Thursday, May 17, 2012

accelerate market-determined exchange rate systems TERA Gold accelerate market-determined exchange

129809336163492500_1212-According to Xinhua, Hu Jintao President of special representatives, Vice Premier of the State Council Wang Qishan and the Special Representative of the President Barack Obama, United States Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, jointly presided over the fourth round of economic dialogue under the framework of Sino-US strategic and economic dialogue. Both sides announced that it would take further practical measures to enhance macroeconomic cooperation, promoting open trade and investmentFunding, strengthening the rules of international and global economic governance, promoting financial stability and reform. China's commitment to change the mode of economic development and improving people's livelihood, actively expanding domestic demand and the expansion as a strategic priority of expanding domestic demand. In order to further these objectives, the Chinese side will increase the intensity of structural tax cut policies. Trying to lower part before the end of 2012 and peopleImport tariffs on supplies of life is closely related to the livelihood of the masses. China will actively expand business tax levying VAT in scope SWTOR Credits, and gradually to extend the scope of value added tax reform to all service sectors and regions, in order to eliminate double taxation, promote service and speed up development. China is steadily increasing dividends paid in State-owned enterprises, increase the surrender profits of State-owned enterprises and State-owned enterprises at the provincial level in the middle of the number,System of State-owned capital budgeting in national budgets, to continue to improve the system of State-owned capital gains collected. China encourages all listed companies, including State-owned listed companies increased dividend payments. In addition, encourage the Chinese side to improve average dividend level of State-owned listed companies, and other consistent with the level of average market dividend of listed companies. Both sides firmly full fallsReal group of 20 relevant commitments, accelerate market-determined exchange rate systems, greater exchange rate flexibility to reflect economic fundamentals SWTOR Power Leveling, avoid continued disorder and a competitive devaluation of the exchange rate. China remains committed to promoting the reform of exchange rate, floating elastic currency is bi-directional, greater use of market supply and demand in the basic role of the exchange rate. To promote consumer-thawChinese TERA Gold, Chinese commitments to continue in accordance with legal procedure, approval subject to conditions, including foreign-owned auto finance companies, and leasing companies in China to issue financial bonds. Asset securitization, foreign and Chinese financial institutions have equal treatment, the current pilot phase based assets is limited to loan assets. Both sides decided to continue to strengthen cooperation to combat money-laundering, counterfeiting of money, weaponsWMD proliferation and terrorism financing activities, strengthening the global financial system. The two sides pledged to continue financing policy and operational cooperation in the fight against illegal. The Chinese side will continue to improve the regulatory framework for freezing of assets in question. Both sides will the foreign account tax compliance Act (FATCA) and the detailed rules for the implementation of the development of exchanges, thus providing opportunities to discuss Chinese concerns。 Commitment FATCA implementation of problems between the two sides to seek cooperative solutions. (Editors: Cao Luç’ ) Others:

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