Monday, April 9, 2012

tera power leveling user threads. Friends have said - IQV

129773993463281250_40Xinhuanet, Zhengzhou, March 25-recently, Twitter real name certified as "Yang Tong" were made by users of a micro-Bo said: on March 20, and Shangcai County, Henan province caiduzhen Jing village, green wheat fields by bulldozers levelled, the Shangcai County for attracting financing forced nearly 500 acres of cultivated land in middle school, most farmers have not been collected compensation. This microblog allotment was also destroyed in wheat field and villagePhotos of people blocking bulldozers destroyed farmland, forwarding of over 30,000, user threads. Friends have said, see this situation was very pain.   Users have called for, relevant departments should pay attention to this message, quickly organize surveys give you an explanation. Xinhua News Agency "Chinese Site" reporters ' visits to the field interviews confirmed that the construction was in the absence of expropriation proceedings without destroyingSeedling farm land.   Currently the relevant departments have already investigate, expected results is given. Crop destroyed villagers suspect was forced to signed indemnification agreement the morning of 24th, the meaning of Twitter North of Shangcai County caiduzhen Zhouzhuang village, reporters saw, green wheat fields have half a leg high, has a big wheat field near the road is flattening, the soil had a shining white, likeMan's head bald, appalling, lodging on the ground was not shoveling out the seedling thoroughly, rut and India are clearly visible in the wheat fields, farms and fields also have piled up dirt when shoveling wheat seedling, near the field of mud mixed with red firecrackers debris. "Is the 20th day before construction began the eradication of wheat seedling.   "The villagers said. According to villagers ' introduction, this block was levelled and wheatAbout fifty or sixty acres of fields, has not yet been destroyed around wheat fields have been sold, but under the villagers blocked, before it was levelled. Journalists see, farms to erect two huge shows, above a blank.   Villagers said that the display is above the original investment project plan renderings of Shangcai middle school, exposed, planning effects were pulled away. Learn pressIn an interview, brought together forty or fifty villagers in the fields, reflecting their cultivated land were forced to pay.   Introduction of villagers, many of them do not know the land, have not seen any land acquisition notice tera power leveling, without any compensation agreements. Some villagers also said, there is a compensation agreement, in accordance with the agreement, a one-time compensation of $ 33,500,Plus $ 800 young athlete compensation. Most of the villagers had not agreed to sign the agreement. "We do not unnecessarily money, more than 30,000 yuan, earning workers a year back, no, what to eat at a later time.   "Some villagers say. Villagers reflect, signed agreements in order to force the landless villagers, village officials "threatened not to let our work, not to build houses, some are reluctant to sign protocols of villagersDressing down "," I have been asked to sell later on what to eat, village officials said no sign of starvation and you. "Villagers who had signed an agreement, telling reporters:" the village kept me tera power leveling, said schools will be built, who cannot stop, do not check agreements also helped push the wheat fields, and unable to get money, I'm afraid, check, check out regretted it. "The villagers he is 2.529 acres, total compensation 86,674. 4. "Now lost all the home, what to eat at a later time? "Zhouzhuang village and landscape village for two village, later for King Zhuang villages. Reporters who asked not to be told the name of village, but villagers say that he is King village family planning members Jing Jianqiang. Jing Jianqiang says, the arable land all belongs to the picture above:All involved 4 groups of villagers, more than more than 100 villagers, compensation has been paid 70% or 80%, construction of cultivated land is imposed in order to Shangcai middle school, which is an investment project in the County. He also said that the developers in order to catch up with September admissions this year, eager to promote the project. Push when the seedling at that time, said the village Committee, the village Committee think of most of the villagers were signed,Has agreed to push, now wants to come, really inappropriate. Jing Jianqiang denies using coercion to force villagers to check Protocol in the village. "Is a village, threat no reason why beatings? "No-out unlawful land expropriation nature destroy farmland by the relevant departments to investigate how to? Developers really has no land acquisition procedures? Shangcai County land Bureau head of the discipline inspection and Hou Jianhua said, this land wasGeneral agricultural land, belonging to the collective land, although has been planned for construction land in the County, but to land, until after the change must be reported to the approval of the provincial Government of Henan land properties, we have not yet received the project developers submit any materials, land requisition approval, the procedure has not been completed, eradication of barley seedling belongs to the developer privately, land Department, after inspections found, has madeThat had to stop.   However, Hou Jianhua said construction just ruined the seedling, no destruction of land cultivation, in accordance with the land management law office was not up to standard tera gold, nor punishment based on land sector is now just send people to watch, not to let things continue to go down the development. Hou Jianhua also said that, in the absence of any cases of the expropriation proceedings, developers group signed with village landCompensation agreement was against the law, signed the agreement is invalid.   If you check did sign a related agreement, in accordance with the relevant provisions of both sides are punished, to compensation for confiscation of 50%, and fine developers and village groups. At present, for that matter, Shangcai County responded that, events from the Shangcai County people's Government investment in a full-time residential buildingLearning from Holy land investment in Henan construction, total investment of 200 million Yuan, the plan covers an area of 300 acres.   The work in progress of the project land, but holy land in land under approval procedure has not been completed, eager to begin, and Zhouzhuang village Committee reached an agreement without authorization, eradication of the masses more than 60 acres of young athletes. Above, the Shangcai County GovernmentTake immediate measures, demands that the Holy land in Henan province immediately to cease work and entrust the investigation group of departments such as land, monitoring, investigation, in accordance with the relevant responsibilities of.   Land management in accordance with laws and regulations, comprehensive land expropriation procedures as soon as possible. This reporter has learned that at present, inspectors of the Ministry of land and resources of Jinan zhumadian city, and has also been involved in investigation, expectedWill give you results. Others:

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