Tuesday, February 23, 2010

the championship ranking

the championship ranking

The reporter statistics, partial stock funds suffered redemptions situation is worse than the previous quarter widened. Four Seasons has now reported 249 the disclosure of partial shares in the 219 fund net redemptions, accounting to runescape power leveling, only 30 funds Jing hen Gou, partial redemption of shares of funds amounted to 78.5 billion Yuan. At the same time, the reporter noted that the fourth quarter fund Sheen partial redemption of shares of the Fund's performance has weakened the relevance, redemption is a common phenomenon. While the bond redemption fund situation is worse than the previous quarter narrowed.

Mitch Wagner's Copper Robot is likewise not to be missed, and also includes a delicious and aromatic blend of other technologies, pop-culture, books, science fiction and politics.Follow them Simon Newstead is the founder of Frenzoo, a virtual environment that started out as a sort of virtual fashion environment blended with facebook style networking. Fashion creation can be appealing to a wide variety of ages. More recently, however, they've added in 3D scenes and spaces more like you'd expect to find in aion power leveling. Someone who got a start in Second Life and made it really big there has turned those profits into a significant stake in Frenzoo. Has released four seasons reported 85 bond funds (ABC type counted separately) Accumulated net redemption of up to 12.2 billion copies, compared to a net redemption of 16%. In addition, the popular sought after in the third quarter also hit large area index fund redemption. Four Seasons is now published in the newspaper of the 22 index funds, there is a net redemption of 17. Among them, the Shanghai Composite Health Tearful the largest amount of net redemptions, there were 2.1 billion in net redemptions; Bank management of ETF occurs due to cross 67 million copies of large Jing hen Gou, the redemption of index funds as a whole remained relatively stable Sheen , in the fourth quarter was only 2.197 billion in net redemption of shares. Sub new funds into the redemption of the hardest hit are worth noting that the second new fund of fund redemptions in the fourth quarter surge to bear the brunt. Now published four seasons reported 43 partial shares of the new fund-type meeting (in 2009 the establishment of the first three quarters), there are 39 net redemptions, the cumulative share of the net redemption of 19.9 billion copies, partial shares of the total fund net redemptions 25% of the total. Partial stock fund is currently ranked the top three in net redemptions in the second half of 2009 are a new fund set up times, flexible configuration Harvest returns were 4.016 billion in net redemptions, Po-time strategy and configure a net redemption of 3.042 billion copies, GF poly-rue 2.659 billion in net redemptions were. There are five times the shares of new funds suffered in the fourth quarter, "cut", the Great Wall pairs of power, Nordisk growth advantage, the Great Wall boom industry leader, Soochow active strategy, HSBC Mistrust broader market share of the redemption of the ratio exceed 50%. Sub new fund experienced a net redemption of a larger and performance has nothing to do. The second new fund in the fourth quarter, a good performance, and the Great Wall pairs of super-powered four-quarter net rose 16%, HSBC Mistrust is to achieve broad market gains 21% rise in the stock funds in the championship ranking.

The fund industry, said the new fund Jouncing are usually more stable and less risky, there are some funds prefer to invest in new funds, while in the new fund opened for subscription and redemption after a quick withdrawal. Cargo-based share of the explosive growth statistics show that in 2009 experienced a net redemption of the largest money fund in the fourth quarter as a whole appeared in large Jing Shantou accumulated amounted to 104.4 billion Yuan, 10 billion increment in world of warcraft power leveling, Harvest Jing Shantou 156 million copies of the currency, cross-currency B Jing hen Gou Silver 141 billion copies, Dashing currency B reached 12.7 billion purchase copies. Big fund companies and banks fund the Department of the IMF's share of the emergence of even more explosive growth.


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