Saturday, January 28, 2012

Diablo 3 Power Leveling President of as NPC President Chen - WRD

129667558694843750_4Channel Home News highlights comments hot China Youth daily domestic and international education society ruled by law and economic topic picture video interview with Home->> Home News->> News channel->>Print the body font size: size 2011-11-26 08:49:46.0 subordinate University leadership intensive change official school inauguration national news/enpproperty--> zhongxinwang 210,005, November 26 (Deng Yongsheng Hui Wang) directly under the Chinese Ministry of education in colleges and universities for nearly a yearTo appear "for handsome tide", in subordinate colleges in 72, one-third major leadership changes have occurred. After this adjustment, University leadership to younger diablo 3 gold, Kochi trend more evident.  At the same time, across school, trans-regional job exchange has been serving as business as usual. Over one-third subordinate college major leadership changes according to statistics, since late December 2010, ChinaOver more than 20 universities directly under the President or Secretary of the Ministry of education changes, 72 per cent of the total number of colleges and universities directly under the Ministry of education one-third. Changes are frequent in the second half of this year, 13 of the 14 new leadership took control of the subordinate College, involving 6 deputy ministerial level in colleges and universities such as Peking University swtor power leveling, Fudan University. On November 23 that there are three universities in handsome, most attention is the Chinese peopleUniversity. Dew succeed JI Baocheng, President of as NPC President Chen, aged 45, he became the youngest President in the Vice-ministerial level in colleges and universities. Chen Yulou longtime serving people's Congress, in May 2005 and assumed the Presidency of Vice President of the national people's Congress. In March 2010, he was promoted to President of Beijing Foreign Studies University. The return to the post of people's congresses to serve as Chancellor, was less than two years after the "return"。 To date, the new President of Beijing Foreign Studies University candidates have yet to be released.  After Zhu Zhiwen, Secretary of Xiamen University and Polytechnic University President LI Yuan-Yuan respectively in South China at Fudan University and Jilin University, served as President or Secretary, and that two new personnel appointments has not yet been announced. Earlier this year appointed Party Secretary Guo Guangyin became uncommon in College of Southeast University"Female zhangmen".  Personnel changes in addition to the principal, according to data released by the official website of the Ministry of education Diablo 3 Power Leveling, July 2011, the immediate change notice, Deputy Secretary of party Committee and Vice President of the University up to 12, involved personnel appointment and removal of more than 50 people. Zhangmen younger Kochi in colleges and universities, the academic elite distinctive this personnel changes later, subordinate major leaders in colleges and universities of China youngFeatures more pronounced, well-educated. In terms of age, represented by Chen Yulou "60hou" on the front, join the subordinate main leadership University.  And he took office on the same day, Secretary of the East China University of Yang Xianjin was born in December 1962, after longtime tenure at Tianjin University, and officers to the Executive Vice Secretary of CPC Committee of the school. In addition swtor power leveling, the central China Normal UniversitySchool long Yang Zongkai President Zhao Yue Yu, Nanjing Agricultural University, Hunan University President Zhou guanghong, Southwest University President Zhang Weiguo also are in subordinate College of "60hou" new zhangmen. From the perspective of educational background and working experiences Diablo 3 Power Leveling, newly appointed principals and the vast majority have PhD degrees, as well as Professor and doctor tutor of titles, "returnees", combined in their respective fields of studyAcademic elite.  For example, the new President of the Central South University, China Academy of engineering academician Zhang yaoxue Japan graduated from Northeastern University, are experts in the field of computer networking and operating system, is the first router inventor inventor and the first routing switch. Jilin University's new Chancellor LI Yuan-Yuan, a doctor of engineering degree and the title of Professor and doctor tutor of, and worked as a seniorVisiting scholar in Germany engaged in cooperative research by the Technical University of Berlin metal physics.  East China Normal University, Secretary of the new Tong shijun graduated from Norway University of Bergen, by the degree of doctor of philosophy, with title of Professor, Shanghai Academy of social sciences, Director of the Institute of philosophy. Serving school exchange program is gradually becoming a normal "official returned" diverting attention North outer President Chen Yulou ""The people's Congress star wars the old republic power leveling, Deputy Secretary of the great Yang Xianjin in South" into "huadongligong, huananligong President LI Yuan-Yuan northward" helm "jida sth  This is an outstanding feature of University's personnel changes, leading school Exchange Program Office has become the norm. Trans-regional, cross-school Exchange Office, Secretary, principal personally swtor power leveling, help increase experience, practical experience, and leadership; For colleges and universities, is helping to bring new thinking, new ways of promoting management innovations. This round in the adjustment of University personnel, government officials served in colleges and universities also appear more than once. In late August, Zhu Shanlu served as Secretary of the North, min Weifang to the outgoing Secretary of the original. Zhu Shanlu worked at Peking University study, up to 17 years.  This pre, he served as Deputy Secretary of the Jiangsu provincial CPC Committee. MountainTung, Secretary of the University's new Li Shouxin, worked in the national development and Reform Commission for many years, before transferred to the Grand Diablo 3 Power Leveling, he became Secretary for national development and Reform Commission development planning.  Central South University's new Chancellor Zhang yaoxue has been teaching at Tsinghua University in his early years, before transferred to Central South University, he served as Director of the Office of the State Council degree Committee, Ministry of education degree in management with the postgraduate education Secretary. Government officials took highSchool positions, so that people see frequent personnel exchanges between the University and politics. Media analysis pointed out that, as with scholars in politics, "official school" also reflects the Central is designed to optimize the structure of cadre, enhanced vitality overall layout is intended.

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