting off a NATO transport lines. Transboundary launched air raids on a Pakistani military spokesman told Reuters journalists confirmed that the attacks of Northwestern Mohmand Agency in Pakistan, but did not explain in more detail. Mohmand Agency near the Pakistan-Afghanistan border swtor power leveling, is a tribal inhabited areas. "NATO helicopters without reason, to the Mohmand Agency a BuckyTanzania checkpoints to launch air strikes, "the spokesman said," there are reports of casualties, the event details to be verified. "Two local intelligence officials say the attacks around 26th swtor credits, was attacked Port Sultan checkpoint, located in the Mohmand Agency thanks to Hamid Karzai, some 2.5 km from the Pakistan border. Mohmand Agency officials macksoud * and HasanMi Dehan said that Pakistan's military establishment of checkpoints in Salala village not long ago, aimed at preventing Afghanistan Taliban militants cross-border attacks. Resulting in many deaths and mixed media pronouncements about air raid casualties. Reuters quoted Pakistani military officials reported that 25 soldiers were killed in air attack, 14 people were injured. Pakistan broadcast television station said that air raids10 by army reservists killed and 4 wounded. After the incident, Mohmand Agency all roads leading to Shab border was blocked. "When the soldiers were killed in his sleep, NATO had no reason to attack our checkpoints will be thrown (the Palestinians) strong reaction. "Are in Afghanistan capital Kabul morning of 26th NATO officials said that they took note of the incident,More information will be announced after verification. Protest against the violation of the sovereignty of Pakistan Khyber-Pashtuns in the North West provincial Governor Massoud * take the El strongly condemn NATO for cross-border air raids on the day to protest NATO violated Pakistan's sovereignty. "Unacceptable and tolerance of such cross-border attacks. "He said, his Government would take measures to thoroughly investigate the events. 26th air strikes the outside worldRemember last year with NATO helicopters cross border attacks. On September 30 last year, NATO helicopters against targets in Pakistan, killing two Pakistani soldiers. Pakistan Government subsequently cut off NATO a transportation line in protest. Analysts believe that this cross-border air raids also continued the United States and Pakistan relations regeneration variables. Open primaryMoutahir *-Pashtun province official Hussein said on 26th, the Palestinians decided to cut off NATO a transportation line. "After receiving the command of the Central Government, we have cut off NATO transport lines, Peshawar trucks carrying supply materials are being returned. "

found the 10th

129668731581875000_5Public Sun reflects: every month, I have to browse the website, passenger car indicator rocking, Beijing, found the 10th, checking should occur in the name *.   Online application when you want to enter the exact name that corresponds to application code to generate a unique, I doubt that shake, system management swtor power leveling, relevant departments could explain? Verify: journalists in the passenger car Beijing index speedControl management information system on the Web page to see the 10th issue of check list "* Zhao", application code is 0053100366160. Re: passenger car indicator applications window name, Dongcheng District swtor credits, staff said when applicants have uncommon words in the name, the computer system does not display, with the * character instead, such persons must have the ID card in person to the area of externalHandle of the window. She also warned: "some rocking number are not carefully check the application coding, query their name listed will happily buy a car, running the index check the confirmation notice is found to be of the same surname and given name. "Reporter Wang Danyang ()

manufacturers designed specifically for this product on a mobile suitcase

129667677908427892_40Samsung SDP-6500DXR Samsung SDP-6500DXR real real booth booth only weighs 5 kilograms, manufacturers designed specifically for this product on a mobile suitcase, effective protection of the booth swtor credits, but also easier for users to go out to carry. "Edit comment": Samsung SDP-6500DXR real booth image positive/negative film conversion and image drawingQuality control, and you can save/image flip, image reproduction swtor power leveling, frozen, and screen shot images and reproduction of images and other functions. Users can be set according to their habit of up to four models, showed more convenient. [HD projection free delivery] [NEC V260W award-winning trial] [Experience] Welcome to the related forum discussions: (click here to enter) Home projectors business education projection area LED micro-projection area projected trading area audio peripheral consumptive material area used projector Exchange

xiaobian vous dire amisUn secret

129624539990312500_617NetEase immobilier 7 octobre Journée nationale Golden Week, utilisation de développeurs beaucoup cette ? Silver dix ? à l'age d'or des promotions de rabais et s'efforcent de fournir cette peu froid dans le marché de l'immobilier a ajouté un feu rouge. Semaine d'or est tire à sa fin, certains internautes en raison de divers Mlle raisons l'escompte continuent d'acheter un bon moment à faire ? Peu importe, xiaobian vous dire amisUn secret : même si la Journée nationale dans le passé, les bénéfices se poursuivent. Ainsi, à partir de millions d'exquises trois chambres complètement hors de question. Printemps Helen (information, groupe-, Forum): 768 000 dollars à partir de 120 m2 junior confortable salle ininterrompues de prestations: 6 400 yuans/㎡, nouveau batiment de 170 000 $ de rabais : Helen printemps le produit 7 qui va être mis en vente à l'os de trois étages papillon océanDu c?té nord de la groupe du logement et de la visibilité, convection entre Nord et sud, deux trois ménages échelons, vivant haut confort. Les produits comprennent : 120, 130 mètres carrés de salles de trois et quatre salles : 150 swtor credits, spacieuses et confortables dans le choix des ménages-type. Vue jardin Tour/f, roi de l'appartement de la colline swtor power leveling, discount seulement 6 400 yuans/㎡. Paiements Down de 170 000, appréciez une réunion de trois unités de logements. Printemps Helen est situé dans le nouveau Yonghe Tong, serrésO luogang zone de développement de Yonghe, 10 minutes luogang City Centre, voiture d'inspection de propriété 40 minutes en voiture de ride de Tianhe. Zengcheng illimité acheter, comme la propriété de plan de métro double, potentiel de gratitude pour le printemps Helen. Selon les rapports, la ligne de 2013 ligne 13 devrait ouvrir sa nouvelle station Tong environ 10 minutes en voiture de projet et 2015, la ligne de métro ligne 6 a ouvert, leLuogang Escadre Wo xiangxue riz – extension de Yonghe development zone development zone station, s'attend à environ 5 minutes en voiture du projet. Avenir, 30 minutes à Guangzhou du printemps Helen Center, vivant des installations de LEGO.