Monday, April 9, 2012

tera power leveling non-institutional improvements - ANR

129773822084843750_45Although there is no direct representation, but the Ministry of finance for local social security direct investment attitude clearDeposit in any other form of direct or indirect investment.  In the name for the strengthening and standardizing the financial accounts of the social security fund management in the notification on the relevant issues, the Treasury review 2011 national reorganization of dedicated fiscal accounts, found exposed social security account management issues, should be standardized and resolved. Treasury's move was designed to specification, and rightParty rights will significantly shrink the Government in social security investment. According to the notification, decentralized financial functions of management financial accounts must be in by the end of 2011 unified management of all transferred to the Treasury Department. "Money", "Steward" separate Treasury Department is mainly responsible for account management (including account opening, change, withdrawal,), financial management and accountingAccounting management and monthly insurance provides this level of social insurance funds to finance social security department Treasury collection into the current month cumulative number and social security number and account balance data; financial indicators of the Social Security Department is mainly responsible for budget issues tera gold, plan reviews, business accounts, financial management, and so on. Treasury management is more rigid. In accordance with 2010 the seventh article of the enactment of the Social Security Act, local people's Governments at or above the county level of the social security administration is responsible for the administrative management of social insurance, and other relevant departments of the local people's Governments at or above the county level shall, within their respective areas of responsibility is responsible for work related to social security. According to the 68th, deposited on account of the social insurance fund, the Administrative Secretary of StateHospital requirements. Prior to this, local Government has a great deal of discretion now, right to social security departments at all levels have proposed. According to the social insurance fund balance, on the basis of consultations with the relevant departments, make a dump of time deposits or buy bond funds balance quantity and duration of recommended; financial and treasury departments in accordance with the regulations of the State developed specific dump of time deposits, purchaseAction programme of national bonds tera power leveling, and according to the procedures laid down in the implementation.  Local financial departments shall not use fund balance for any other form of direct or indirect investment. Unable to break through the investment scope of the current provisions of the social security fund, deposits and other investments outside the Treasury. If several persons called for social pension investment breakthrough, the Treasury is the current savings andSmall break between the savings. Not only that, but future investment will further shrink social security accounts would further cut: provincial and municipal-level social security account settings in more than 5, streamline the incorporation, in principle, before the end of 2012 to 5; social insurance special account set up at the county level in 3 above, by the end of 2012, in principle, to streamline the incorporation to the 3, and all types of social security fundingFenzhang accounting, interest as required by policy. With a commercial bank is only allowed to open a pension account.  Promotion of co-ordination with provincial social insurance in the future, to further streamline the social security account number.  Current opening below the social security account number in the above provisions, no longer increases social security account number. Diversified investment of social security funds was essentially halted. In the financialPillar pension fund functioning of the Lakes system, with diversified investments in fund balances will be like a tree without roots, flows next to the personal account of funds of funds depends on the Ministry of finance in the big pool. Council for social security fund investment is more successful, which is favourable policy and market operation.  Now, place to go into the social security fund to sound track. SchoolBelieves that social security fund is the Government's bank accounts, pensions are one of pension referred to the social security fund management in Guangdong province or into the account of the Central Government, because the social security fund will be within the scope of the supervision of the State Council tera gold, the Ministry of "notice" approach does not conflict with Guangdong Province. Such a fun interpretation of purely comfort, Social Fund CouncilWorks supervision, and into the National Treasury is entirely different; the diversified investment of social security funds, and savings, bonds are two separate issues, strong control of the Ministry of social security of the future than ever before.  My bold speculations, in the context of pension account inequality, racing frequently, large areas of the financial transfer payment in the future will be hard to avoid. Debate a long time ago,Old gold into the results uncovered: pilot project of Guangdong, after Treasury code for, select the two diametrically opposite to the direction of. Guangdong implemented liberalization and diversification and finance advanced the endowment funds the management of "everything". Debate ends, no one WINS, a tube of death, a place to just randomly cycles, non-institutional improvements, only to reform, the peopleThe last laugh. Social credit, marketing is the trend. I in no way opposed to the diversified investment of social security funds, and advocated gradual advance, in fair market with professional investors are more stable revenue, as well as to enable payment has the right to choose, and public investment returns, audits on a regular basis in order to safeguard the interest paid. Transparent, open and professional,Several of the above points, will have a pension diversification investment premise. Credit unknown buzhang, cycle, interest groups run rampant market, conservative and prudent investment of its legitimacy. Must not forget that, in 2006, the National Audit Office published in 29 provinces and municipalities and 5 cities with three social security audit results, amount of irregularities found in 1999 that occurred years ago 2$ 347 million, $ 4.788 billion since 2000, misappropriated, principal financial, investment real estate, are not uncommon. But we should not believe that Treasury investment will secure. Sound investment, responsible for the payment of, should include public investment income each year, periodic audits and public audit results. Otherwise, who can guarantee that the Ministry of financeSound investment will certainly be more clever than the sound investment of local government? Others:

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