Sunday, April 22, 2012

tera gold ST rose 32.08% - BYY

129784668118022500_131Last 10 cattle unit quarter share a ride up 20.59% dust-proof A-shares were put on the strong stronger, weak and poor of the Matthew effect. As of Friday, Daniel best 10 units last year, this year rose an average of 20.59%, is the most eye-catching sea stock rose 69.33% breath. In addition, 10 stocks with the worst performance last year, this year only 3 positive earnings, an average decrease of 0.7%. UnitIs a good story in place, Daniel 10 unit last year, most comes with a theme of restructuring support, this "black chicken Phoenix" story of stimulus-related stocks stock price up rush this year. Back-door sea Chi S*ST set-listed securities, rose 204.78% last year, becoming that year's up the second place at Palace examinations. The stock rose from $ 11.15 this year to 18. $ 88, or 69.33%. Listed in cattle and bears a share of stock in the last year, up a riding a dust-proof. In addition tera power leveling, last year had better Chinese happiness this year rose 49.09%,ST rose 32.08%,ST Jinyuan gold leaf, ST languang rose exceed 20%. Last year's top performers of the new Union, this year's stock price has been $ 4.23~6.33 finishing between shocks, since the beginning of this year, shares were up only 1 penny, or 0.2%. Top 10 Daniel share eighth place last year media this year stock price has dropped from $ 13.47 to $ 12.14, or 9.87%, as the only bovine unit fell last year. Another knowledgeable person belong to media share, since the beginning of this year rose 3.78% tera gold, also performed weaker than the market. Worthy of note is that being FRY ST kejian of up to 83.38% per cent last year, and since November 8 last year, has been in a State of suspension. If the deduction has been suspended ST kejian, the remaining 9 stocks this year rose to an average of 22.88%. Huzhi up 4.87% in the same period. Last year ten bear unit still in hibernation10 bear shares most of the year with "performance do evil", since the beginning of this year the industry boom in which many stocks have not improved significantly, related stocks were very low. Statistics show that 10 big bear shares last year, most in a dormant stage, only 3 units achieved positive returns this year, average yield of-0.7%. Restructuring last year failed, resulting in share price plunge$ 66.08% in stakes this year stock price rose from $ 9.45 $ 10.83, or 14.6%, is the bear shares this year's best performing stocks of last year. In addition, performance of the huge losses last year of hanwang technology, since the beginning of this year have risen 7.15%, century Swiss rose 3.34%, this is the last 10 big bear share, this year only 3Gains for stocks. Fund top holdings Wan Bangda, Dongshan, LEYBOLD high precision studies tera power leveling, and Jianxin shares, too, declines in stock prices since this year is less than 11%. Ten bears this year shares decline last year this year, the opening price (Yuan) last week's closing price (Yuan) this year (%) of hanwang technology 73.50%11.6 12.437.15Wan Bangda in Dongshan precision 69.52%19.1819.04-0.73 new 71.91%19.2 17.19-10.47 based 69.11%4.58 4.3-6.11 Rainbow 66.47% 6.35-0.94 Dae won shares of shares 66.08%9.4Real 65.54%16.1816.723.34 LEYBOLD 5 10.83 century high-tech 64.49%10.169.82-3.34, 65.36%16.7615.42-7.99 too 64.44%10.5710.3-2.55 Jianxin shares tenDaniel this year shares gains this year, last year the opening price (Yuan) last week's closing price (Yuan) this year (%) of new sea of Hualian 209.60%5.025.03 0.2 securities 204.78.1518.8869.33 Chinese happiness 194.35.0523.9349.09ST source 142.96. "7927.9622.68ST flange 118.67%7.99 9.93 gold leaf 111.64%8.79 11.6132.08 24.28ST zhe media 98.08%14.4216.4914.35 media 94.74%13.4712.14-9.87*ST kejian 83.38%12.2512.25 0-pass 79.59%15.0515.623.78 (qianjiang evening news) Others:

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