Saturday, January 7, 2012

so the present debt under pressure

129668574447968750_32Shawn Xu: out of the world economy has not been since the end of a discussion At Saturday's 2011 annual financial Book Forum on fidelity funds, Central College of business administration Professor Shawn Xu (blog) (Twitter) that the world economy are doing, is not a double dip, but had yet to emerge a dip, is essentially a continuation of the financial crisis of 2008. He pointed out that, after the recovery of, thanks to a heavily invested star wars the old republic power leveling, butIt's like the role of stimulants, TSE: on the surface of the patient to recover, but the root cause has not eliminated, when doping effect soon disappears, fell again in the global economy. In response, said Shawn Xu, true hope of the global economic recovery was strong confidence in the market, played the role of markets, reducing government intervention in the market. "Fed wheel introducedQuantitative easing has yet to see the effects, in addition, the ECB cut interest rates, but no one believes the European Central Bank cut interest rates to tide over their difficulties. In fact, the fundamental root cause of the current global economic difficulties caused swtor power leveling, long-term implementation is due to Governments expanded fiscal policy, fiscal policy's potential has been exhausted, so the present debt under pressure, all countries are rarely made byFor, it is necessary to clean up decades of accumulated government debt-long-term implementation of Keynesian fiscal policy is overdrawn. "Shawn Xu said. Shawn Xu also said that in the global economy in the United States economy could first recovery, because it is the soundest of market mechanisms, and relatively United States Government intervention in the economy is minimal. And then there is the European economy, asEuropean economic structure elastic than United States, market-oriented than United States. Last restore is China.

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